Celebrating spring with TikTok: the best fitness trainers online

Celebrating spring with TikTok: the best fitness trainers online

Celebrating spring with TikTok: the best fitness trainers online

Spring is coming, which means it’s time to go in for sports and prepare yourself for summer vacation. We will share the most interesting fitness accounts on the TikTok video platform, which offer useful and inspirational workout videos.

Simple and fast

TikTok’s short video format makes it very convenient to watch full-fledged workout programs. The trainer shows a set of exercises on the video, and in the corner of the screen it is written how many approaches you need to complete. Thanks to such a capacious format of training on the platform, fitness blogger Diana Sonina has become popular. On her page you can find not only sets of exercises, but also funny notes about sports life. For example, about how a girl feels for the first time in the gym: many are familiar with this awkward feeling when it seems that some beauties are gathered around. The humor and positive attitude on Diana’s page makes it easier to relate to the topic of losing weight and never give up.

Doing at home

Often we sign up for a gym just for self-organization: there no one will make allowances for fatigue or an unsuitable mood for classes. But in fact, for a beautiful figure, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym. TikTok trainers prove this by posting short videos of helpful workouts at home. For such activities, you only need comfortable clothes and a fighting spirit. Fitness trainer Ekaterina Usmanova in her account talks about exercises that can be easily performed at home. Ekaterina examines each movement in detail, explaining how to correctly and efficiently perform it. 

Star workouts

Challenges are an integral part of TikTok, and they often inspire users to share their sports achievements. Famous athletes also take part in such activities, helping subscribers with useful advice on maintaining a beautiful figure. For example, gymnast Samira Mustafayeva became the inspirer of the TikTok challenge #promise to yourself by posting a program of stretching exercises on her page. And Lyaysan Utyasheva amazed the users with the recording of her “elementary” morning exercises, which she promised herself to do every day for good health. 

Male approach

The famous fitness trainer and master of sports in bodybuilding Yuri Spasokukotsky offers strength exercises in his account, so he is especially popular with the male audience. So if you are thinking of introducing your man to sports, Yuri’s account is good for this, because he talks about training in a “right / wrong” format and dispels myths about fitness. Often starting to practice in the gym on their own, beginners make mistakes that can lead to injuries or prevent the achievement of the desired effect. So if you see a man in the gym quickly lifting the bar up and down, do not rush to admire: in fact, this exercise should be performed slowly, sharply pushing the bar up and smoothly lowering it down.

Sports as inspiration 

If you are looking for inspiration for sports achievements, and not ready-made sets of exercises, we advise you to subscribe to the athlete Evgeny Bushmelev’s TikTok account. Eugene shares amazing tricks and spectacular support with subscribers. For example, how girls and guys pull themselves up, hanging on his outstretched arms, like on a horizontal bar. And recently, Eugene impressed subscribers with a video where he jumps from the plank position to 4 pancakes for the barbell. Evgeny does not deny that it was not easy: after the video, he posted a clip with a dozen failed attempts to complete this jump, calming his subscribers. 

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