CBD oil – opinions and prices. Where to buy CBD oil?
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After reading about the properties and effects of CBD on the human body, you get the impression that it is a substance that is good for everyone. Not only does it support the therapy of many serious and frequent diseases, but most of all, it has a positive effect on the well-being of people who are healthy by definition, but not necessarily feeling fully well.

  1. The vast majority of people using CBD oil are satisfied with the results of supplementation
  2. Numerous scientific studies confirm that CBD has a beneficial effect, among others to improve well-being, sleep quality and reduce stress levels
  3. The main factors determining the price of CBD oil are: the origin of the hemp plant, the extraction method and the amount of CBD in the oil
  4. Buy proven and effective CBD oil at a good price on konopio.pl

Users’ opinions

It is said that there are so many opinions as many people. And good. As users share their reviews, it is easier to make the right choice.

So, what opinions about CBD oils can be found on the web?

Most people who regularly use cannabidiol indicate a significant improvement in the quality of sleep, and thus less fatigue and better well-being.

«I have been using CBD hemp oil for 7 days and I can already see an improvement. I am one of the people prone to stress. Since using the oil, I am more relaxed and calm internally. 100% improvement in sleep quality! I don’t wake up a thousand times a night, so it’s a revelation after just one week of use. » – Veronica

«I recommend hemp oil 600 mg especially to people who have problems with sleep or regeneration during sleep. Before I started using the oil, I woke up every morning was a fight with myself – each time I felt sleepy. Practically from the second day of using hemp, I noticed a significant improvement. I fall asleep faster and sleep is much more valuable » – Krystian

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Many opinions speak about CBD’s great effect on stress, especially for people for whom it is an integral part of life (e.g. stressful work, public appearances).

«Let me start with the fact that I dreamed about such an oil, because I am very stressed by people, and my job is that there are a lot of these people. I started using hemp cbd oil over a week ago, and from the first time I used it, I noticed a significant difference. I have the impression that the muscles are relaxing, the mind calms down and also allows you to fall asleep without stress » — Magda

«Hemp oil helped me get through the problems of everyday life and had a positive effect on my well-being. I definitely recommend it to people who are exposed to stressful situations every day, it helps to approach them more relaxed 🙂 » – Here

«This is my first experience with CBD oil, so the tips on the website regarding the selection of the dose and use were very valuable 🙂 I received the order very quickly, nicely packed in a plastic-free package (a big plus). I just started using hemp oil, but I can already feel the effects, easier concentration on the tasks performed and, above all, greater resistance to stress. I recommend it, it’s worth trying » – Agnes

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While browsing the reviews, you can come across information on the use of the oil as an element supporting the treatment of certain diseases (especially depression, mood disorders or insomnia).

«It works perfectly and harmonizes shattered nerves. Thanks to CBD hemp oil, I am calmer and I approach many situations with distance. The dosage turned out to be very important for me, the right amount of the supplement along with systematic intake has a positive effect on the entire body. I am very pleasantly surprised, I will certainly continue the treatment. » — Ilona

«CBD hemp oil definitely improved the quality of my sleep, it eliminated my problems with falling asleep. It also had a positive effect on my well-being, concentration and focus. Thanks to the use of the oil, I forgot about stress and started to think positively. The product is natural and safe, which proves its quality and safety. I am very pleased, I will recommend and use it in the long term. » – Aneta

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Of course, any attempt to introduce CBD in chronically ill people should be consulted with a doctor. It is necessary to analyze possible interactions of cannabidiol with drugs.

Opinions of doctors

Hemp products are still a controversial topic, even among medical professionals. Despite growing general awareness, it still happens that cannabis is only associated with recreational joint smoking and the intoxicating effects of THC.

Fortunately, the knowledge on this subject is slowly but steadily changing. CBD inspires more confidence among medics because it is non-intoxicating, non-addictive and non-psychotropic. It has a high safety profile, and its use is not associated with serious side effects.

This is confirmed by a 2011 research review, which found that CBD used in doses up to 1500 mg is completely safe for humans. Remember that this is a much higher amount of CBD than the amount recommended for general health support. The WHO has a similar view of CBD: “CBD is safe and well tolerated by humans” and its use “has no negative public health effects.”

CBD has a number of properties that can support traditional treatments. These are features such as pain relief and anxiolytic potential that are useful in the treatment of addiction, insomnia and anxiety.

The comprehensive effects of cannabidiol in the human body give this substance great potential for use also in more serious diseases. Here, however, the topic remains open. The research is ongoing and we will certainly find out about their effects in some time.

Research results on the effectiveness of CBD

Although most studies on CBD assess the impact of using high doses of cannabidiol as part of the treatment of serious diseases, research on prophylactic supplementation can also be found more and more often.

Based on surveys, it was found that the main reasons for using CBD in low doses (less than 100 mg per day) are problems with sleep (42% of respondents), stress (37%), anxiety (42%) and improvement in general health ( 37%). 86% of respondents who complained about the feeling of anxiety declared an improvement in the reduction of anxiety.

Among people struggling with stress, 92% noticed a reduction in the intensity of stress. The improvement in sleep quality concerned 48% of respondents reporting sleep problems. Additional benefits were: sedation in 21% of respondents and pain reduction in 19% of respondents.

In 2020, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements. 65 healthy overweight people participated in the study. After 6 weeks of supplementation with CBD in an amount of only 15 mg per day, the biochemical parameters and well-being of the subjects were assessed.

As it turned out, people who received CBD during the study reported improved sleep quality, coped better with stress, and experienced greater pleasure in life compared to the group that received a placebo. The dose used in this study was well tolerated – no side effects were reported.

CBD oil price

The price range of CBD oils available on the market is extremely wide. On the Internet, you can find oils that are suspiciously cheap, but also extremely expensive. So how do you reach a compromise between price and quality?

Extraction method

One of the pricing factors is the oil extraction method. The gold standard is the extraction of supercritical CO2. According to many sources, this is the best way to obtain natural CBD oils – without the addition of chemical solvents. However, it requires expensive equipment to be handled by specialized personnel. This fact raises the costs of oil production in a real sense.

The origin of the hemp plant

Few people are aware of the fact that hemp to a great extent absorbs virtually all possible contaminants from the soil (including heavy metals, chemicals, radioactive substances, pesticides). Therefore, they are used for phytoremediation (soil remediation).

Considering the above, the place where the hemp used to extract the oil grew is of great importance. Untested sources pose a significantly greater risk of poor product quality. On the other hand, certified ecological cultivation guarantees that the oil is safe in terms of any contamination. And it has been known for a long time that conducting sustainable agriculture requires much larger financial outlays.

A type of essential oil

Full spectrum oils, i.e. oils that contain the full set of active substances present in hemp, are more expensive compared to CBD isolates. However, the difference doesn’t end with the price.

Full spectrum oil has a much stronger therapeutic effect due to the interaction of all active substances: cannabinoids (including CBD, CBG, CBN, CBDA), terpenes and flavonoids. This phenomenon is known as the entourage effect.

Taking even high doses of CBD isolate (a preparation containing only CBD) will never give the same effect as supplementing CBD full spectrum oil in lower doses. Thus, the lower price of the isolate is only apparent saving.

CBD concentration

The key factor influencing the price of the oil is the concentration of cannabidiol. The concentration determines how many mg of CBD are in 1 milliliter of oil. What concentration should I choose to feel the effects of supplementation and not go with bags at the same time? As is usually the case, there is no definite answer. The choice of the concentration of the oil depends on the dose you need to take to feel the expected health effects.

People who need low doses of CBD (10 – 20 mg per day) can buy an oil with a low or medium concentration – the cost of such supplementation will be about PLN 70 – 120 per month. The need to use higher doses of CBD will increase the price of monthly supplementation, and so e.g. in the case of a daily dose of 40 mg it is about PLN 200.

Where to buy CBD oil?

The popularity of CBD oils is growing at a dizzying pace. As sales generate demand, the number of places where you can buy CBD oils is also systematically increasing. Pharmacies, health food stores, stores with hemp-based products, self-service vending machines – everywhere you can get CBD oils of various concentrations, prices, and above all, of various quality.

For this reason, the most sensible way to obtain high-quality CBD oil is to buy it directly on the manufacturer’s website, e.g. konopio.pl.

Konopio stands for uncompromising quality and safety. On the website, you can analyze: the composition of the oil, laboratory tests, CBD content and other ingredients, as well as check the latest customer reviews.

The monthly cost of supplementing with CBD hemp oil, for the dosage level supporting general health, is between PLN 70 and 200. Is it worth investing so much in better well-being and increasing the quality of life? We leave the answer to this question for you.

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  2. CBD: What is it? Action, dosage and properties of CBD oil
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