Causes of hair loss in girls and women

Hair loss reasons a lot of. First, the bad ecology of big cities, which is getting worse every year. No one is surprised by acid rains, dense smog over highways, gray snow and puddles rainbow from gasoline. All this complex of unfavorable factors has a negative effect on the scalp and, therefore, on the hair.

Secondly, residents of megalopolises very often neglect a balanced diet, exhaust themselves with numerous diets, which, of course, cannot but affect the health of the hair.

Thirdly, many city dwellers are forced to use poor-quality water both for drinking and for washing their hair. The chlorine contained in such water deprives the skin of its natural fatty membrane, which often leads to hair drying and hair loss.

Finally, another important factor that provokes hair loss is stress. And there is enough stress in the life of any city dweller! Scientists have found that stress is the most common non-hormonal factor in hair loss in women.

From the point of view of evolution, human hair has long lost its function of protecting the body from cold and overheating. Therefore, if it is necessary to mobilize the internal reserves of all organs and systems (and this is what happens during stress, especially chronic stress), the body easily sheds hair as an unnecessary “ballast”.

At the same time, hair has always been and remains one of the most significant attributes of female beauty and attractiveness. For hair loss treatmentcaused by non-hormonal factors in Europe for many years have been using a drug called Panto-vair… How does it work?

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