According to its healing properties, celery is comparable to ginseng. Its leaves, petioles and root crops contain a huge amount of vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, E, K, PP. It enhances digestion, tones the nervous system and strengthens sleep. That is why the question often arises, how to grow celery. In summer cottages, completely different varieties of root celery are grown. Moreover, we can grow celery on the windowsill.
Such types of celery are known: leaf, root, petiole. This does not mean at all that only the roots are eaten from the root, and only the leaves from the leaf. All parts of the cultivated plant are edible, it is even hard to believe that it was bred by selection from a very common wild counterpart, which has a thin fibrous root.
Leaf celery is cultivated if they want to eat green leaves, fragrant and rich in vitamins. All varieties of leaf celery form a rosette early, leaves on hollow cuttings can be cut off throughout the season, but coarse, highly branched roots are not eaten. This species can be grown at home.
Varieties of the petiolate species are distinguished by large, fleshy petioles, long, erect, with a thick base and tender flesh. They are eaten fresh, they are used to prepare various dishes. The root crop remains underdeveloped, usually not eaten.
This miracle plant can be found more often in the supermarket than in summer cottages. The only exception is root celery; summer residents have been growing it in recent years. When cultivating varieties of root celery, greens will have to wait a long time, in addition, in order for a large root crop to ripen, only the side leaves need to be cut off in a very limited amount.
He eats everything – from the root to the seeds. But the root crop is formed for a very long time – from 120 to 170 days. It is eaten raw, boiled, fried, added when cooking first and second courses. Seeds contain a lot of essential oils, they are most often used as a seasoning or for making sauces, marinades.
Video “Sowing celery”
Informative video with useful tips for gardeners.
Cultivation of petiole
The cultivation of petiole celery is not widespread, which is probably why there are not many varieties. The most famous varieties of celery stem:
- early ripe “Malachite” with dark green leaves and a growing season of 80 days;
- the self-bleaching variety “Golden” ripens for about 150 days, its fleshy petioles are not hollow inside;
- “Pascal” matures in about 100 days, and the stems grow up to 22 cm;
- mid-late “Triumph” ripens up to 130 days, its emerald green stems grow up to 30 cm, and it can be cultivated not only in open ground, but even at home;
- “Tango” with a growing season of 180 days produces bluish-green stems without fibers, they are slightly curved on the inside, they are distinguished by a rich taste.
Growing petiole celery in the middle lane begins with sowing seeds at home. Seeds are sown at home in early March, and already in early May, seedlings are transferred to open ground. The site must be chosen open, lit, with fertile soil. Plants are planted in specially prepared trenches, leaving at least 20 cm between them. Delicate plants, just taken out of the house, should preferably be covered for a time when frosts are still possible.
2 weeks after planting, the plants are fed, for this they take mullein, chicken manure or urea, dilute 0,5 liters of fertilizer with a bucket of water. Fertilize carefully, as an excess of nitrogen can lead to cracking of the stems.
When the stems grow to 25 cm, the bleaching process begins. Weak shoots are removed, the remaining petioles are wrapped in paper so that only the leaves remain open. Hilling serves the same purpose – bleaching, so grown plants are hilled twice before harvesting. This is a feature of caring for him.
Celery needs a lot of watering, especially in light soil, it will grow with a lack of moisture, but the inside of the stems will become inedible. Ground that is too dry will result in early firing. But damp ground helps attract slugs and snails. So that they do not encroach on the succulent stems, you need to weed, do not leave plant debris between the rows.
The crop is harvested in the fall, when September is running out. To do this, the plants are dug up along with the roots. Growing petiole celery in the country requires attention, but care is not very difficult, and the vitamin crop is so tasty and healthy that it’s worth it.
