Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

Cedar resin is a unique natural remedy that is used to treat many diseases. It is interesting to understand what turpentine is, what composition it has, and what means exist on its basis.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

What is cedar resin

Cedar resin is a sticky, odorous resin that is released on a tree trunk when the bark is damaged. The main purpose of resin in nature is to protect the cedar from insects or fungal diseases. Since through damage to the bark, harmful microorganisms can penetrate directly to the wood of the plant and damage its health, the resin clogs the wounds of the tree.

The resin has a disinfecting, regenerating and cleansing effect. Interestingly, these properties are valuable not only for the cedar itself, but also for human health. Cedar resin is used by official and traditional medicine, and the effectiveness of the remedy has been repeatedly confirmed by practice.

Composition of cedar resin resin

Cedar resin has a very diverse and rich composition, which contains:

  • resin acids – palustric, sapic, abietic, levopimaric and others, the total volume of which is about 77%;
  • fatty acids – lauric, oleic, stearic and palmitic;
  • monoterpenes – camphene, limonene, pinene, occupying a total of about 35% of the volume;
  • diterpenes and sesquiterpenes, the share of which is about 10%;
  • succinic acid;
  • vitamins D and C;
  • resin esters;
  • resinols;
  • resanotannols.

The composition of cedar resin has no analogues – the same useful tool cannot be obtained in the laboratory. Due to this, natural raw materials are of great interest for collection.


Cedar resin can be conditionally divided into 2 categories.

  • Crude resin. Such resin has a lot of useful properties, but it does not look very attractive, since it contains pieces of bark, needles and other small forest debris stuck to the resin on the tree. Usually, before being used inside, the resin is cleaned, since not all foreign particles in it are safe for the body.
  • Purified. All excess debris has already been extracted from such cedar resin, resin has not only useful properties, but also a clean, homogeneous consistency.
Important! In pharmacies, cedar resin is often found in the form of a ready-made balm. Such an additive can also be divided into different categories depending on the concentration – 5%, 15%, 25% and above. Means with a concentration of up to 10% are suitable for ingestion, all the rest can only be used externally.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

Useful properties of cedar resin

Altai cedar resin has many useful properties, of which 3 main effects can be distinguished.

  • Disinfectant. Cedar resin is an effective natural antiseptic and is able to eliminate any bacteria and fungal microorganisms, both on the surface of the tree and in the human body. Resin helps fight inflammation, stops infectious processes, and eliminates viruses.
  • Protective. When applied to damaged tissues, cedar resin envelops the diseased area and not only disinfects it, but also prevents the penetration of new bacteria – an impenetrable resinous film forms on the surface of the wound.
  • Warming. Terpenes in the composition of cedar resin have an irritating effect on nerve endings and contribute to local acceleration of blood circulation. Thus, the active work of the immune system is launched, the body begins to fight the infection, and a short time after the application of the resin, a positive effect is observed – inflammation decreases, swelling and pain disappear.

The natural remedy can be used by both women and men. No less useful is cedar resin for children, although it should be used for babies with extreme caution.

How sap is mined

There are 2 main methods by which resin is obtained from Siberian and Altai cedars – tapping and manual collection.

  • Extraction of resin with the help of tapping is carried out in the warm season, when the viscous resin is actively moving along the tree trunk and has a viscous, semi-liquid consistency. The process looks like this – a small section of the cedar tree trunk is cleaned of bark, a collection container is hung up, and then about 10 oblique notches are made on each side, and fresh resin flows into the container rather quickly.
  • Hand picking is more often done in winter. In an ecologically clean forest, you need to find cedars with abundantly resinous trunks and with a sharp knife just clean off the hardened resin from their surface. This method is more laborious, but its advantages include the fact that in the process the tree does not have to be damaged.
Advice! The tapping allows you to get much more fresh resin in a short time. But to preserve the health of the tree, it is recommended to take no more than 2 kg of raw materials from one cedar, and after the collection, carefully treat the damaged wood with garden pitch or fungicidal solutions.

In what form is it used

The resin of the Siberian cedar is used in several main ways. In combination with other valuable components, the therapeutic effect of raw materials and digestibility are significantly increased.

Cedar resin with cedar oil

Cedar resin in cedar oil is the most popular resin-based remedy. The medicine is also called cedar or turpentine balm, and you can buy a balm at a pharmacy or make it at home.

