Causes, symptoms and treatment of metabolic disorders in men

Causes, symptoms and treatment of metabolic disorders in men

Metabolism is a complex of chemical changes, as well as all transformations of substances and energy in organisms that provide life, development, self-reproduction, adaptation to changing external conditions.

Metabolism is based on interrelated processes aimed at constantly updating and providing living material with the necessary energy. The processes themselves are carried out through chemical reactions with the help of enzymes.

Causes of impaired metabolism in men

Metabolic processes in the body are highly dependent on the lifestyle that a man leads, on the balance of his diet, on adequate sleep, physical activity, and the frequency of stressful situations. The causes of disturbed metabolism may lie in malfunctions of the nervous system, imbalance of the endocrine system, with impaired synthesis of immune and transport proteins, in case of violation of the genetic apparatus of the cells themselves.

the changed composition of the diet will quickly lead to a lack of nutrients. The body will begin to experience a deficiency in any vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids and, as a result, the metabolic process will be disturbed. One of the causes of violations is changes in the quantity and quality of nutrition, when food does not correspond to the energy costs of the body. To put it simply, malnutrition in the form of strict diets or overeating.

A serious argument for metabolic disorders will be the accumulation of toxic-type substances by the body, as well as heavy metals. Any shock of an emotional nature – an accident, family problems, a serious illness, etc., is also the cause of metabolic failures. In such situations, the duration and frequency of stress or depression are very important, the longer the time period, the more the problem is aggravated.

Violation of metabolic processes in men can occur due to hormonal failure. These are changes in the work of the pituitary or adrenal glands, followed by a failure of metabolic processes. They arise due to tumors, congenital disorders, severe stress in the early period of life, or severe diseases that have affected the condition of these organs. A disorder in the balance of sex hormones with impaired testicular function, when the male body produces more female hormones than male ones. In this variant, a metabolic failure accompanies impotence.

Hormonal disorders include pathological changes in the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus (type 1,2), when there is insufficient production of insulin or reduced sensitivity to it. Very often, impaired metabolism has a hereditary factor – a disorder of certain genes that are involved in encoding enzymes that provide the transformation of substances in the body. At risk are men who abuse alcohol, smoke, gluttony with a sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of impaired metabolism in men

The most common sign of a metabolic disorder is excess subcutaneous fat (cellulitis). This deficiency is a cause of concern for many men. In this case, the processing of fats, as well as low-density lipoproteins, is disrupted. Fats accumulate in the body and cause an increase in cholesterol. Its excess, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fragility of nails and hair, unhealthy complexion, swelling are additional signs of metabolic disorders.

Treatment of impaired metabolism in men

The treatment of metabolic disorders in men is not much different from a similar disorder in women. The initial stages of the disease can be stopped if the patient reconsiders the diet and food intake. Minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin. The use of fractional nutrition will begin, which reduces the amount of food at one time and further reduces the size of the stomach. It is very important to have an established sleep schedule and adequate physical activity while awake, to avoid stress.

Genetic changes or advanced diseases associated with metabolic disorders require regular therapy and constant medical supervision. After diagnosing and determining the pathology, the doctor prescribes medication according to an individual scheme. Diabetes is treated with hypoglycemic drugs, the thyroid gland is treated with thyroid drugs, endocrine gland dysfunction suggests a different hormonal therapy.

Diagnosable disorders that are not amenable to therapeutic treatment are eliminated surgically, when the organ that has received damage is removed or partially resected. Operations can be indicated for tumors, thyroid pathology, pituitary adenoma. Postponing therapeutic measures in the presence of the first suspicions of a violation of metabolic processes is very dangerous, it can threaten with serious complications and more problematic treatment.

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