CBD oil for sleep: can it work? Research review
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Sleep disorders are a serious problem that affects an increasing percentage of the population. They affect everyday functioning, actually lower the quality of life, and can even lead to the development of various diseases. It is such a troublesome condition that many people decide to take medications that have a lot of side effects, including feeling distracted, concentration disorders, or addiction.

Recently, natural ways to improve the quality of sleep are gaining popularity, which, unlike drugs, do not have side effects. An interesting solution is the supplementation of CBD oil, containing cannabidiol – one of over 80 cannabinoids present in cannabis. So let’s check if CBD actually supports good sleep? How does it work? How do you determine the right dose of CBD for sleep to feel the benefits?

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Healthy sleep, which is what?

However, before we move on to the effects of CBD (cannabidiol) itself, it is worth knowing what healthy sleep actually means.

As recommended The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) an adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day. This amount of sleep helps maintain optimal health.

In addition to the appropriate length of sleep, it is also worth paying attention to its quality.

Sleep can be divided into two main phases:

  1. NREM – deep sleep characterized by slow eye movements, and
  2. REM – the rapid eye movement phase during which dreams appear.

The NREM phase lasts about 80 – 100 minutes and starts sleep each time. Then comes the REM phase which lasts about 15 minutes. The longer we sleep, the length of each sleep phase changes. The NREM phase is shortened in favor of the REM phase, which at the end of sleep may last up to 40 minutes.

Both phases make up a complete sleep cycle. An adult needs 4-6 complete sleep cycles to wake up refreshed. If these natural sleep cycles are interrupted, the chances of recovery are drastically lower.

What is at the root of sleep disorders?

We already know that sleep disorders can come from insufficient amount of sleep or deterioration in quality, i.e. in practice disturbed sleep cycles. According to statistics, problems with falling asleep and frequent waking up affect at least 30% of the world’s population. This is a disturbingly high result.

So why so many people have problems with daily regeneration and rest? After all, sleep is, next to food, water and oxygen, one of the basic physiological needs of a human being.

There can be many reasons for the dysregulation of the circadian sleep-wake cycle, and in the vast majority of cases they are the result of several factors overlapping at the same time. Here they are:

  1. stress,
  2. irregular lifestyle,
  3. racing thoughts before falling asleep,
  4. incorrect diet,
  5. excessive stimuli before bedtime (e.g. staring at screens),
  6. abuse of caffeine and stimulants,
  7. side effect of medication use,
  8. chronic pain and inflammation,
  9. diseases that make it impossible to sleep (e.g. depression, anxiety, restless legs syndrome, hormonal disorders).

While falling into one night is not a cause for concern, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to many serious health problems.

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Too short sleep (less than 7 hours during the day) may increase the risk of developing lifestyle diseases (including overweight and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression) and impair the functioning of the immune system. People struggling with chronic sleep disorders are constantly tired, irritable and have a bad mood. There are also problems with memory and reduced concentration.

As you can see, the range of consequences of chronic sleep disorders is extremely wide. Insufficient amount or deterioration of the quality of sleep affects our behavior here and now, but also in the long term. This is why it is so important to deal with the problem as early as possible. This is where CBD oil comes in.

CBD for sleep: a research review

Cannabidiol modulates the activity of the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for maintaining the internal balance of the body and influencing a number of processes taking place in it, including the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Contrary to sleeping pills, it is not addictive and does not have any bothersome side effects that make everyday functioning difficult.

What do recent scientific studies say about the link between CBD and sleep?

In 2019, a study was published on the effects of CBD supplementation on people with anxiety and sleep disorders. After a month of using CBD in the amount of 25 – 175 mg a day, a reduction in anxiety was observed in 79% of respondents, and an improvement in the quality of sleep in 66% of patients. After two months, 56% of respondents saw an improvement in sleep compared to the first month. In this study, cannabidiol was very well tolerated – no serious health effects were observed.

A 2017 review of research, aimed at summarizing the state of cannabis and sleep research conducted up to 2014, indicates that CBD has therapeutic potential for treating insomnia and may help treat REM sleep behavior disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Another interesting study from 2020 was conducted in healthy overweight people. The group of subjects received 6 mg of CBD or a placebo for 15 weeks. It was shown that people supplementing with CBD experienced greater pleasure in life, coped better with stress and experienced a marked improvement in the quality of sleep.