Growing a root
Root celery is cultivated much more widely than other types, there are many varieties. The most famous of them:
- “Prague giant” – large root crops with light pulp ripen 120 days after the appearance of sprouts, they are distinguished by a bright taste and smell;
- “Diamond” ripens in 150 days, its smooth round roots have an average weight of 200 g, light flesh does not change color even after heat treatment;
- “Cascade” – also ripens 150 days after germination, rounded root crops with light pulp have lateral roots only at the bottom;
- “Apple” – the ripening of the root crop lasts from 90 to 160 days, the snow-white pulp is rich in sugars (which affects its taste), the weight can be from 80 to 140 g, so it can grow up to 1 kg per 5 square meter, this variety is practically not affected diseases;
- “Root Gribovsky” gains its weight (65 – 135 g) for 120 – 150 days after the appearance of sprouts, its flesh is light with yellow;
- “Albin” ripens in 120 days, most of the rounded root crops with a diameter of about 12 cm rise above the ground when grown, the roots grow only in the lower part, the very top of the white root crop has a greenish tint;
- “Strongman” gains its average weight (400 g) in 170 days after sprouts appear from the seeds, its roots are large, rounded, white with yellowness, the pulp is sweet and fragrant, lateral roots grow only from below;
- “Egor” is valued for the high content of sugars in large rounded roots with yellow-gray skin and white flesh, which ripen in 180 days;
- “Giant” gives very large root crops – up to 700 g with dense white pulp and beige skin, its leaves are large dark green, and the roots grow only at the bottom;
- “Anita” – oval or round root crops weighing up to 400 g with beige skin and white flesh ripen in 160 days, the variety is known for very tasty root crops and high yields;
- “Maxim” – the latest variety of those that are cultivated in our country, ripens in 200 days, root crops with creamy pulp have a spicy taste and grow up to 500 g, it is their experts who recommend for long-term storage.
Only in the south is it possible to grow root celery by sowing directly into the ground, most often the seeds are sown in a small dish at home, and when strong seedlings grow, they are planted on a bed with prepared soil. Celery is suitable for light, sandy, nutritious soil. Before planting, it is impossible to fertilize the soil with manure, it is good if manure was introduced for previous crops, otherwise the root crop will grow crooked.
After sowing up to 6 leaves, seedlings are grown at home, then planted in moist soil at a distance of 30 cm. Planting is done carefully – so as not to damage the delicate roots, not to deepen the growth point. Seeds lose their germination capacity over time, so only fresh ones should be taken for sowing. To speed up the germination time of the seeds, they are soaked for 2 days with warm water.
At the end of summer, excess soil is turned away from the root crop, it is necessary that the head protrudes from the ground. The side roots are cut off with a sharp knife. Harvested before frost, usually not earlier than mid-October.
Leaf cultivation
Growing leaf celery is not very common among summer residents, although it does not require care for all 24 hours. Celery grows in a greenhouse, in the garden, even at home. The most famous varieties:
- “Kartuli” – an early Georgian variety, its greens can be cut already 65 days after germination, it shows resistance to drought;
- “Cheerfulness” ripens in 70 days, is not afraid of either drought or cold, does not require special care, gives carved fragrant leaves;
- “Zakhar” gives a very high yield, but technical maturity occurs only 150 days after germination, although after 105 days its leaves can be eaten;
- “Gentle” is a mid-season variety that ripens in 100 days, its rosette is semi-vertical, the greens are dark green with a strong aroma;
- “Samurai” – gives greens 75 days after the seeds have sprouted, the rosette grows up to 65 cm, fragrant curly greens do not need special care, but are very much appreciated by culinary specialists.
Growing leaf celery is possible everywhere, everyone can care for it. Seeds can be sown directly on the garden, but such sowing gives uneven seedlings, usually the owners prefer to grow seedlings at home, and with warmth already organize plantings on the site. At home, seedlings need moderate watering, loosening, light, airing.
Watering and sunlight are needed for celery even after planting in the garden. Therefore, it must be broken through, this is done a month after germination, and then another 3 weeks later. It is fed with bird droppings, mullein or herbal mash.
Cut the leaves begin 1,5 months after the germination of crops. After cutting, water and feed, this will allow you to repeat cutting the leaves up to 3 times. In autumn, all leaves are cut, but you can dig up a plant with an earthy clod when it is already cold outside, and it can continue to grow at home.
How to care for celery
Celery is a biennial plant that can be sown in the country, but it is better to grow seedlings at home, which will speed up ripening and prolong the formation of greenery. The soil should not be acidic The best predecessors for celery are tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers. It is possible to plant individual plants in the middle of the garden – the spicy aroma repels pests.
Proper care of celery involves timely watering, obligatory loosening of the soil, weeding. Watering should be plentiful, but water should not be allowed to stagnate. Cultivation should be done on nutritious soils, if necessary, feed the plants with mineral fertilizers, you can combine this with irrigation, loosen the ground, free from weeds. Such care will protect plants from diseases and allow you to get a rich harvest.
Video “All you need to know gardeners”
Informative video with all the necessary data for gardeners.