Celery – drinking tincture of celery on vodka (moonshine, alcohol)

Homemade celery tincture is an autumn male drink with a burning taste and spicy aroma. Warms well and rejuvenates. Also, in moderation, it is useful for men to restore sexual function. First of all, celery lovers will like pepper and horseradish.

Fresh stalks (petioles) or celery root are suitable for making tincture. The leaves are too strong in taste. It is better to take petioles closer to the center of the beam, and the root, on the contrary, near the edges. On the roots it turns out harder, but faster, more fragrant and without “herbal” tones. In both cases, excessive pungency can be leveled by adding pure vodka to the finished celery tincture.

As an alcohol base, vodka, a well-purified distillate (moonshine) or alcohol diluted to 40-45% is suitable. Using gin, cognac or whiskey is not advisable, as celery with ginger and garlic will kill notes of oak aging or juniper.


  • vodka (diluted alcohol, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • celery – 100 grams of root or 2 large stems;
  • buckwheat honey (sugar) – 1 teaspoon;
  • ginger – 10 grams (optional);
  • garlic – 1 clove (optional)

Liquid buckwheat honey softens the taste of the tincture well, sugar acts a little worse. Ginger, like celery, helps restore male strength, and garlic strengthens the immune system.

celery tincture recipe

1. Peeled celery root or stalks cut into large pieces and put in a container for infusion – a glass jar or bottle.

2. Add honey (sugar), ginger root (cut into small pieces) and a clove of garlic cut into 3-4 parts.

3. Pour in the alcohol base. Mix. Close hermetically. Leave in a dark place at room temperature.

Leave the drink on celery roots for 2 days, on petioles – 10 days (shake every 2-3 days).

4. Strain the resulting tincture through gauze or a sieve. Squeeze the vegetable base dry. Especially a lot of alcohol absorbs celery root.

5. Taste the drink. If too hot, dilute with vodka or moonshine to taste. It is better not to add water, otherwise the tincture may become cloudy.

6. Pour the finished drink into bottles. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste. Drink no more than 150-200 ml per evening. Can be used instead of vodka in cocktails.

The shelf life of celery tincture away from direct sunlight is up to 3 years. Fortress – 32-35%.

Celery – drinking tincture of celery on vodka (moonshine, alcohol)

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