Causes of nasal congestion. What to do if the nose is blocked?

Nasal breathing is a very important function that affects a number of physiological processes and on which many aspects of the life of the body depend, for example, the work of the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as human health in general.

The main task of nasal breathing is to heat the inhaled air, clean it from harmful microorganisms and dust particles, and provide the cells of our body with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

With nasal congestion, there is a violation of oxygen circulation, which negatively affects the functioning of the brain: sleep, memory and attention suffer, chronic fatigue and headaches appear. In addition, nasal congestion is associated with inflammatory processes that affect the functioning of the hearing aid, in particular, hearing acuity. Therefore, nasal congestion often leads to otitis media (more in the article: causes and symptoms of otitis media, how to treat otitis media?) and many other complications.

[Video] Dr. Berg – Nasal congestion – WHAT TO DO. 3 causes of stuffy nose:

If the nose is stuffy without a runny nose

Causes of nasal congestion. What to do if the nose is blocked?

This condition, in which the nose is stuffed up without a runny nose, occurs with the following diseases:

  • Adenoids is a pathological condition characterized by the growth of the lymphoid nodes of the nasal cavity, which significantly complicates the respiratory process. This pathology usually occurs in children under six years of age. Sinus congestion from the adenoids interferes with free breathing through the nose, and the child is forced to constantly keep his mouth ajar. The problem is solved by increasing the protective functions of the body, as the lymph grows due to exposure to viruses or allergens that cause inflammation, or by surgical intervention. But even the removal of the adenoids does not guarantee recovery, as the tissue can grow back. Fortunately, the pathology disappears with age;

  • Nasal polyps are an overgrowth of connective tissue and nasal mucosa. A common cause of polyps is chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, accompanied by inflammation. Such a polyposis has three stages of development, when only the upper part of the nasal septum closes, then the growths cover half and then the entire nasal passage;

  • Curvature of the nasal septum – leads to the fact that one of the sinuses cannot pass air normally, then the second half of the nasal cavity works in an enhanced mode, due to which the mucous membrane grows and breathing becomes difficult;

  • Other reasons. Nasal congestion and breathing problems may be associated with pathologies of the soft palate, such as an increase in its area and volume. Violation of innervation, as well as the absence of teeth, can lead to the palate falling during sleep. This is a dangerous condition, sometimes leading to death as a result of respiratory arrest.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

Nasal congestion is a common occurrence during pregnancy in women. This is due to an increase in the level of hormones, leading to swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose. Congestion in this case may be accompanied by a runny nose or proceed without it, and nosebleeds are often added in the second half of pregnancy. All these symptoms disappear after childbirth, when the woman’s hormonal background returns to normal.

When a child’s nose does not breathe

The respiratory system of a newborn child is not yet adapted to the environment – bacteria, viruses, dust particles contained in the air, so the nasal mucosa reacts to their effects with edema and mucus secretion. This physiological process is the norm, but it is extremely dangerous to ignore such a state of the baby. The fact is that congestion and a runny nose make nasal breathing difficult, and since, due to age-related characteristics, babies cannot breathe through their mouths, in severe cases this can cause suffocation. In addition, a violation of the breathing process leads to oxygen deficiency, which affects the development of the child. If a runny nose does not prevent a child from sucking a breast or a bottle, does not disturb his sleep, then special treatment is not required. You just need to be with the baby more often in the fresh air, ventilate his room, while avoiding drafts and carry out wet cleaning in the apartment every day. In any case, consulting a pediatrician will not hurt.

Other causes of nasal congestion in children:

  • Viral or bacterial rhinitis, which is also accompanied by congestion and runny nose. In these cases, accompanying symptoms appear – fever, sneezing, lack of appetite, etc .;

  • Upon reaching the age of six months, children may suffer from sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities, accompanied by the release of purulent mucus;

  • Teething is often combined with a runny nose and nasal congestion;

  • Older children suffer from the same diseases as adults.

Tumors as the cause of nasal congestion

Tumor formations of the nasal cavity are most directly related to congestion:

  • Osteoma is a benign bone tumor localized in the frontal part of the skull or paranasal sinuses. Osteomas are commonly seen in young people;

  • Tumors of vascular origin – divided into several varieties: hemangioma (red mole), lymphangioma, angiofibroma. They differ in the location of the lesion and may be malignant or benign. Malignant tumors usually develop directly in the nasal cavity;

  • Squamous cell carcinoma – is a tumor nodule on the wings or back of the nose. At the initial stage, the neoplasm looks like a red spot covered with a crust. Over time, it begins to bleed, increase in size, growing into nearby tissues and blocking the nasal passage;

  • Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that affects the glandular cells of the organs. The development of the disease is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus. See also: complication and treatment of the Epstein-Barr virus;

  • Sarcoma of the nasal cavity – it is also a malignant tumor, which is a proliferating connective tissue covered with mucous. Differs in rapid progression.

Small benign tumors are removed with cauterization or a scalpel. Elimination of malignant tumors or large tumors is carried out surgically using a laser or using radiation.

What to do if the nose is blocked?

  1. Humidification of the air in the room. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing can be caused by dry air in heated rooms, so it is very important to ventilate the room at least two or three times a day, humidify the air with special devices, or hang a wet towel next to the heater. Wet cleaning also helps to maintain a comfortable microclimate.

  2. Contacting a doctor. Nasal congestion is caused by many diseases, so it is recommended that when such a condition appears, do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist – an otolaryngologist.

  3. Vasoconstrictor drops. Such drugs should be used with extreme caution. Nasal drops quickly relieve swelling and congestion, restore breathing. But the duration of their use should not exceed three days, because they are addictive, and this is fraught with complications.

  4. Antihistamines

  5. Combined drops

[Video] 5 simple tricks for allergic rhinitis:

Любое лекарство для лечения насморка и заложенности носа у детей должно назначаться врачом-педиатром.

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