Myopia in children – this is a condition that occurs in childhood and is characterized by the fact that the image of objects is focused directly in front of the retina, and not on it, as it should be normal. At the same time, the child can clearly see objects located near, and blurry objects that are far away from him.
Statistics indicate that in recent years, cases of myopia (a synonym for myopia) have become more frequent in childhood. It most often develops between the ages of 9 and 12. This age accounts for up to 75% of all cases of myopia among children. At the age of 15, the number of cases decreases and equates to 25%.
Myopia in children can be either stationary, that is, vision deteriorates to a certain extent and no longer falls, or progressive. The latter type is extremely dangerous, as vision gradually deteriorates, sometimes at a high rate, up to several diopters per year.
Symptoms of myopia in children
In order to determine the presence of myopia in a child, it is important to regularly bring him to an ophthalmologist for examination. Children are not always able to understand and express in words that something is wrong with his vision. Therefore, parents need to be extremely careful and be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease in a child.
Depending on his age, the following should alert:
If at the age of three months the baby is not able to fix his eyes on a bright object or toy. However, only an ophthalmologist can establish myopia at such an early stage of a baby’s development by conducting an examination.
The presence of strabismus, which often accompanies children’s myopia. Parents can notice this condition by 6 months on their own.
At an older age, by about a year, the child begins to squint, trying to see objects located in the distance. In addition, you can notice rapid blinking, there is a habit of wrinkling the forehead, bringing toys close to the eyes.
At school age, a child can already report a problem regarding the fact that it is difficult for him to see objects that are at a certain distance from him. In addition, such a symptom as increased eye fatigue is added. While reading and writing, the student begins to tilt his head to the side.
At any age, a child may experience headaches, blurred vision, discomfort in the eyes, a feeling of weakness.
If myopia is strongly developed, then the eyes will be somewhat pushed forward.
Causes of myopia in children
In childhood, myopia can be both congenital and acquired, as well as inherited.
Among the reasons for the appearance of these types of myopia, the following can be distinguished:
A disease passed from parents to children by inheritance. This factor is the most powerful impetus for the development of myopia, especially if both parents suffer from it.
Increased extensibility and weakness of the sclera may be a congenital cause of myopia.
Premature babies often suffer from myopia.
Congenital pathologies such as glaucoma, Down syndrome, malformations of the lens and cornea. All this leads to the emergence and development of myopia during the first year of a child’s life.
The increased load on the visual apparatus of the child during his preparation for school and while studying at an educational institution leads to the formation of acquired myopia.
It is impossible to exclude factors such as prolonged TV viewing, computer games, lack of visual hygiene.
Early learning to write and read negatively affects the visual apparatus.
The lack of vitamins and important trace elements in food leads to the fact that the eyes do not receive enough nutrients for their normal functioning and development.
Frequent infectious diseases, and their complications in the form of tonsillitis, sinusitis, overgrown adenoids can lead to the formation of myopia. In addition, such “childhood diseases” as: scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria have an impact on vision.
Violation of posture and development of the musculoskeletal system as a whole – scoliosis, flat feet.
It is impossible to exclude eye injuries received both during childbirth and in childhood.
Pathology of vascular development.
Rapid growth and hormonal changes in the body in childhood often cause the formation of myopia.
Parents with similar problems should be especially attentive to their child. Such children should visit an ophthalmologist more often than others and, if the first signs of myopia appear, receive adequate and timely treatment.
False myopia in children
Often the child manifests a condition such as false myopia. This is due to the fact that they have a spasm of the accommodative muscle due to prolonged visual strain. This occurs with prolonged writing and reading, with non-observance of hygiene of vision, with violation of lighting during classes.
At the same time, the muscle is not able to relax in a timely manner, and when transferring vision to an object located far away, its image is seen as fuzzy. This condition is also referred to as childhood pseudomyopia.
The danger of false myopia is that it can develop into a true one. Therefore, if the slightest vision problem is detected in a child, it is necessary to take him to an appointment with an ophthalmologist. False myopia in childhood is treated both with medication and with the help of corrective agents. It is important to reduce both physical and visual stress, to perform the exercises recommended by the doctor.
Treatment of myopia in children
In order to draw up an adequate treatment regimen for children with myopia, it is necessary to determine the degree of its development. It, like adults, is found in three types: high, medium and low. If the child does not suffer from complications of the disease, and its progression does not exceed 0,5 diopters per year, then it is possible to take a wait-and-see attitude.