  • Cedar balm is a mixture of 2 components – resin and natural cedar oil.
  • The concentration may vary – 5% and 10% balm is suitable for internal use, externally, you can use a product with a concentration of 15%, 20% or even 50%. This indicator indicates the ratio of components in the balm, for example, in the product with the lowest concentration, the resin occupies only 5% of the volume, and the rest is oil.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

To prepare 10% balm at home, you will need to take cedar oil and purified resin. About 200 ml of oil is placed in a water bath and slightly heated, adding resin particles to it in the process – in total, 25 g of resin must be dissolved in the oil. The substance must be constantly stirred so that its consistency is homogeneous. After the resin is completely dissolved in the base, the balm can be removed from the heat and cooled.

Cedar oleoresin on cedar oil, according to reviews, helps well with a wide variety of ailments – with digestive diseases and joint inflammation, with skin lesions and dermatological diseases. The balm can be used for hair and facial skin care, it is often added to the composition of healing masks. Inside, the drug is used in small dosages, usually in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cedar resin with propolis

Another useful natural remedy is cedar resin enriched with bee propolis. The therapeutic composition can also be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently by mixing the components in the right proportions.

To prepare the product, you will need high-quality cold-pressed cedar oil, directly resin and propolis, and the presence of oil should be 60%, and resin and propolis – 30% and 10%, respectively. If you reduce these proportions, then the therapeutic effect of the remedy will noticeably decrease, and if they are increased, harm to the mucous membranes and digestive organs is possible.

Cedar resin with propolis has pronounced disinfecting and antiviral properties. The product contains a large amount of fatty acids, as well as vitamins E, B and F, therefore it improves blood circulation, prevents the spread of free radicals and starts renewal processes in the body. You can use the remedy for colds and inflammatory ailments, for digestive disorders and for weakened immunity.

Cedar resin with linseed oil

The basis for turpentine balm can be not only cedar, but also linseed oil, which has powerful healing properties. Such a product is prepared in the same way as ordinary cedar balm – the proportions remain the same, only the base component changes. For example, to prepare a 10% balm, you need to put a liter of linseed oil in a water bath and gradually stir 100 g of purified resin into it.

Flaxseed oil based product benefits primarily the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver. Balm is also used to cleanse the body of toxins and salts of heavy metals. The medicinal composition has an antiseptic and anti-sclerotic effect, eliminates the feeling of chronic fatigue and improves immunity.

Cedar resin with white cinquefoil

Siberian cedar resin in combination with medicinal white cinquefoil brings a good effect in the treatment of thyroid diseases. The remedy consists of 3 components – cedar oil, which occupies 60% of the total volume, purified resin, which accounts for 30%, and cinquefoil, which occupies the remaining 10%.

Potentilla has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background in the human body, prevents the formation of nodes and malignant neoplasms. Cedar resin with cinquefoil is used with an increase in the thyroid gland and with the appearance of diffuse changes, with hormonal disorders. Other components in the composition of the healing agent additionally saturate the body with vitamins and help to cope with the developing inflammatory process.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

Honey with cedar resin

Beneficial is cedar resin in combination with honey, it can be used both internally and externally. Natural bee honey enhances the antibacterial and antiviral properties of the resin, so the drug shows increased effectiveness in colds and digestive diseases, as well as skin lesions.

Preparing at home is very easy. If it is necessary to obtain an ointment for external use, then the resin and honey are mixed in equal proportions, and then heated in a water bath until completely homogeneous. If the use is planned internal, they return to standard proportions, 1 part of resin to 9 parts of bee honey.

For gastritis, colds and inflammatory processes in the body, it is recommended to use resin with honey in a teaspoon on an empty stomach, washed down with warm water. In case of irritation and damage to the skin, homemade ointment is applied to the affected area and left for several hours.

Treatment with cedar resin

The effectiveness of cedar resin in the treatment of certain ailments is recognized even by official medicine. It is recommended to use resin:

  • for colds and viral diseases – for acute respiratory viral infections, flu, tonsillitis, cough and runny nose, cedar resin quickly eliminates any microorganisms and thereby helps to alleviate the condition;
  • with anal fissures, polyps in the rectum and hemorrhoids – resin forms a protective film on the surface of open microcracks and sores, prevents the development of infectious processes and promotes rapid healing;
  • with joint ailments – cedar resin has warming properties and increases blood flow in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe diseased joint, therefore it relieves spasms and pain, improves cartilage nutrition and accelerates recovery from arthritis, osteochondrosis and rheumatism;
  • with otitis – a natural remedy will not be able to eliminate all the symptoms of an advanced disease, however, with inflammation of the outer ear, it will quickly relieve discomfort;
  • in oncology – terpenes in the composition of resin belong to the category of plant poisons of weak action and, when directed, have a depressing effect on malignant cells;
  • for skin damage – the healing properties of resin are extremely effective for wounds and burns, ulcers and bedsores, inflammatory diseases of the skin, since the resin soothes inflammation and restores epidermal cells with lichen, eczema and herpes;
  • with gastritis – in this case, the resin should be used very carefully, however, in minimal dosages, it will help to quickly remove inflammatory processes in the stomach;
  • with cataracts, eye inflammations and decreased vision – cedar resin for the eyes is beneficial only in a very small concentration of not more than 2,5%, however, with careful use of instillation, they will help eliminate discomfort in the eyes, dryness and burning.

It is recommended to take resin inside for inflammatory processes in the gynecological sphere, for mastopathy and angina pectoris, and for tuberculosis.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

Siberian cleaning with cedar resin has many positive reviews. Turpentine balm with a concentration of not more than 10% is started daily in the morning on an empty stomach with just 1 drop and with each new day the dosage is increased by 1 drop until a single serving is 40 drops. After that, the countdown begins – they use cedar balm for another 40 days, but this time gradually reduce the dosage.

Siberian cleansing has a complex effect on the body, helps to get rid of helminths without the use of pharmaceuticals, improves the condition of blood vessels, has a healing effect on the heart system and regulates blood pressure.

Cedar resin in cosmetology

Useful properties of cedar resin in the form of balms are actively used in the cosmetology field. The natural remedy has a strong moisturizing and nourishing effect, accelerates renewal processes and restores metabolism under the skin of the face and head. Reviews of cedar resin for the face confirm that the natural product helps fight skin inflammation, acne and blackheads, restores skin elasticity and smoothes mimic wrinkles. You can treat with cedar balm not only the face, but also problem areas on the whole body – with regular use, resin with regular use will be able to tighten the outlines of the figure and reduce cellulite.

Cedar resin is also very useful for hair, it strengthens the follicles of curls, makes the strands thicker and silkier. The emollient properties of resin help to get rid of dry scalp and dandruff. You can use the product as part of homemade masks or add a little cedar balm to a regular shampoo – in both cases, there will be a noticeable benefit from the resin.

How to take pine resin inside

Basically, traditional medicine practices 2 ways of internal use of cedar resin.

  • Siberian purge. In this case, the drug is started with just 1 drop and the dosage is increased daily, after 40 days the volume of the daily portion should be 40 drops. Then the dosage begins to be gradually reduced in the same way, for another 40 days, until the daily portion is again only 1 drop.
  • Reception according to the universal scheme. You can also use cedar resin for prevention and treatment, 1 teaspoon twice a day for a month. Such therapy brings a quick and noticeable result, but before using resin, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to a natural remedy.
Attention! It is necessary to use cedar resin in minimal quantities, as part of proven healing balms based on vegetable oils.

In its pure form, resin can be more likely to cause harm if swallowed, since it is not digested in the stomach and has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, gum can be chewed for 15-20 minutes, but then it should be spit out.

Contraindications to pine oleoresin

Medicinal properties and contraindications of cedar resin are inseparable from each other. Despite all the benefits of a natural product, it is not recommended to use it:

  • with severe cardiovascular ailments;
  • with gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with cholelithiasis and hepatitis;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • with infectious processes and mechanical injuries of the eyes.

Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, application, reviews

A contraindication to the use of resin is an allergy to a natural remedy. Also, it is impossible to offer cedar resin to children under the age of 5 years, it will harm the digestive system of babies.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to store the collected cedar resin in a glass container under a tightly screwed lid. Since resin retains its beneficial properties away from sunlight and at low temperatures, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

As for the shelf life of the medicinal product, balms and ointments based on resin remain usable for 2 years. At the same time, resin in its pure form, or undiluted cedar resin, can be stored for an indefinitely long time.


Cedar resin is a natural healing agent with powerful anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It is necessary to use it in very small dosages, but with proper use, the resin can significantly improve health.

Reviews of cedar resin

Sergeeva Alevtina Viktorovna, 47 years old, Podolsk
There are no cedar forests near me, so I buy resin in a pharmacy. Turpentine balm has repeatedly helped me quickly get rid of a cold and relieve rheumatic exacerbations, I can also confirm the benefits of a hair product, resin prevents hair from weakening and falling out.
Ilyina Anna Vasilievna, 52 years old, Yekaterinburg
Once every few years, I definitely collect cedar resin – this is one of the most useful natural remedies. I arrange a Siberian cleansing of the body every year, after it the body feels light, digestion works like clockwork, pressure normalizes and joints stop hurting.
GAIN OF CEDAR || Useful properties and application

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