Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

The accumulation of an excess amount of fluid in the tissues of the body leads to such an unpleasant and unaesthetic phenomenon as edema. They can appear in various areas and parts of the human body: on the face, upper or lower extremities, torso, internal organs and body cavities; differ in the causes of occurrence, the rate of development of the process, the composition of the edematous fluid.

There are few people who have not encountered the problem of swelling under the eyes, at least in the morning, after a noisy and cheerful evening, or after mental trauma and upheaval, accompanied by profuse tears. To distinguish the normal, physiological process of eye swelling from pathology (when swelling is a symptom of a disease), it is necessary to carefully analyze this problem.

Why are the eyes swollen?

Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

The phrase “eyes swell” does not mean a literal increase in the size of the eyeball, but processes in the upper or lower eyelids, in which excess interstitial fluid accumulates in the tissues of these anatomical formations. The human body is 60% water. Most of the fluid is in the cells of the body, the smaller – in the non-cellular space. With the help of water-electrolyte balance, certain functions of organs and systems, this ratio is maintained at a constant level, and when the balance is disturbed (as a rule, against the background of any pathological processes), edema appears. Why are they so clearly visible under the eyes? This is due to the anatomical features of the tissues around the eyes – the skin in these places is rather thin, the subcutaneous fat has a loose structure, there are no sebaceous glands, muscle activity is relatively weak, and there are a large number of various blood vessels (both large and capillary) . It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as edema and bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes form when the skin loses its elasticity and firmness (as a rule, this happens with age) and can no longer support fatty tissue, which is located around the eyelid.

Edema is, first of all, an excess of interstitial fluid, which is delayed due to metabolic disorders.

There are many reasons why the upper or lower eyelid swells:

  • Inflammatory process. The main characteristic features of which are the following symptoms: the skin is hyperemic (there is a pronounced reddening of the skin of the eyelid), the temperature in the eyelid area is increased (local sensation of heat) and unpleasant, painful sensations occur during palpation of the inflamed area. The causes of eyelid inflammation can be various diseases – erysipelas, furunculosis, barley, chalazion, the same banal cold or runny nose. The upper eyelid is most commonly affected.

  • Edema as a symptom of diseases of internal organs or systems. They are noted in diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, cardiovascular system, kidney pathologies, and venous outflow disorders. Such edema has a specific development and course. Processes that are localized more often in the region of the lower eyelid are most clearly manifested in the morning, with a decrease in the intensity of swelling throughout the day, they are a sign of renal pathology, but in the evening such swelling signals a violation of the cardiovascular system. In case of diseases of organs or systems, edema usually has a symmetrical localization (appears under the right and left eyes at the same time). If there is a suspicion that edema is one of the symptoms of some more serious pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the nature of their appearance.

  • Edema as a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body. As a rule, the localization of such edema is the upper eyelid. Swelling often occurs on one side of the face, characterized by lightning-fast development and the same quick end. Provoking allergens in this form of edema can be various substances: drugs, cosmetics, foods and plants. Local allergic reactions may also occur when the allergen enters directly into the mucous membrane of the eye. Such reactions are accompanied by redness of the mucosa, itching, a feeling of “sand in the eyes” and a desire to “rub the eyes.” They are joined by catarrhal symptoms: nasal congestion, sneezing, lacrimation.

  • Hormonal shifts and pregnancy. An increase in the level of the hormone (estrogen) in women before the menstrual cycle leads to fluid retention in the tissues of the body, which, in turn, causes the formation of edema under the eyes. Also, changes in the hormonal background in a woman during puberty, menopause, treatment with specific drugs (hormones) of various diseases can also lead to edema. Many women note the development of edema during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. If edema appears throughout the entire period of pregnancy, against the background of atypical (even for a pregnant woman) weight gain, it is necessary to consult a doctor – in this case, edema may signal a pathology of internal organs and systems. First of all, about kidney disease or the possible development of dropsy of pregnant women.

  • Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

  • Mechanical damage. This should include, of course, traumatic injuries (bruises, skull fractures, burns, insect bites), which are accompanied by tissue edema and hematomas. The occurrence of edema can be caused not only by damage in the area of ​​the lower or upper eyelid, but also by trauma to the overlying parts of the head: the scalp or facial bones of the skull, for example, the frontal. This is because mechanical damage affects the blood vessels and the blood, together with the intercellular fluid under the influence of gravity, tends to “go lower” – into the region of the upper and lower eyelids. A distinctive feature of such edema is their independent, without additional treatment, the disappearance in a fairly short time.

