Arthritis of the shoulder joint is an inflammatory process that causes degeneration and dystrophy of articular cartilage. A joint affected by this disease loses its ability to function normally.
The largest number of cases was recorded in the United States (more than 42 million people), the disease is common in Asian and European countries. The main risk group is people over 50.
Shoulder Arthritis Symptoms
A common symptom, characteristic of all varieties of arthritis of the shoulder joint, is severe pain that provides constant discomfort. Gradually, the pain increases, prevents the movement of the hand.
There are other signs that suggest arthritis:
The body temperature increases (in particular, this affects the diseased area).
The mobility of the arm is reduced, it is difficult for the patient to raise it.
Even a slight movement is accompanied by a specific crunch in the joint.
Deterioration of the general condition, chronic weakness.
The occurrence of swelling (typical of rheumatoid arthritis).

The acute form of the disease makes itself felt with sharp pain attacks, chronic arthritis can be asymptomatic.
When analyzing the symptoms of the disease, its stage is also taken into account:
First stage. Aching pains that increase with exertion, subside at rest. The intensity of pain manifestations depends on the time of day (increased at night), the current weather. The arm and shoulder tire quickly.
Second stage. The nature of pain changes to permanent, they cannot be eliminated with the help of rest and reduction of loads. There is a feeling of stiffness, a clicking sound is added when moving the hand.
Third stage. Irreversible changes capture the articular tissues, deformity of the shoulder occurs.
Causes of Shoulder Arthritis
Depending on the reasons that led to the appearance of arthritis in the patient’s shoulder joint, several forms of the disease can be distinguished:
Post-traumatic arthritis. The form occurs most often, is the result of injuries experienced in the past, sprains, dislocations, fractures. Repeated injury can cause damage to the blood vessels. Years later, even small cracks that appear in cartilage or bone remind of themselves. A serious injury can lead to the immediate onset of arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis. The disease can develop against the background of infectious diseases, low immunity.
Osteoarthritis. Victims of the disease, with rare exceptions, are people over 50. The form develops as a result of wear and tear of cartilage and bone tissues, subjecting them to destruction. In addition to representatives of older age groups, athletes involved in wrestling, throwing projectiles and similar sports fall into the risk zone. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is also dangerous for those who often have to endure heavy loads – loaders.
Shoulder Arthritis Treatment
Having found symptoms of arthritis of the shoulder joint, a person should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Using the results of tests and radiography, the specialist will accurately determine the form and stage of the disease, prescribe the correct treatment: medication, physiotherapy, and surgery.
Medication Therapy
Treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint involves the appointment of a whole range of medications.
It may include the following tools, depending on the indications:
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
means of external therapy;
immunomodulatory drugs.
NSAIDs are prescribed to a patient who has arthritis of the shoulder joint to stop the inflammatory process. Means allow you to remove swelling, reduce the intensity of pain manifestations. The drugs of the group are aimed at combating the symptoms that arthritis gives. They do not affect the destructive process, do not control the development of the disease.
Among the drugs of the NSAID group for arthritis of the shoulder joint, Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Celecocib, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac sodium are most often prescribed.
Ketoprofen is one of the most popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis. The drug is characterized by rapid absorption, instantly reaches the site of inflammation. Its action is to block inflammatory mediators, relieve swelling of tissues, and improve their microcirculation. It can also be considered as an effective pain reliever. The disadvantage is a large number of side effects and contraindications.
“Diclofenac sodium” is a drug that has been tested for years. The drug has an analgesic effect, is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. Of the minuses of the drug, a long range of contraindications, the likelihood of negative consequences (skin rashes, stomach bleeding, digestive disorders). These factors lead to a decrease in the popularity of the remedy despite its effectiveness.
Meloxicam is a relatively new drug that has a less destructive effect on the condition of the stomach. However, its use does not exclude a disorder of the digestive system, attacks of headaches. Of the advantages of the tool – it is used only once a day.
“Nimesulide” is an effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, characterized by high absorption. Practically safe in terms of side effects.
“Celecokib” is a drug that is considered the most effective in terms of pain relief. There are almost no contraindications for use.
The main purpose of the drugs of the group is to relieve pain that causes discomfort to a patient suffering from arthritis of the shoulder joint. Be sure to be prescribed for painful forms (for example, osteoarthritis), may contain paracetamol, codeine, aspirin.
Paracetamol is a drug that mainly has an antipyretic effect. It is prescribed if to combat such symptoms of arthritis as an increase in temperature, fever.