In all other cases, treatment is indicated:
First, it is optical correction. To implement this method, the child is selected glasses. If he is in high school, then it is possible to use contact lenses as a vision correction. If myopia has not gone to a high degree, then glasses are needed that correct vision only when looking into the distance. If myopia exceeds 6 diopters, then glasses will need to be worn without removing them. The same applies to progressive myopia.
Secondly, it is medical treatment. Doctors prescribe a complex course of medications, which include vitamin complexes.
They can also prescribe eye drops that improve their nutrition, drugs designed to dilate blood vessels. Do not deviate from the scheme prescribed by the ophthalmologist, otherwise it will lead to the progression of the disease.
Thirdly, these are physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of children’s myopia. This includes laser therapy, vacuum massage, training of the accommodative muscle on special devices, electrophoresis, electrical stimulation and other methods of influencing the visual apparatus. Perhaps sanatorium treatment in children’s health camps and dispensaries.
Fourthly, it is a surgical intervention. The operation is prescribed when the child has a high degree of development of the disease or it tends to progress. Children can be shown such surgical treatment as scleroplasty, which comes down to strengthening the sclera. As for the popular method of laser correction, it cannot be carried out until the child has reached the age of majority.
Prevention of myopia in children
According to ophthalmologists, in childhood it is much easier to prevent the development of myopia than to correct it.
By following these simple guidelines, you can save your child’s vision:
In order to prevent the development of myopia, it is important to prevent excessive strain on the organs of vision. First of all, this concerns observing the distance from the eyes to the notebook, computer monitor and other items that require effort from the eyes. When a child is engaged in visual work, it is important that the minimum distance to the object is 30 cm. This is due to the fact that when reading, the axes of the eyes converge and stop on the printed text. The closer it is, the more effort it takes for the child’s eyes to focus. Failure to comply with the minimum distance leads to the fact that there is a spasm of the accommodative muscles and the development of false or temporary myopia, which threatens to develop into a true one.
The eyes need regular rest. Any prolonged eye strain threatens the development of myopia. The muscles of children’s eyes are constantly in good shape, the lens is overstressed, and the pupil does not expand. In addition, the child blinks less during work, which leads to the drying of the cornea, discomfort in the eyes, irritation and burning. All this can provoke the development of the disease. Therefore, it is so important not to allow the child to study for more than 40 minutes. And for younger students, daily watching TV or working at a computer should not exceed one and a half hours a day.
You can not allow the child to read books in any form of transport, as well as in a prone position. The formation of such a habit, especially in childhood, is sure to negatively affect the child’s vision. With constant shaking, the accommodative apparatus will have to constantly adapt to changing conditions, constantly being in suspense. Such visual loads are extremely dangerous for the baby’s developing apparatus. If you read a book while lying in bed, then there is insufficient blood supply to the eye muscles due to clamping of the blood vessels. When the child turns over on its side, one eye becomes closer to the visual object, and the other further. This leads to difficulty focusing and eye strain.
It is important to form the correct posture in a child, starting from a very early age. During classes, it is necessary that his back be straight and the monitor be above eye level. It is useful to change the place at the school desk during the school year.
It is important that the child receives good nutrition, and his diet is balanced. This will supply the organ of vision with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. If “myopia” has already been diagnosed, then it is worth diversifying the child’s menu with fish, dairy products, herbs, eggs, fruits and vegetables that have undergone the minimum necessary heat treatment. Thus, children’s eyes will be able to better cope with the increased stress on them, which means that it will be more effective to deal with myopia.
It is important to properly organize children’s leisure. Often, after a long work at the school desk, children immediately begin to complete tasks at home. After completing homework, the child sits down at the computer and enthusiastically indulges in virtual games. The risk of developing myopia with this daily routine is extremely high. Therefore, it is important that children spend as much time as possible outdoors. Such outdoor games as tennis and badminton help to train vision and prevent the formation of myopia.
It will not be superfluous to protect children’s eyes from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Excessively bright light can provoke the development of the disease. When the weather is sunny outside, the child should be taught to use dark glasses. If it is too small, then a panama with wide brim will be an excellent solution.
It is worth paying special attention to the illumination of the workplace for which the child is engaged. It is important that the access of sunlight is maximum. To do this, place the table to the right of the window, and for classes in the evening and winter, purchase a table lamp.
It is worth remembering that the visual apparatus of a child is in the formative stage, so the risk of developing myopia is higher in him than in an adult. By taking care of instilling disease prevention skills from childhood, you can protect children from the development of myopia.
Author of the article: Degtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist