Cedar oil

Pine nut oil is obtained from the nuts of the cedar pine. This pine is an evergreen tree that is widespread in Russia, as well as in Asia, Mongolia and Korea. Cedar lives for a very long time, up to 700 years, and bears fruit about once every 2 years. But the pine gives the greatest number of nuts only once every 5 years.

Cedar oil is appreciated precisely because it is environmentally friendly, it is a completely natural product that has no artificial analogues. It surpasses all known other vegetable oils in useful properties, and for many centuries it has been used by people to treat various diseases. In particular, it is used to treat hypertension, to help with skin injuries (including burns, like sea buckthorn oil), and also to help the stomach.

Cedar oil is prepared using a cold pressed technique. The result is a pleasant amber-colored oil that has a noticeable nut flavor, contains a high concentration of protein and fatty acids. If it is planned to use cedar oil for perfumery or for technical purposes, a hot method of its extraction is used. Cold pressed oil is used in cooking, cosmetology and as a medicine.

Useful Properties

Cedar oil owes its composition to its composition: it contains a high concentration of various vitamins, a lot of useful fatty acids and minerals. It is a large number of nutrients that allows using oil for cosmetology and for medicinal purposes. Its main advantage is that it is easily absorbed by the human body, has no contraindications to use and is not only not prohibited, but even shown for use by children, because the children’s body most of all needs to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In traditional medicine, cedar oil has always been considered an excellent means of treating tuberculosis, they have been treated for high blood pressure and have saved people with intestinal and stomach diseases. In addition, it is prescribed to people who have varicose veins: for treatment, it is only necessary to lubricate the foot with cedar oil only twice a day.

A high concentration of vitamins in cedar nut oil has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, improves the nervous system, is able to stabilize the blood, and also acts as a good prevention of blood, blood vessels and heart diseases.

The antioxidants contained in it allow you to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the immune system, and also help the body remove excess fluid. In addition, cedar oil helps with various skin lesions, including wounds or burns. It can stimulate wound healing, therefore it is widely used to help with burns, frostbite or superficial wounds. In addition, it helps the normal functioning of the intestines and stomach, removes harmful salts and toxic substances from the body, is able to relieve pain and has a calming effect.

Useful properties of cedar oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • regenerating;
  • expectorant;
  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • restoring.

Cedar oil is widely used in cosmetology due to the fact that it is capable of acting as a rejuvenating agent, restoring the skin, improving the condition of hair and nails. It is recommended to take people who smoke or consume alcohol, as it can reduce the harmful effects of these habits on the body.

The composition of cedar oil

Cedar oil contains 5 times more vitamin E than olive oil. This is a very important vitamin, as it improves the general condition of the body, improves metabolism, helps women fight many gynecological diseases. In addition, it prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels. But cedar oil is most highly valued due to its high concentration of vitamin PP.

It also contains fatty acids necessary for the human body. Most of all is contained in cedar oil of linolenic acid, which normalizes cholesterol levels. This acid is not produced by our body, so it is very important that we get it from the diet.

The chemical composition of cedar oil (100 g)
Saturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fatty acids, in% of the total mass of fatty acids
Eicosodienic acid0,296%
Vitamin composition
Carotenoids31 mg
Vitamin E55 mg
Vitamin D0,07 mg
Vitamin V11,6 mg
Vitamin V21,7 mg
Vitamin B3 (PP)14 mg
Macro- and microelements
Phosphorus840 mg
potassium650 mg
Magnesium552 mg
Sodium195 mg
Calcium110 mg
Zinc20 mg
Hardware19 mg
Manganese16 mg
Copper4 mg
Iodine0,6 mg
Amino acids
essential70% of the total composition
Interchangeable30% of the total composition

In addition, the rich composition helps the body get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, significantly improves performance – mental and physical.

Cedar oil treatment

Cedar oil is advised to use for people who are undergoing treatment for various infections, skin diseases (including allergic reactions or psoriasis), as well as colds and with a clear decrease in immunity. Well, it also helps with metabolic problems in the treatment of various skin lesions. As an auxiliary treatment, it is extremely effective in treating diseases of the endocrine glands, and also normalizes cholesterol levels, improves metabolism, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, and consequently, improves performance and enhances intellectual abilities. It is used in almost all problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including such diseases as gastritis, heartburn or constipation. It is used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis.

The cadre oil is credited with the ability to treat infertility, it has a very positive effect on male potency. It is very useful for regular use to people who live in large cities with a difficult environmental situation. No less useful it will be for people whose activity is associated with excessive physical exertion or with a serious level of stress. It is very useful for children, as it allows the child’s body to grow and develop normally, boosts immunity and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. It is advisable before including it in the child’s diet, yet consult with a therapist in advance to make sure that cedar oil will be of great benefit to the child.

How to use

For the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach, you need to drink it in its pure form, a teaspoonful 2 times a day, in the morning before meals, 30 minutes before, and in the evening – after dinner, no less than 2 hours later. In this case, the treatment course lasts 3 weeks, after which a week-long break is made and the treatment is resumed. If you plan to support the treatment of ulcers or other problems of the intestines and stomach with the help of cedar nut oil, be sure to consult with the doctor you are undergoing treatment about this.

