Causes, signs and symptoms of low blood pressure

Causes, signs and symptoms of low blood pressure

Low pressure a condition in which blood pressure falls below 120 on 80. WHO indicates that any indicator below 100/60 mmHg Art. is low pressure. But here it is necessary to proceed not from standardized indicators, but to make exceptions due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Physiological decrease in blood pressure. People who are dominated by parasympathetic nervous system influences are prone to hypotension and feel great at pressures of 90/60 and even lower. An increase in these figures to normal, from the point of view of physicians, causes a violation of the general condition in such people.

Pathological decrease – true hypotension. It is a drop in blood pressure below those that are normal for a particular person, and are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  1. Lethargy, weakness, general weakness and malaise.

  2. Occipital headaches.

  3. Feeling of lack of air, especially in rooms with a large number of people.

  4. Increased sweating, fatigue and shortness of breath.

  5. Vertigo, especially when abruptly changing from a lying position to an upright position.

  6. Nausea and vomiting.

4 levels of pressure reduction

The situation is not entirely clear when discussing questions about the physiological numbers of blood pressure. Some experts talk about strict standards that can be called the norm, while others tend to establish broad individual figures for this indicator. In both cases, there are pros and cons. The only thing you can talk about with clear confidence & ndash; it’s about strict variations of the upper limits of the norm. And the numbers of the lower limits of blood pressure are individual: what for some people is considered low pressure with poor health.

Norm indicators:

  • Children: 110-115/70-80 mm. rt. Art.

  • Adults: 120-135/75-85 mm. rt. Art.

  • Elderly: 140-150/80-85mm. rt. Art.

Degrees of arterial hypotension:

  1. Values ​​100/60. It is impossible to call such numbers pathological, but if the tonometer began to show low readings, you need to contact a specialist.

  2. Indicators 90/55. In this case, they speak of hypotension of I-II degree. It can signal violations in the work of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, or a dedicated system.

  3. Values ​​80/50 and below. Such indicators indicate III-IV degree of hypotension. This condition is dangerous and requires hospitalization. After discharge from the hospital, the patient is seen by a specialist.

  4. Blood pressure below 70/50. At such values, cardiogenic shock and death of the patient can occur at any time. With a sharp decrease in blood pressure, you need to call an ambulance.

If the working pressure decreases even slightly, but the person feels unwell, they speak of arterial hypotension.

Low pressure reasons

Causes, signs and symptoms of low blood pressure

You can often hear that the main cause of low pressure is cervical osteochondrosis or VVD. However, in fact, VVD occupies one of the last places, and cervical osteochondrosis has nothing to do with this at all.

The true causes of low blood pressure:

  • Hypothyroidism. Very often, people treat hypotension for years, not suspecting that the true cause of low blood pressure is hidden in a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Therefore, first of all, you need to check its performance and check the level of hormones.

  • Anemia. It can be provoked by hidden internal bleeding, poor nutrition, adherence to a strict diet, heavy menstruation in a woman, problems with the absorption of vitamin B12, parasitic infestations and other factors. Therefore, all people suffering from hypotension need to do a clinical blood test.

  • Decreased levels of female sex hormones during menopause. It is possible that hormone replacement therapy will be required, which is prescribed by a gynecologist (on the topic: HRT – is it dangerous?).

  • A history of myocardial infarction or heart failure. To identify this cause, an ECG should be performed.

  • Taking medications. Sometimes the therapy leads to a persistent decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should ask your doctor about the side effects of the prescribed remedy.

  • The use of a small amount of liquid. To maintain a stable pressure per day, you need to drink at least 1 liter of water.

  • Insufficient salt intake. If its excess leads to hypertension, then its deficiency leads to hypotension.

  • Muscular lethargy. The lack of minimal physical activity leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

  • Chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

  • Constant sleep deprivation. Quality sleep is essential for health.

  • Psychosomatics. Sometimes even the absence of the joys of life and interest in it can cause a persistent decrease in blood pressure.

  • Features of labor activity: work underground, in conditions of high humidity, at high temperature.

  • Postponed traumatic brain injury.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, will tell you about 15 true causes of low blood pressure:

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