How does CBD support a good night’s sleep?

The research carried out so far confirms that CBD can indeed be an important element in the treatment of sleep disorders. As can be seen, theory is in line with practice.

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The multi-directional action of CBD in the human body gives this substance a wide range of possibilities when it comes to sleep. After all, cannabidiol not only directly affects the regulation of the circadian sleep-wake cycle, but also targets the causes of sleep disorders.

CBD supports good sleep because:

  1. relieves pain, which is often the cause of insomnia,
  2. has an anxiolytic and calming effect,
  3. facilitates coping with stress,
  4. reduces the occurrence of nightmares,
  5. supports the regulation of sleep and wake cycles,
  6. minimizes the so-called racing thoughts before falling asleep,
  7. in higher doses it helps to fall asleep,
  8. affects sleep phases: extends deep sleep, in which the body rests to the greatest extent, and improves the functioning of the REM phase (this is also confirmed by the opinions of users checking the quality of sleep using the application),
  9. increases concentration during the day, thanks to which our productivity and satisfaction with fulfilled duties increases – you can fall asleep safely in the evening.

How to determine the right dose of CBD for sleep?

CBD dosage is an individual matter. Each of us struggles with various problems and ailments, and reacts differently to cannabidiol. Most people experience a satisfactory improvement in sleep quality with a dose in the range of 50 – 100 mg of CBD per day.

It is believed that low doses of CBD (ratio 0,2 per kg of body weight) have a stimulating effect and improve concentration during the day. On the other hand, higher doses (ratio 0,7 and 1,2 per kg of body weight) will have a more calming and calming effect.

So, people with sleep disorders can calculate their starting dose using the following formula: body weight in kg x 0,7 = starting dose of CBD per day.

Here is an example: 60 kg x 0,7 = 42 mg of CBD daily.

So much for theory. In practice, achieving the ideal dose and spreading it throughout the day requires testing and observation. Some people may experience an improvement in sleep quality even with lower doses of CBD than the calculations indicate. Therefore, you can easily start from the lowest dosage threshold and increase the dose by approx. 5 – 10 mg of CBD per day if necessary.

The upper limit of the dose to which CBD supplementation can be increased to support healthy sleep is calculated using a factor of 1,2. For example: 60 kg x 1,2 = 72 mg of CBD per day.

As CBD stays in the body for about 6 hours, it makes sense to divide the daily dose into 2-3 servings. If the main purpose of using the oil is to eliminate sleep disorders, a good solution may be to take 1 – 2 small portions of CBD during the day and 1 larger portion 30 – 60 minutes before bedtime, e.g .:

  1. 12 mg of CBD in the morning, or split into two 6 mg doses in the morning and afternoon
  2. 30 – 60 mg of CBD at bedtime (50 mg as upper dose limit).

The best CBD oil for sleep

When choosing CBD oil, it is worth paying attention to its quality. A completely different action will be shown by full spectrum oil and isolate. Full spectrum oils, in addition to CBD, also contain other beneficial substances found in the hemp plant. We are talking here about terpenes, which – like CBD – have calming properties. CBD isolates contain only cannabidiol. Due to the lack of beneficial phytochemicals, they will show less effect.

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Another thing worth paying attention to is the oil’s laboratory tests. This gives us knowledge about the declared CBD content and meeting the requirements for the permissible amount of THC. Detailed studies of the oil also provide information on the content of heavy metals, yeast and mold, as well as bacteria. By choosing a supplement with thorough laboratory tests, we can be sure about the safety and high quality of the preparation.

An example of an oil that meets the above criteria is hemp. It is a full spectrum oil with a full package of laboratory tests, thanks to which we have a guarantee of a high-quality product, and thus – effective operation.

Following the opinion of the World Health Organization, CBD is a safe and completely natural substance. Unlike drugs for sleep disorders, it has no side effects.

So if you feel tired due to sleep problems, hemp CBD oil will be the perfect solution for you. It’s high time to get a good night’s sleep!

Read also:

  1. CBD: Properties and Dosage
  2. Where to buy the best CBD oil?
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