Causes of snoring and methods of getting rid of it. Folk remedies for snoring
Do you easily fall asleep when a man the size of a whale snores on the next bed or a compartment shelf? Although, in fairness, it must be said that not only men snore, but also women and even children. What are the causes of snoring and how to get rid of snoring – we will try to answer these questions today.
Loud snoring is not just an audible stimulus that poisons the night to everyone within earshot. Snoring can also signal health problems. Among the various causes of snoring, there are harmless ones, and there are some that make it worthwhile to consult a doctor without delay.
About half of all adults snore from time to time. Sound is produced by the narrowing of the larynx passage, which causes the passing air to vibrate the relaxed soft tissues. The sound of snoring can be very loud.
The simplest reason for snoring is sleep position. Especially often people snore when lying on their back, and, for example, not on their side and never snore when lying on their stomach. The fact is that when we lie on our backs, the muscles of the larynx relax, the laryngopharynx narrows, this is the reason for snoring. While many people, seeking to stop snoring with folk methods, buy special mouthguards or devices that open the nasal passage at night, or do something else, a simple solution to snoring can be simply turning the body to the left or right side.
Another cause of snoring can be obesity, in which excess soft tissue compresses the larynx. Moreover, the more soft tissue in the throat area, the more difficult it is for air to pass through it, and the louder the snoring sound will be. If so, then you can get rid of snoring through the loss of extra pounds – through diet or exercise. True, rarely when the cause of snoring is only obesity itself, usually a person who decides to fight against snoring has to deal with a complex of reasons.
Alcohol consumption, oddly enough, is also a fairly common cause of snoring. After all, it significantly relaxes the muscles of the throat. The closer the party is to bedtime, the more likely you will snore heavily after drinking.
Finally, snoring can be provoked by our individual anatomy – the way the soft tissues are located in the nasopharynx. The narrower the airway, the louder the snoring. For example, an unusually long and soft tongue (the part of the soft tissue that hangs at the back of the throat) can cause very loud snoring. Other possible anatomical causes include too large (or simply swollen due to disease) adenoids or tonsils.
The causes of snoring have been identified. What’s next?
Where to start if we understand the reasons for snoring? The first option is a method with the hard-to-pronounce name UvuloPalatoFaringoPlasty. This is the name of a surgical operation in which some parts of the soft tissue in the mouth and throat are cut off. This prevents tissues from blocking the airways during sleep. The more expensive procedure is laser surgery or somnoplasty. In the first case, the surgeon uses laser beams to remove parts of the soft palate, and in the second, radio waves. Both of these snoring surgeries are performed using local anesthesia.
Some snorers are prescribed by doctors to wear special masks worn over the nose at night. These masks create constant positive air pressure, which means they push air through the airways. As a result, the person stops snoring.
Sometimes people seek help from a rather unusual snoring remedy – hypnosis. Proponents of this method convince us that a thought can be put into the subconscious of a snorer that will make him roll over on his side as soon as he starts snoring. Sounds like a scene from Inception, doesn’t it? It seems incredible, but on the other hand, we know so little about hypnosis.
How to get rid of snoring with folk methods?
As mentioned, snoring is not only annoying with loud noises, it can also indicate health problems. At the very least, a snoring person suffers from insomnia or lack of sleep. He may have more serious problems, such as sleep apnea – that is, temporary stops in breathing during sleep. Congenital features can also make a person snore, for example, any physical malformation of the respiratory tract.
If you want to get rid of snoring using traditional methods, that is, without seeking help from surgery or medication, you need, first, to make changes in your own lifestyle. These changes include losing excess weight (if you have one), limiting alcohol consumption before bed, and getting in the correct position in bed, that is, falling asleep on the “non-snoring” side. In addition, some tips to get rid of snoring using traditional methods recommend using special nasal strips that help keep the airways open. In most cases, these simple snoring remedies should help.
Charger for snorers
Another snoring remedy that may seem overwhelming to many is special exercises that strengthen the muscles in the mouth. For example, singing or playing wind instruments can tone these muscles and therefore help reduce snoring.
In addition, consider using special devices that are placed in the mouth at night and move the tongue and soft palate slightly. This keeps the airway open. These devices are designed by dentists, and they must check the condition of the device every six months to make sure it is still working properly.
Better yet, see your doctor.