CBD oil – a solution for a calm day and a good night’s sleep
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Half of Poles complain about sleep disorders. Problems with falling asleep are often accompanied by anxiety disorders, stress and intrusive thoughts. The many causes of insomnia include taking excessive amounts of stimulants or using smartphones late at night. CBD hemp oil – a supplement whose beneficial effect on sleep and well-being has already been convinced by many people – comes to help people who are unable to sleep at night.

Today’s popularity of CBD oils should come as no surprise – the effectiveness of cannabidiol is verified by subsequent studies and confirmed by many people who have found out that CBD simply works. We know that cannabidiol, a chemical found in cannabis, helps with pain, increases immunity, and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. When taking CBD oil regularly, it is difficult not to notice its impact on the well-being and quality of sleep. A few drops of plant extract can work wonders, and it’s all thanks to the effects of cannabis on the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system – everyone has it, not everyone knows about it

To understand why CBD works, you must first learn more about the endocannabinoid system. It is an organism system that is involved in many physiological processes. It is the endocannabinoid system that influences pain, mood, immunity and how we sleep. This system is regulated by cannabinoids – some of them occur naturally in the body (these are so-called endocannabinoids, such as anandamide secreted during sleep and moments of relaxation). We can also deliver cannabinoids to the body by taking CBD oil, which helps restore the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system.

CBD oil or drugs for insomnia?

During the day, many of us struggle with stress and constant internal tension. The consequence is often problems with sleep and disruption of the circadian cycle. As a result, we sleep badly, we also cannot rest, and this has a negative impact on our functioning during the day and reduces the quality of life. Not getting enough sleep on a regular basis also increases the risk of developing depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.

When the problem with falling asleep becomes chronic, we seek help. For many of us, treating insomnia is associated with taking prescription drugs. These types of supplements, however, may cause nausea or rule out the possibility of driving a car. CBD oil is a natural, safe supplement that can be purchased without a prescription and without fear of a number of undesirable side effects. CBD oil has a calming and anxiolytic effect, helping those who experience difficulty falling asleep due to stress, anxiety, fatigue or pain fall asleep.

Effects of using CBD on sleep

Regular users of CBD oil report several changes in sleep quality the most often:

  1. falling asleep faster (no waiting for sleep and crowds of thoughts that often accompanies it),
  2. sleeping through the night
  3. longer sleep,
  4. better mood during the day.

By using CBD oil, we quickly notice an improvement in the quality of sleep. Some will feel the first effects of taking the supplement after a few days, others may need a little more time. The effect of using CBD also depends on the concentration of the cannabinoid you choose. There are oils in the market with concentrations ranging from 5 to 50%. The concentration expressed as a percentage tells us what the content of cannabindiol is – e.g. 5% oil in each ml contains 50 mg of cannabidiol.

How to dose CBD?

There is no one-size-fits-all method for dosing CBD. It is recommended to start with a small dose of CBD and gradually increase it, while observing your body’s response. When struggling with sleep disorders or depressed mood, it is worth starting with CBD 5% oil or CBD 10% oil.

In the case of sleep disorders, stress or anxiety, a dose of 1 to 25 mg per day is recommended, i.e. an exemplary dosage for the popular Pure Life CBD 5% oil can be as follows: 2-3 drops 3 times a day every 6 hours (each drop contains about 2,5 mg).

Which CBD oil to choose?

When looking for the right CBD oil, it is worth paying attention to the certificates (they inform us whether the tested specimen contains cannabidiol and how much it is) and check whether the distributor informs about the method of obtaining the substance.

One of the safest methods is supercritical CO2 extraction. This method of obtaining CBD oil produces a pure, high-quality product. This is called full spectrum oil, preserving the full range of health-promoting substances contained in hemp – exactly such oils can be found on the Bio4life store website. CBD oil obtained by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide is completely free from heavy metals and other impurities, which cannot be said about CBD oils obtained by solvent extraction. Such oil can even be dangerous to the body, as it may contain harmful solvent residues, so if the place where you plan to buy the oil lacks information about the extraction method, it is best to look for another product.

Of all the methods of extracting CBD hemp oil, alcohol extraction is considered the best. Such a product is distinguished by better digestibility, and thus a better therapeutic effect. This oil preserves the original proportions of cannabinoids, amino acids, flavonoids and terpenes contained in the plant. The alcohol extraction method is the most expensive, so the products obtained in this way are real CBD Premium oils.

CBD oil is a natural, safe substance that can significantly improve our quality of life. Peace of mind during the day and a good night’s sleep are within our reach – all you need to do is reach for the appropriate hemp droplets to see how great the potential lies in hemp.

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