  • Violation of the venous and lymphatic outflow. Various surgical procedures in the head area, and especially the face, including cosmetic (for example, rejuvenating) procedures in the area around the eyes, can lead to impaired outflow of lymph and venous blood. Which, in turn, leads to the accumulation of intercellular fluid and the development of edema under the eyes.

  • Genetic predisposition to edema. If the swelling around the eyes began to appear in childhood or adolescence against the background of a general satisfactory state of health and the absence of external factors, and the parents also have pronounced puffiness under the eyes, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to edema. This is due to the excess development of adipose tissue around the eyes.

  • Visual strain and general overwork of the body. These two factors quite often lead to the development of edema under the eyes. When working at a computer for a long time, driving a car (especially in bad, adverse weather conditions and at night), reading books under artificial lighting and watching TV, there is a constant tension of the eye muscles, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to the upper and lower eyelids. With such a violation, extracellular fluid enters the interstitial space and causes edema. And he, in turn, interferes with normal blood circulation in the tissues and everything happens again, “in a circle.” General overwork leads to a violation of the normal daily routine: a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, and in the morning he is not able to wake up. Lack of proper rest – “on the face.” More precisely, under the eyes, in the form of edema.

  • Age. The skin under the eyes is rather thin and weak, and with age it becomes even thinner, its turgor decreases, muscle weakness and degradation of the ligamentous apparatus increase, and the bone tissue (eye socket) becomes more fragile and does not support the surrounding tissues, as at a younger age. Naturally, it becomes harder for the body to maintain adipose tissue and fiber around the eyes, and it (the tissue) begins to “fall out” of its usual boundaries. With age, the kidneys work worse, the processes of water-electrolyte metabolism slow down, the water accumulated in the tissues is excreted more slowly. All this leads to the fact that in old age, edema becomes chronic.

  • Excess salt in the body. It has long been known that salt retains water in the tissues of the body. Especially if it enters the body in the evening, before going to bed. With the systematic use of salted foods, various canned delicacies (which also use salt for sterilization), water in the adipose tissue around the eyes will constantly accumulate, which will lead to the development of edema. After eating spicy and salty foods, there is also a feeling of thirst, which makes you consume even more liquid, which, thanks to salt, is already much worse excreted from the body. It turns out a vicious circle: salty food – thirst – poor excretion of water – edema.

What other causes of swelling under the eyes can be?

Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

In addition to physiological and pathological processes in the body, the appearance of edema can be provoked by various individual characteristics of a particular person. First of all, this is due to nutrition, the presence of bad habits, lifestyle.


Fans of fun and stormy parties from dusk to dawn are at risk of getting swelling under the eyes the next day. There is a whole “bouquet” of causes that cause swelling and redness under the eyes: drinking alcohol (or, possibly, drugs); sweet and carbonated drinks in large volumes; bright artificial lighting; a short sleep without a sense of rest. All these factors lead to the formation of swelling under the eyes in the morning.

The appearance or absence of swelling in the eye area directly depends on the lifestyle of a person. First of all, take completely simple preventive measures – this is airing the room, especially before going to bed (lack of oxygen also leads to edema), a reasonable tan (excessive ultraviolet light ages the skin faster), gymnastics, or simply increasing physical activity and movement.

It is necessary to exclude from your diet, and even more so in the evening, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and fatty, spicy and salty foods. It is desirable to exclude smoking and alcohol not only at night, but in general – some disadvantages from such habits. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is necessary to drink more liquid throughout the day: up to 2 liters, preferably most of the volume – up to 14 hours. With an insufficient amount of fluid, the body turns on its “hidden” reserves and begins to store water for future use, of course, under the eyes, in bags.

Tears. Especially at night

Many have noticed that after crying, abundantly and generously shed tears, swelling appears under the eyes. They are most pronounced the next day, when a person cried the night before, before going to bed. This is due to the fact that the composition of the lacrimal fluid includes salt, which delays the excretion of interstitial fluid.

Tears act as a “double agent” – salt retains fluid and irritates the skin under the eyes, causing local inflammation and local swelling. And if you consider that usually tears are accompanied by emotional experiences on the verge of stress, followed by insomnia, and even with a glass of cognac (to calm down), then it is no wonder that in the morning there will be swelling under the eyes with blue circles “into the load”.

Use of cosmetics

Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

The use of cosmetics in itself does not lead to the appearance of edema. In this aspect, the “culture” of using additional accessories and beauty tools is more important. Rule number one: every evening you need to wash off the cosmetics applied in the morning and do this not just before going to bed, but a few hours in advance – so the skin can rest and breathe a little.

To remove decorative cosmetics, you should use only special makeup removers, and not overdry the skin by washing with ordinary toilet soap. After washing, you should lightly blot your face with a soft towel, in no case do not rub it, stretching and loosening the skin.

It is worth carefully reading and studying the composition of the night cream (if one is used) – it should not contain components due to which a film forms on the skin, this can also lead to swelling of the face the next morning. And, of course, in everything you need to know the measure. It is not recommended to use a large amount of decorative cosmetics, liberally applying it to the skin in the eye area. This will lead to blockage of pores, local irritation and, as a result, to the appearance of edema under the eyes.

Puffiness under the eyes in the morning

By the appearance of edema, one can judge the health of a person, what he eats, what lifestyle he leads. First of all, it is necessary to make a clear differentiation of the causes of bags under the eyes. Edema can be the most common physiological process, when fluid in the interstitial space has accumulated overnight: a person is sleeping, physical activity is reduced, processes in the body have slightly slowed down. Usually, such morning swelling goes away on its own. Good physical health, an active and energetic rhythm of life (as a result of this – excellent blood circulation), the absence of complaints and a little action of the forces of gravity – thanks to all these factors, swelling goes away pretty quickly.

But often morning swelling can signal a not entirely healthy and correct lifestyle, the need to change something – to reconsider your diet and diet, give up bad habits and go in for sports. But all the same, such edema is more of a physiological nature and the solution to the problem is in the hands of the owner of the “bags” under the eyes.

However, do not forget that swelling in the morning can be a signal of the development or presence of a number of diseases. First of all, diseases of the kidneys, liver.

If edema develops gradually, especially against the background of other complaints, it is possible that these are diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In any case, if edema appears too often, their appearance is not associated with any external factors, mechanical damage and the presence of already diagnosed diseases, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

How to remove swelling under the eyes?

Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

You can successfully deal with edema, especially if they are not a symptom of some disease, at home. To do this, you do not need to spend too much time, energy or money. And most of the methods are easy and accessible “in application”. After trying a few, you can choose the best solution for you, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body, lifestyle and free time: you can deal with such an unattractive and unpleasant phenomenon as edema with the help of compresses, massages, baths and masks.


Alternative medicine recommends fighting bags under the eyes with massage. Lightly, in a circular motion, rubbing the swelling towards the ears, in this way you also massage the bioactive points that are located on the cheekbones and are responsible for the health and condition of the eyes. To make the massage softer and less traumatic for sensitive skin in this area, moisten your fingertips with natural essential oil. But do not use it in its pure, undiluted form, but add a few drops of cosmetic oil to olive oil and start the procedure. But this method is contraindicated for people who have pressure problems. In this case, you can massage with ice cubes (the effect will increase even more if you freeze a decoction of chamomile, parsley or green tea instead of water). Gently move the ice in the direction from the eyes to the cheeks, as if squeezing the swelling down. But do not overdo it, you will achieve a cosmetic effect by cooling the skin and improving blood circulation, and not by freezing it. Do not supercool your face, otherwise such procedures can end at least with a common cold, and in the worst case, with sinusitis. If in doubt, act simpler: to get rid of circles under the eyes, it is enough to wipe the skin every morning with pieces of ice with decoctions of chamomile, string or sage.

Contrast baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin in the eye area. Pour warm and cold salted water into two bowls. Take 2 towels. Alternately wetting towels in water, apply them to your eyes for several minutes, without pressing hard. Then wash with warm water.


Well remove bags under the eyes compresses with tea (black or green), which contains tannins and caffeine. Tannins (tannins) reduce swelling, as they have an astringent effect on the skin, and caffeine, by constricting blood vessels, reduces its swelling. Separately, it is worth saying a few words about chamomile tea. With its natural anti-inflammatory action, it soothes the skin and irritation around the eyes, thereby relieving redness and swelling. You can treat bags under the eyes with tea using cotton pads soaked in tea or the tea bags themselves, and applying them to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Vitamin E has a calming and irritation-reducing effect. Add a few drops of this vitamin to cool water, mix. Soak cotton balls in the mixture and hold them in front of your eyes for about 20 minutes. Such a compress is not only a wonderful morning prevention of swelling and circles under the eyes, but also has an excellent cosmetic effect on the sensitive skin around the eyes, softening, nourishing and smoothing it.


Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

One of the most radical means of combating edema can be called “beauty injections” with the addition of Pinoxide. Recently, this remedy has also been used to reduce bags under the eyes, since it has been experimentally proven that Pinoxide improves blood circulation, thereby contributing to the resorption of swelling.

To remove edema, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. If external, local methods did not help, you can try to drink diuretics. But remember that along with the liquid, diuretics “wash out” useful substances (the same calcium) from the body, so use them only in combination with vitamin preparations. And be sure to consult with your doctor: are there any contraindications and how expedient is the treatment of edema with medical methods in your case.

Masks for healthy skin around the eyes

With regularly occurring edema, it is necessary to begin a systematic fight against them. Masks for redness and swelling under the eyes are made with the same frequency as regular face masks, and the same duration (applied for 15-25 minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature).

One of the most popular are masks with egg white, which, having a tightening effect, helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. A mask of strawberries has a similar effect, which, in addition to the lifting effect, smoothes and refreshes the skin. Chilled berries are cut into small slices and superimposed on the area under the eyes.

Parsley masks are also quite effective. Finely chopped greens can be stored in the refrigerator, and if it becomes dry, it is enough to sprinkle it with water before applying. To prepare a mask for sensitive and dry skin, it is recommended to mix parsley with sour cream.

In the evening, for the prevention of edema, use buckwheat cakes for applications on the skin around the eyes. They are prepared quite simply: grind the buckwheat calcined in a pan into flour in a coffee grinder, then dilute it with water to the consistency of a thick dough, from which you can then easily make circles of the required size.

Grated apples will also reduce skin swelling. And if you are in a hurry, just hold the peeled apple slice on the inflamed area of ​​​​the skin.

Gel masks are very convenient, effective and inexpensive. You can buy them in almost every pharmacy, and use them anytime and anywhere when you don’t have the necessary products at hand. Before use, the mask must be cooled for 15 minutes (in cool water or refrigerator) and can be applied to the face.

In beauty salons, you will be offered treatment procedures using cooling creams, masks or gels to eliminate the problem, but be prepared for a very tangible burden on your family budget. No revolutionary procedures will be done for you, but you can reduce swelling and relieve irritation with no less success at home.

Quick ways to deal with under eye circles

Causes, symptoms, how to remove swelling under the eyes?

If you do not have time to diet, drink pills that remove fluid accumulated in the body, or undergo a massage, then use blitz methods to combat edema, which will remove swelling or relieve skin inflammation for a while, but do not completely eliminate the problem. , especially when it is associated with disturbances in the functioning of your body. Here are the fastest and most effective ways to combat puffiness and redness of the skin around the eyes:

  • pre-chilled raw potatoes cut into slices and put on the eyes, capturing the area of ​​skin under the lower eyelid, and leave for twenty minutes. This is one of the most effective methods of combating edema;

  • redness and swelling quickly and effectively remove fermented milk products. Soak a cotton pad in chilled milk and hold it like a compress on your eyelids for half an hour. Thus, you will get rid of excess fluid accumulated in the body after the holidays or long parties;

  • many people really like cucumber compresses, which relieve irritation, swelling and itching on the inflamed area of ​​u10bu15bthe skin. No lengthy preparations are required – just apply cucumber slices to the skin around the eyes and leave for XNUMX-XNUMX minutes;

  • swelling under the eyes is also removed with the help of a rather unusual method of applying metal spoons. Its effectiveness is explained quite simply: cold metal constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling. Spoons for the “compress” must be changed as they heat up, the result is precisely the cold that the metal holds the longest.

Prevention of swelling under the eyes

A healthy lifestyle, the right amount of healthy foods in the diet, low in salt and plenty of fluids, are the main preventive measures in the fight against swelling under the eyes.

But there are a few more secrets that I would like to reveal for a successful and effective fight against swelling around the eyes.

The appearance of morning edema largely depends on the position of a person during sleep. It is best to sleep on your back than on your stomach or side. To make the head a little higher, you can put an extra pillow. In this position, the accumulated fluid will not collect under the eyes.

People suffering from allergies should prevent its seasonal manifestations, stay away from sources and substances provoking allergic reactions.

And do not forget about sunscreen, not only in summer, but also in winter. The sun’s rays weaken and cause premature aging of the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes.

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