Causes, symptoms, degrees and treatment of diffuse nodular goiter

What is diffuse nodular goiter?

Diffuse-nodular goiter is an endocrine disease in which there is an overgrowth of thyroid tissue, as well as the formation of nodular inclusions in the structure of the organ.

This form of the disease is also called mixed, since it combines features characteristic of diffuse (a general increase in tissue mass) and nodular goiter (the appearance of nodes in the structure of the gland).

With a mixed form of goiter, along with a general proliferation of thyroid tissues, an independent uneven increase in the formed nodes is observed. These factors make the disease specific and relatively easy to diagnose.

In Russia, according to Rosstat, about 0,3% of the population, which is 500 thousand people, is observed by an endocrinologist for goiter. Of these, about an eighth of the cases occur precisely in the diffuse-nodular form of the disease.

Given the attitude of the population to medicine and their health, there is reason to believe that the real incidence rate is much higher than the official one.

[Video] Endocrinologist Ph.D. Vinogradskaya O. I. — Symptoms and causes of the appearance of nodes in the thyroid gland:

Indications for operation

Absolute indications for surgery are:

  • Tumor neoplasms of malignant origin;

  • A goiter of considerable size (since there is compression of the surrounding organs and, as a result, a risk to the life of the patient);

  • Rapid growth of goiter;

  • The multiplicity of nodes against the background of significant diffuse changes in the thyroid gland;

  • Cystic formations on the thyroid gland;

  • Complex location of the goiter (behind the sternum, with displacement).

Diet for diffuse nodular goiter

In addition to special therapy, it is necessary to support the body by prescribing a specialized diet to the patient. A well-chosen diet is no less important component of treatment than drugs.

With diffuse nodular goiter, the level of production of iodine-containing hormones can either increase or decrease:

  • If the disease occurs against the background of hyperthyroidism, the body suffers enormous energy losses. To replenish them, high-calorie nutrition is required (at least 3.5 thousand kcal per day). Preference should be given to food rich in carbohydrates, as well as salts and vitamins;

  • Otherwise, if there are not enough hormones, the calorie content of the portions consumed must be reduced and a protein diet should be preferred.

Diffuse-nodular goiter in the later stages is characterized by disorders of the nervous system. For this reason, you should reduce the consumption of products that stimulate its active work: chocolate, tea, coffee, etc.

To stabilize the level of iodine, foods rich in salts of this element are suitable: fish (herring, cod, etc.), beets, garlic, kelp, fermented milk products (milk, sour cream), beef, bananas, citrus fruits (oranges and lemons).

Thus, diffuse nodular goiter requires increased attention. Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages is not very difficult for an experienced specialist. The arsenal of medicine has a large number of instrumental research methods.

Despite the insufficient knowledge of the mechanism of the onset of the disease and methods of treatment, the level of development of science today is sufficient to stop the pathological process and restore the minimum acceptable standard of living for the patient.

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