Causes, symptoms, stages and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis

A disease called rheumatoid arthritis is a very common disease that affects approximately 1,8% of the population of the country. Women get sick much more often than men. So, for one affected man, there are up to 4 women. At the same time, one should not think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the elderly, it just gets worse over the years, and it begins to affect people who are quite young, aged 35 and older. The course of the disease is progressive, and eventually leads to disability with limited ability to move.

A detailed video explaining what rheumatoid arthritis is, what are its early symptoms, what happens to the body and most importantly, what do you need to know about treatment?


As for surgical treatment, modern medicine has the ability to completely replace the diseased joint with a similar, but artificial one. They are used to restore mobility in the knee or hip joint. Sometimes the operation is aimed at fusion of the joints, this is especially often used when the feet are affected by rheumatoid arthritis. In this way, you can achieve a significant reduction in attacks of pain when walking.

Also, for those people who have been overtaken by this disease, modern medicine offers various aids, for example, special shoes or means for grabbing objects. All this significantly improves their quality of life and relieves pain symptoms.


Diet in rheumatoid arthritis plays an important role in the treatment of the disease, since in such a situation the body more than ever needs a full supply of all nutrients. With regard to restrictions, it is necessary to reduce the intake of salts, protein foods and fats of animal origin. At the time of an exacerbation of the disease, it is important to completely abandon the use of sugar and alcohol.

It is imperative to eat cottage cheese and drink sour-milk drinks. An exception on the table should not be fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens. Grain and fish dishes will be useful. Rheumatologists claim that following a strict diet contributes greatly to recovery.


There are no specific preventive measures, however, doctors give some recommendations, following which you can somewhat reduce the risk of the disease:

Causes, symptoms, stages and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Elimination of foci of inflammation in the body, which lead to a decrease in immunity, namely: timely treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and carious teeth.

  • Avoid hypothermia.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to stress.

  • Give up bad habits, in particular smoking.

  • Pay attention to the possible presence of hereditary factors and, if any, take a closer look at your health.

  • Treatment of viral infections under medical supervision.

  • The use of vitamin complexes in especially dangerous periods.

A doctor should be contacted immediately if such characteristic symptoms as bilateral inflammation of the joints and their pain appear. With deformation of the bones, as well as the detection of small subcutaneous nodules. An ambulance should be called immediately if fever joins these symptoms, pain in the sternum appears, breathing becomes difficult, and cardiac activity is disturbed.

It is worth remembering that if rheumatoid arthritis is not characterized by a rapid and aggressive course, then it is quite possible to cope with this disease, turn it into a chronic form and continue to live a full life, which in the end will not lead to disability.

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