Cavities in babies

Baby has cavities

Even on a baby tooth, decay is not trivial. It is essential to consult the dentist as soon as possible if your child has a decayed tooth …

Baby has cavities, what to do?

Although it is not often considered as such, cavities are indeed a disease. Indeed, these are microbes that make acids and destroy the structure of the tooth, from its periphery (the enamel) to its center: the pulp. This contains the nerves and blood vessels. The hole formed by decay contains bacteria, which when they reach the pulp cause severe pain. When the pulp becomes infected, it dies and pus forms. It is therefore essential to take your child as soon as possible to the dentist if you notice that he has cavities, even if he is not in pain. Because if the decay is initially painless, it becomes painful when it progresses to the pulp. Left untreated, decay leads to the destruction of the tooth, but above all to infection and alteration of the bud of the final tooth, placed just below. Clearly, the good health of baby teeth is important for future dentition.

Causes of cavities

In young children, cavities can have several causes. They are formed mainly when children regularly take bottles of sugary drinks, or even fall asleep with them. We then speak of bottle syndrome. There is also a genetic predisposition to the deterioration of teeth. The dental plaque that forms on the teeth and the diet also play a role.

Brushing your teeth, essential

Cavities get lodged in areas that are difficult to clean. Hence the importance of brushing teeth. A child can start brushing their teeth with a suitable brush as early as one year old with the help of their parents or on their own, if they can. Before 18 months, brushing is done with water only. You can use the toothpaste when your child has mastered his swallowing perfectly. This will prevent him from swallowing the toothpaste. To ensure children get the right fluoride intake, it is necessary to choose the toothpaste that is suitable for their age group. Be aware, however, that it is not really the toothpaste that helps fight against cavities but rather the friction of the brush on the teeth. This helps remove dental plaque. On the other hand, toothpaste and its different tastes make the practice more pleasant and fun. Also, if your child has a high risk of cavities, you can give him a fluoride supplement in drops or tablets. Talk to your pediatrician.

The first visit to the dentist

So that things turn out for the best, it is important that the first consultation with the dentist is not traumatic: caries care, extraction, emergency care… Your child will be less reluctant to return thereafter. You can take him there around 3-4 years old (unless you notice a problem before). Because cavities are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. This check-up will make it possible to take stock, in particular thanks to the x-rays.  

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