Cedar barrel: slimming treatment

Cedar barrel: slimming treatment

On cold autumn days, you always want to have a snack. But once you get carried away, the skirt no longer fits. Tired of diets, the column editor Natalya Udonova went to get rid of extra pounds in … a Cedar barrel.

Cedar barrel

Getting rid of excess weight and cellulite, relaxation and a lot of pleasure is guaranteed by the “Cedar barrel” procedure in the “Magic of Beauty” salon. In an hour that the session lasts, you will be immersed three times in a real cedar barrel and left to steam in it for 10 minutes. During a break between visits, you will be offered aromatic tea in the relaxation room, as well as a twenty-minute massage.

Before plunging me into a barrel, a figure correction specialist Elena Vitalievna Pikalova spoke about the benefits of a sauna. It turned out that this method of losing weight is suitable even for those who do not like a bath. The fact is that the head is always outside and only the body is steamed. This reduces the load on the heart and does not hinder breathing, as is often the case in a traditional steam bath or sauna. At the same time, the body warms up perfectly, blood flow improves, metabolic processes are normalized. The accumulation and deposition of fat is slowed down. The body begins to gradually consume the accumulated reserves.

By regularly diving into a cedar barrel, you can get rid of fat and forget about cellulite forever. Such a barrel especially noticeably affects the figure of a woman, making her graceful, and her skin elastic and silky. Thanks to massage, the process of weight loss is really fast.

By the way, the cedar barrel is popular among men as well. This is not surprising, because the stronger sex also likes to have smooth skin and a healthy body.

Read more: Algae wraps

Salon “Magic of Beauty”

Address: Horoshevskoe highway, 5, building 1, tel. (495) 941-09-09

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Thal’ion seaweed wraps at the Malinari beauty salon.

Thal’ion algae wraps in the Malinari beauty salon are carried out using the means of the French company Thal’ion, for which algae are harvested in the most ecologically clean place of the Atlantic and therefore, according to the massage therapist of the salon Flera Musina, all the most useful substances are concentrated in them. can give the sea.

The body wrap is incredibly relaxing and soothing, which is very useful during a diet, when the constant test of willpower spoils the mood.

Before starting the wrap, your skin will be properly prepared: a gentle cleansing body exfoliation will be performed, and after taking a shower, a so-called thalasso activator will be applied – it contains kelp extract and serves to additionally moisturize the skin and open pores.

The wrapping agent is prepared on the basis of dry algae: the master dilutes the algae powder with clean water and adds phyto essence from essential oils… For example, tonic, to strengthen the skin, or, conversely, relaxing. The master applies the resulting gruel to the entire body, wraps it in a film and wraps it with a thermal blanket. It is noteworthy that the thermal blanket here heats up to only 37 degrees, so this procedure has practically no contraindications. In this packaged form, you have to spend 30-40 minutes, during which you can dream or just sleep.

At the end of the procedure, you will receive a shower and a cream with the self-explanatory name “Thinning”, which contains an extract of brown algae and helps to actively break down fat deposits. But the process of getting the benefits of this wrap does not end there: the beneficial substances accumulated by the skin during the procedure continue to be absorbed throughout the day! The “thinning” effect itself is mainly due to the lymphatic drainage properties of algae, and it will be noticeable even after one procedure. For an effective weight loss process, you should undergo a course of seaweed wraps – at least five procedures, about twice a week.

Read more: Mesotherapy and hardware effects

Salon “Malinari”

Address: Pechatnikov lane. house 21, tel. (495) 621 74 98

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2 ways to achieve the perfect appearance WDay.ru has figured out how to quickly restore shine to hair and tenderness to the skin.

Tanning in a solarium: pros and cons The light of the lamp helps not only to get rid of pallor, but also to make up for the lack of the sun. However, this method is often criticized. WDay.ru found out all the pros and cons of tanning in a solarium.

In the Petrovka-Beauty salon, hardware procedures are skillfully combined with mesotherapy.

A complex approach

As you know, the best weight loss result is achieved with an integrated approach and a combination of procedures with diet and exercise. And the combination of various procedures, as it turned out, gives an even faster effect. The clinic “Petrovka-Beauty” promises good results in body shaping by combining mesotherapy and apparatus exposure to infrared light and current (apparatus of ELOS technology – VelaShape).

The general director of the salon, Natalya Buzhinskaya, said that for the selection of a cocktail for mesotherapy and the appointment of the apparatus, the doctor collects anamnesis, takes into account allergic reactions, the current state of health, and the state of the liver. The lipolytic ingredients in cocktails trigger the fat burning process. The cocktail contains vitamins, minerals, oligoelements, which nourish the skin, make it elastic and fit.

The procedure is short in time, but quite effective. Do it once every 10-14 days. Using a thin needle, the doctor injects the cocktail directly into the adipose tissue. Under the influence of the drug, fat cells are broken down and gradually (through the liver) are excreted from the body. VelaShape is a combination of vacuum massage with warming up the fatty tissue and acting on it. Usually, an alternation of mesotherapy and VelaShape is prescribed – one procedure per week. In total, to achieve a noticeable result, you will need four to six procedures.

Clinic “Petrovka-Beauty”

Address: st. Petrovka, house 19, building 5 tel. (495) 623 02 03

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Hit of the season: guasha massage What is Guasha? How is this ancient Chinese massage done? Who is it shown to and where in Moscow can you undergo this unique procedure?

Hair care: new methods In the salons, new ways have appeared to breathe strength into tired, dull and orderly hair that has been worn out over the summer.

2 ways to achieve the perfect appearance WDay.ru has figured out how to quickly restore shine to hair and tenderness to the skin.

Tanning in a solarium: pros and cons The light of the lamp helps not only to get rid of pallor, but also to make up for the lack of the sun. However, this method is often criticized. WDay.ru found out all the pros and cons of tanning in a solarium.

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