Celebrities reach for hangover drips. The doctor talks about the “firefighter method”

While the hangover drip is not a new phenomenon, it has recently caught the attention of the media. All thanks to Julia Wieniawa, who showed the network how she takes the drip. A similar photo was also published by Klaudia El Dursi, although she did not suggest what was the reason. What are the “hangover drips” really, do they work and why does the toxicologist warn that it is rather a “firefighter’s method”? We explain.

  1. The task of the “hangover drip” is to accelerate the regeneration of the body after drinking alcohol. It is mainly about hydrating and removing “percentages” from the body faster
  2. The toxicologist reminds that this solution can be used when it is necessary, e.g. we are not able to take fluids on our own
  3. Doctors remind that drinking alcohol, especially in excess, is harmful
  4. If we are going to a drunk party, it is worth following two rules, thanks to which we will avoid a hangover or it will be lighter
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Drip after the party. Wieniawa and El Dursi show the photos

“Hangover drip” is not a new invention, it has been talked about for a good few years. Some foreign celebrities admit to using them. Recently, this method of fighting a hangover has become widely known in some Polish media. It happened after the entry of Julia Wieniawa. The celebrity showed on Instagram how she takes a drip from one of the popular companies offering the so-called drip for a hangover (eventually the post was removed).

A photo with a vitamin drip was also published by Klaudia El Dursi. Previously, the celebrity had fun at the wedding of Karolina Pisarek and Roger Salla. After the party, she admitted that she did not feel well. Her well-being was so bad that she decided to connect to the drip (El Dursi did not suggest what was the reason for the infusion, however).

The rest of the text is below the video.

“Good morning. Oh, good morning, 17.00 p.m. in total, I say good morning, it’s not good. The day after is never a good day. What more can I say… probably nothing, because I don’t have the strength for more »- she confessed in social media (after Plejada.pl). She signed the picture with the drip: “It will be all right”.

These events were commented on by the journalist of “Super Express”, Bartosz Wojsa.

What is a hangover drip and what does it contain?

Giving a drip to people who have drunk alcohol is nothing new. In this way, the effects of alcohol poisoning are alleviated when the patient comes to the ED. He then receives an infusion to improve his condition. For some time this solution has also been used by people who want to feel better or sober up faster after the party. There are even centers specializing in such services.

What does this “hangover drip” contain? It contains electrolytes, glucose, vitamins, minerals, painkillers and antiemetics. As with drips given in hospitals. – It is the same drip, although of course in such clinics various things add to it – e.g. vitamins or ions – explains Dr.Eryk Matuszkiewicz, a clinical toxicology specialist for MedTvoiLokona, who works at the Department and Department of Emergency Medicine. – We mainly serve pure liquid, if there is no other need.

Hangover drips work? A doctor about the “firefighter method”

The task of the “hangover drip” is primarily to accelerate the regeneration process of the body after consuming alcohol. It’s all about rehydration of the patient. As Dr. Matuszkiewicz explained in an interview with Medonet, “alcohol has a dehydrating effect on us – we lose fluids and electrolytes with it”. – Secondly, the idea is to accelerate the elimination, that is, the removal of alcohol from the body. This way it actually happens faster, i.e. in simple words, you get sober faster through the drip – says the specialist.

However, the doctor points out that such a solution is more of a “firefighter’s method”, consisting in reacting when it is necessary. In his opinion, there is no need to do this regularly. – If we function normally on a daily basis, we are able to take fluids on our own, and with them electrolytes, this is an equivalent or even preferred route. Because it is known that it is through the digestive tract that food and fluids should get into the body. And if this is not an option or we want it to be faster, then we are left with the parenteral route, i.e. drip – says the toxicologist.

It is known that the time of administration of such a drip is about 40-60 minutes. Prices start from PLN 450.

How To Drink Alcohol To Avoid A Hangover? Two rules

Although the “hangover drip” is some way to improve the well-being of a hangover, doctors remind that drinking alcohol, especially in excess, is harmful and that prevention is the best.

Alcohol is a substance on the liver. Carry out diagnostics of liver diseases now, take advantage of the laboratory tests offered by Medonet Market.

However, if we know that we are going to have a drunk party, remember two rules that will help you avoid a hangover or at least reduce it. – First: when our head is spinning or getting too happy, it is a sign that it is time to say “stop”. If you continue to drink, you will end up getting drunk and hangover – says Eryk Matuszkiewicz.

The second key point pointed out by the toxicologist: let’s not drink alcohol itself, but I’m not talking about drinks, but about water or juices. – We should drink at least as much as we drink alcohol – he points out. – Thanks to rehydration while consuming alcohol, on the second day we will avoid this “patter of white seagulls”, to quote the unforgettable Wojciech Młynarski – says the specialist (the entire text on this topic: How to drink alcohol to avoid a hangover? ).

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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