Pine nut flour is a product obtained from pure pine nut kernels as a result of cold pressing of pine nut oil. The cake obtained after the production of oil is processed according to a special technology, as a result of which pine nut flour appears. It contains: minerals and vitamins, as well as cedar nut oils up to 30%.
Chemical composition
The product has a balanced chemical composition. It is able to saturate the body with vitamins: PP, K, E, D, C, B9, B6, B5, B2, B1, A, beta-carotene, choline, and useful minerals such as sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium.
Benefits and features of the product
The useful properties of the Russian walnut are endless, but products that are obtained through the processing of these useful small nuts have a beneficial effect on the body – pine nut flour, cake, cedar oil.
The product is produced according to the following technology: first, selected pine nuts are thoroughly washed, dried, and then sent for processing to obtain pine nut oil. In the process of pressing, a secondary product is obtained – cedar cake. It is worth noting that for this procedure only cold-pressed technology is used (it allows you to save as many useful properties as possible).
The resulting cake is used for further preparation. A homogeneous mass resembling a free-flowing powder, with a delicate aroma and delicate taste, will fill the diet with a certain zest. The product has a wide range of applications: medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Most often, this product is used to prepare delicious desserts and healthy bread. Flour is not used in its pure form, they try to mix it with other varieties (wheat, corn, rye, etc.).
Cedar flour brings great benefits to the body if it is used without heat treatment (as additives to cereals, salads, soups, snacks), since most of the minerals and nutrients disappear during the heating period.
What is useful cedar flour? This nut product is able to absorb and gently remove all toxins from the body. It is effective for thinness and exhaustion, it is recommended to add to the diet for people after operations and severe forms of illness or severe stress, for athletes it helps to strengthen the body and stimulates the growth of muscle mass.
It is worth noting the useful properties of the product in the treatment of diseases of the blood and lymph. It also boasts a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, and central nervous system.
Many experts in their reviews noted that pine nut shell flour should be included in the diet of women during pregnancy and lactation. It is worth noting that our ancestors, when the milk of a woman in labor disappeared, continued to feed the child with special mixtures, the main component of which was this nut product.
Table of calories and BJU
The product is high-calorie, therefore, it should be carefully introduced into the diet of those who want to lose weight.
Caloric value | 432 kilocalories |
Proteins | thirty one grams |
Fats | nineteen grams |
Carbohydrates | thirty three grams |
Mode of application
Cedar flour has a huge range of applications, let’s look at the main ones:
- With the product from the most useful Russian walnut, you can make the famous cedar milk by adding water, which is used to prepare various cocktails, add fruits. Cedar milk is recommended for people suffering from lactose intolerance and even for pregnant women.
- It can be used separately as a complete product. 2-4 tablespoons of pine nut flour per day provide the body with all the necessary components. Recommended for people who exercise regularly.
- To strengthen immunity, mix a tablespoon (25 g) of powder with 100 ml of water every morning and drink 30 minutes before meals for one month.
- It is widely used in the kitchen, including the preparation of desserts with dried fruits and cocoa.
Homemade cedar flour
For many, the question pops up, but how to make nut flour yourself? Yes, the process is not easy, but if everything is done exactly according to the recipe, then it is quite real. In order to prepare cedar flour, you need to take fresh large pine nuts (they must be clean and dried). They must be passed through the press.
At home, nuts need to be heavily chopped with a blender or meat grinder. The resulting mass must be placed in cheesecloth and put under pressure. This procedure will allow you to get two products – an incredibly healthy oil and cake for further preparation of flour.
The resulting cake should be spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and placed in the oven, turning on the “Drying” mode. It is worth remembering that this type of product has a short shelf life, therefore, it is not necessary to cook it in large volumes.
Use in cooking
Basically, cedar flour is mixed with whole grain wheat before being used in cooking. Pine nut flour will give any dish and pastries a delicate and light nutty flavor, a subtle nutty flavor. Since the product has a lot of positive and useful properties, it saturates the body with vital substances. Cedar flour can be added to the dough for pancakes, cheesecakes, muffins, cakes, buns, croissants, sauces for vegetables, fish, meat, salads and cereals.
Linen porridge with cedar flour – for cooking, you need to take flax and cedar flour in equal portions. Grind flax, mix with flour, add boiling water or boiling milk in proportions of 1 to 2, add dried fruits, nuts, honey, sugar to taste, cook, stirring until the water disappears completely. A ready-made mixture for flaxseed porridge with nut flour is on sale, to prepare it, you only need to pour the finished mixture with hot water, add sugar or salt to taste and wait until it brews (5 minutes).
The combination of flax and cedar is a huge amount of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and polyunsaturated acids, which are vital for the body. You just need to remember that the calorie content of this dish is 283 kilocalories per hundred grams. There are a lot of reviews about flaxseed porridge with cedar flour, and they are all mostly positive, since porridge has no contraindications (except for food intolerance), and does not cause any harm to the body.
Baking recipes with cedar flour
There are simply an incredible number of baking recipes, and any recipe can be independently converted into a recipe with cedar flour, since the product is universal and will only add a piquant taste and delicate aroma to the finished product.
Blueberry Sleigh Cakes – For cooking you will need: one and a half cups of whole wheat flour, one hundred and fifty grams of nut flour, a glass of sugar, two eggs, half a teaspoon of soda, baking powder – a small bag, half a teaspoon of salt, two hundred grams of soft margarine, fresh or frozen blueberries. Mix all dry ingredients (preferably pass everything except nut flour through a sieve), add margarine and turn the dry mixture into margarine fine crumbs, add eggs and blueberries, knead the dough. The dough should be light and not dense. Divide the dough into twelve equal balls, bake in the oven at 200 degrees for fifteen minutes.
Pancakes – for cooking, you need to take three tablespoons of vegetable oil (you can take a mixture of cedar and sunflower), six tablespoons with a hill of wheat flour, three tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of baking soda, two hundred and thirty grams of milk, one hundred grams of nut flour, two hundred fifty milliliters of thirty-three percent cream and one egg. Beat the egg with sugar until a thick foam is obtained, add half the milk, both types of flour, soda and knead until smooth, add all the other ingredients, beat with a mixer. Heat up a frying pan, brush with a little oil. Fry each pancake on both sides for a minute and a half.
Each recipe in which flour is present can be somewhat modernized, and one hundred and fifty grams of wheat can be replaced with one hundred grams of cedar. As a result, the dish will turn out to be more useful and less high-calorie.