Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

Sinusitis in children This is a significant problem for both the child and his parents. Sinusitis in a child must be urgently treated until he began to awaken the adenoids. The classic signs of sinusitis in children are nasal discharge, a feeling of congestion, irritability, and fatigue. In addition, you should pay special attention to a runny nose if it does not go away in a week.

Often, the development of sinusitis in a child is confused with the banal flu or a cold. In order to start treatment on time and prevent the occurrence of complications, you need to be able to correctly identify the first symptoms of the development of the disease and identify the causes of its occurrence.

Signs and symptoms of sinusitis in children

Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

The occurrence of sinusitis can be accompanied by several symptoms at once:

  • Strong headache. It is localized in a certain area, most often the forehead and temples suffer. As a rule, a more pronounced pain syndrome is present on the half of the face on which the affected sinus is located. With a sharp tilt of the head, sneezing or coughing, the pain intensifies, and in the supine position the child practically stops feeling it. Pain can be constant, and periodically increase depending on the activity of the child and the position of his body. (Read also: 7 causes of headaches in children)

  • Toothache. Pain syndrome can significantly increase when chewing food. Chewing teeth often suffer, which acutely feel the presence of any changes in the structure of the sinuses,

  • Nasal congestion. It arises from the accumulation of pus in them, which is very difficult to remove in the usual way. With sinusitis, a child often complains that only one nostril is not breathing. At the same time, it can change – when the right one begins to breathe, the left one becomes clogged and vice versa,

  • Temperature increase. It is associated with the onset of the inflammatory process of the sinus, which occurs due to the accumulation of purulent secretions in the sinuses. Also, a high temperature is due to the body’s struggle with the disease,

  • The appearance of discharge from the nose. They can be both transparent and purulent. At the same time, ordinary blowing your nose does not bring long-term relief. The condition may improve only for a few minutes, after which the deterioration of well-being follows again,

  • Redness and swelling in the cheek area. That half of the face suffers, in which the inflamed sinus is located,

  • Behavior change. In particular, the child becomes capricious, his activity worsens. In some cases, even refusal to eat is possible. External signs are possible – a change in complexion and pronounced apathy,

  • Decreased sense of smell. With clogged sinuses, the child cannot properly perceive odors,

  • Nasal. It occurs due to the accumulation of a secret in the sinuses, which interferes with normal conversation,

  • By pressing on the center of the cheek or on the inner corner of the eye, the child will feel a strong attack of pain. Also, pain syndrome can occur when you press the bridge of the nose,

  • The appearance of chills. Often this symptom appears only after an increase in body temperature, however, its “causeless” appearance is also possible,

  • Painful sensations in the throat, dryness and perspiration. These symptoms can appear when ordinary sinusitis becomes chronic.

The appearance of at least a few symptoms from the above signs is a reason to consult a doctor for a thorough examination. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis, so there is no need to self-medicate. Timely intervention during the course of the disease will help to significantly ease the headache, eliminate all other signs of the onset of the disease and completely cure the child.

Causes of sinusitis in children

Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

For proper treatment, it is necessary to know the causes of the onset of the disease. In the case of sinusitis, there may be several of them:

  • Rhinogenic sinusitis occurs as a complication of various diseases – SARS or acute respiratory infections. As a rule, with flu and colds, the normal outflow of mucus is difficult, as a result of which an infection enters the body through the nasal passages, which becomes the causative agent of the disease,

  • Allergic rhinitis, which can later develop into sinusitis, occurs due to the presence of irritating substances. Accompanied by severe sinus edema,

  • Trauma can also cause illness. A fracture of the nasal septum, a severe bruise or other damage can provoke the development of the disease, accelerate its appearance or become a catalyst for the appearance of a chronic form of sinusitis,

  • infectious infection. The virus enters through the blood. The cause of sinusitis can be many infectious diseases. The rapid development of the disease is due to a weakened immune system. This is the reason most often diagnosed in children,

  • Complication of periodontitis, osteomyelitis, periostitis. This cause of sinusitis is less common in childhood,

  • Malfunction of blood vessels. Most often, the cause is their reduced tone, which is characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The supply of blood to the respiratory tract worsens, as a result of which an infection can occur, leading to sinusitis,

  • The occurrence of inflammation of the adenoids. In addition to difficulty breathing and accumulation of mucus, adenoids can cause sinusitis, as they themselves become a source of infection,

  • Diseases of the oral cavity. The most common causes of sinusitis are caries or stomatitis,

  • Banal decrease in immunity. The body’s defenses are weakened, and any virus can cause the development of the disease. In addition, with a decrease in immunity, the body’s ability to fight viruses worsens significantly, and any disease proceeds faster,

  • Congenital disorders of the structure of the nasal sinuses. For example, the curvature of the nasal septum leads to difficulty in the removal of mucus, due to the accumulation of which sinusitis develops,

  • hereditary diseases. The most common cause of sinusitis is cystic fibrosis.

Correct identification of the cause will help to completely eliminate it, as a result of which the fight against the disease will be much easier and recovery will come much faster. Often it is the definition of the cause of sinusitis that becomes a huge plus in the fight against this disease. Only a professional doctor can correctly determine the onset of the development of the disease.

Treatment of sinusitis in children

Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

Treatment of sinusitis in children with folk remedies

How to carry out the treatment of sinusitis in children? In modern medicine, treatment is carried out by puncture, puncture of the maxillary sinuses. But this operation is performed only in patients who have a strong stagnation of pus in the sinuses and a high temperature. At an early and middle stage, sinusitis can be cured with folk remedies. Folk remedies lend themselves even to persistent and chronic sinusitis.

For the treatment of sinusitis in children, the following recipes are most suitable:

  • Tie 2 matches with cotton wool and soak it with propolis ointment. Then insert them into your nose and hold for five minutes.

  • Squeeze the juice from a carrot and put it in the child’s nose. Juice must be fresh.

  • Brew one teaspoon of green tea in a glass of boiling water. After straining it, rinse your nose with a small syringe 5-8 times a day. And at night, instill a decoction of 3-4 drops into the nose.

How to carry out the washing procedure

You collect the product in a syringe, insert its end into the nose and ask the child to take a breath. Just at the moment when he begins to inhale, you slowly pour in the medicine, and then ask him to blow his nose. Adult children can simply sniff the medicine with their nose from a flat saucer.

ENT doctor’s advice

Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

Have you noticed that your child snores at night and breathes through his mouth? Do you want to know why this is happening and what to do now? An ENT doctor can answer your questions. Here are the possible reasons for this condition in your child:

  • the nasal septum is curved (may be the result of an injury or be inherited);

  • the pharyngeal tonsil is enlarged; c) infectious rhinitis (inflamed nasal cavity);

  • allergic rhinitis;

  • chronic sinusitis.

Due to the occurrence of the disease due to different causes, treatment can vary greatly. And if there are several symptoms at once, then you need to contact different doctors. A child may develop a delay in speech development, as well as a violation of attention, if for a long time his nasal breathing is disturbed and the body does not have enough oxygen.

If a child has difficulty breathing, then this can lead to the onset of hearing loss and otitis media. Otitis can also develop in a painless form. This manifests itself when the child begins to ask again, and the parents do not give due attention to this. The result of such an attitude can be a pronounced degree of hearing loss detected at an appointment with an ENT doctor.

If your baby is often tormented by coughs and colds, a severe sore throat, then an otolaryngologist (ENT) will help you deal with this.

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