Analgin is characterized by an analgesic effect, but does not have an anti-inflammatory effect. There is a possibility of negative consequences of taking – a violation of the digestive tract. The remedy is not recommended for ulcers, it is used only after meals.
Codeine can lead to side effects such as stool disorders, nausea.
Means of external therapy
This group includes creams and ointments that help reduce the pain threshold, enhance the effects of the drugs described above.
“Diclofenac” is the most popular remedy among ointments that are prescribed to a patient with arthritis of the shoulder joint. Of the advantages, the absence of a destructive effect on the digestive system, the minimum number of contraindications. Shows the best results in the fight against rheumatoid form. It is applied 3-4 times a day (mainly a two-week course), gently rubbed into the skin of the affected area until absorbed.
Fastum Gel, Bystrumgel are created on the basis of ketoprofen and are prescribed for inflammatory processes occurring in the joints. Ointments are used three times a day, the duration of the course is set by the doctor.
“Cream long” helps in removing puffiness, fights stiffness of the joints, relieves pain. Often prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, has contraindications and negative effects. Frequency of application – 4 times a day, the average duration of the course – a month.
Gel “Deep Relief” is characterized by an excellent analgesic effect, helps to eliminate swelling, fights pain, inflammation. The duration of the course is chosen by the doctor, the frequency of use is 4 times a day.
All drugs of external therapy have contraindications, it is impossible to prescribe them on their own.
Glucocorticoids are an important part of the treatment of shoulder arthritis. Injections of drugs allow you to maximize the return of mobility to the affected joint, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. Means do not have a devastating effect on the body, but dangerous side effects (disruption of the adrenal glands, osteoporosis, cataracts). The correct dosage, selected by the doctor, can reduce the risk of use. In advanced situations, injections are placed directly into the damaged joint.
Modern medicine is increasingly turning to such an innovative remedy as chondroprotectors in the treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint. The composition of these drugs includes biologically active elements. Useful substances can significantly slow down the process of destruction occurring in the affected joints.
Chondroprotectors with their constant use in certain cases make it possible to achieve an absolute restoration of the areas affected by the disease. Their effectiveness depends on the form and stage at which shoulder arthritis is located in a particular patient.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Arthritis of the shoulder joint is also treated with the help of physiotherapy tools – laser, electrophoresis, massage. The benefit or harm that procedures can bring is determined by the form of the disease. Physiotherapy treatment allows you to stop inflammatory processes, reduces the intensity of pain manifestations, and restores blood circulation. Muscle tissue is stretched, muscles are toned, blood circulation processes are restored.
With the successful elimination of the pain syndrome, therapeutic exercises are added, with the help of which the motor capabilities of the joint increase.
nutritional care
Diet is not able to become the only tool in the fight against arthritis of the shoulder joint. However, it has a positive effect on the state of the patient’s immunity, accelerates the healing process.
What can’t be eaten? When compiling a diet menu, it is worth minimizing or completely abandoning salty, sweet and fatty foods. Flour products are also prohibited, the patient can only afford bread made from wholemeal flour. Alcoholic beverages that adversely affect the effectiveness of drugs are strictly not allowed.
What can you eat? The basis of the diet of a person suffering from arthritis should be vegetables and fruits (green, orange and yellow). You also need to add dairy products to the menu. The patient is extremely useful fish (especially valuable will be salmon, tuna, trout). It is best to concentrate on boiled and stewed foods, leaving fried foods until recovery.
What can you drink? The patient needs a daily intake of two liters of water without gas. Freshly squeezed juices will also benefit him.
Surgical methods of treatment
If a patient has a pronounced pathological process, there is a persistent deformity of the joint, one cannot do without surgical intervention. The surgical method of dealing with the disease in most cases means a partial replacement of a section of the bone (carrying out hemiarthroplasty). You may also need prosthetics – a complete replacement of the joint.
If arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint becomes the object of treatment, the surgeon chooses the resection technique. The operation is the removal of a bone element from the edge of the clavicle. Scar tissue in this case will gradually fill the remaining cavity.
Surgical intervention allows you to solve the following tasks:
Relief of a patient suffering from arthritis of the shoulder joint from pain.
Putting in order the lost (in whole or in part) motor function of the hand.
Return to full working capacity.
Self-medication, as well as the lack of proper treatment, is extremely dangerous. Finding symptoms of arthritis of the shoulder joint, you should immediately visit a doctor.