In case of vascular diseases or low blood quality, as well as high cholesterol content, it is consumed 1 0,5 times per milliliter per 30 minutes before a meal for a month. This is enough for the body to clear, the circulatory system returns to normal and a general improvement in condition is observed. Since this course involves use in very small dosages, if you wish, you can extend the treatment for longer than a month.

If it is necessary to use the properties of cedar oil to heal wounds, for example, if you have recently undergone an operation or simply need faster healing, it is recommended to take it twice a day, two teaspoons before meals. Enough 3 weeks to heal the wounds, and there was a pronounced effect and relief came. If necessary, this course can be extended if the attending physician allows you to do this.

With increased pressure, just a drop of cedar 2 oil once a day for 30 minutes before a meal is enough; just a month of this course will help to smoothly and gently reduce the pressure and improve the condition of the body.

Used in cosmetics

Cedar oil is not accidentally appreciated by cosmetologists: it can help the body cope with a huge number of problems, both external and internal. The properties of cedar oil are used to normalize the condition of oily skin of the face, and its ability to destroy bacteria is often used to remove skin inflammation. A large amount of antioxidants in the oil helps to improve the condition of the skin, make the face younger, improve its color, and also protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The easiest way to use in its pure form, replacing them with the usual cream.

For the skin

The easiest way is to apply it on the face, leave it for a while, removing the remaining oil with a napkin. This is more than enough for the effect to become noticeable after some time. Thus, you can saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins, improve the complexion, protect the skin and get a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In addition, you can add a few drops of cedar oil to the cream or milk for the skin, you only need to do this immediately before use, and add it to a small portion of the tool, and not to the whole jar at once. Even if you do not have time to use cedar oil, you can replace them with lotions and tonics with which you remove makeup. Cedar oil at the same time well removes makeup residues from the face, and at the same time nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It is very useful to use it for people with dry skin, especially in winter, as it very well protects the face from wind and cold, while moisturizing the skin.

Cedar oil is also very useful to help hardened skin of the hands. In this case, it is necessary to apply it with a thin layer on your hands for the night, then wear special cosmetic gloves and leave until morning. Just 1 times are enough for you to notice the pronounced effect of the oil, and in just a week the skin will delight you with good condition, beauty and moisture. In addition, cedar oil at the same time nourishes both the skin and nails, which become stronger and more beautiful.

Often, cedar oil is recommended to be used in combination with a face or body massage, depending on which zone you pay more attention to. It helps to fight skin diseases, generally improves its appearance and tone, which allows you to look just great.

For hair

Naturally, all the listed beneficial properties of cedar oil are also good for hair and scalp. It is able to fight dandruff, moisturizes the scalp, normalizes oiliness, stimulates hair growth and even helps fight baldness. In addition, it deeply nourishes the skin as well as the hair, so that they begin not only to grow faster, but also acquire a brilliant saturated look, shine and elasticity.

If you need to improve your hair, mix 10 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of cedar oil, rub it into your head and leave for 2 an hour or more, and then rinse with usual shampoo. As with any other type of oil, the cedar will do the better, the longer you keep it on your head. The ideal option would be to leave a mixture of olive and cedar oil overnight so that it works as best as possible. If you suffer from dandruff and oily scalp, mix 10 ml of jojoba oil and add 10 cedar oil drops into it, rub into the skin and leave for about an hour, and then rinse. It is enough to carry out such treatment only 2 once a week, and very soon you will notice a pronounced result and get rid of dandruff.

For Tan

Also, cedar nut oil is used to protect the skin from the sun and at the same time get a beautiful and even tan. To do this, before going out in the hot sun, apply it on your skin, rub it evenly and you can start sunbathing. It is best to do this for half an hour before the release, so it will have time to soak and act, protect your skin, providing a beautiful even tan. To avoid problems with its uniform application, you can simply pour it into a small sprayer, which significantly speeds up the process.

Cooking application

Cedar oil is a natural product, and of course, it can be used in cooking in order to simultaneously get a tasty dish, and saturate the body with useful substances, to become a little healthier.

During heat treatment, cedar oil loses most of its beneficial properties, as well as its pleasant taste, so it is recommended to add it to the dish after cooking, and even better, add it to fresh vegetable salads.

It goes very well with poultry, various vegetables or fruits, as well as cheese. Before you add it to the dishes, if you are not familiar with cedar oil, be sure to try it. The fact is that a sweetish taste is noticeable, which you may not like in the already prepared dish.

The use of cedar oil is extremely important for vegetarians, as it contains a huge amount of nutrients, including those contained in fish. It is able to saturate the body with a large number of useful vitamins and minerals, while remaining exclusively a plant product.

Contraindications to use

Cedar oil is very useful and practically has no contraindications, not counting cases of allergy to nuts. In addition, if you suffer from obesity, you need to reduce the amount of oil in the diet, since it is very high in calories.

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