Causes of green stool in an adult

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Why is adult stool greenish? Can my diet or medication affect my stool color? What can you do when green stool appears? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What causes an adult’s stool?

Hello. I have an important question about my father. He is 75 years old, he is under my care because he is not capable of independent existence. For a long time, maybe two weeks, my dad has been complaining that his stool is a different color, green. Since recent morphology results were not good, especially cholesterol, the attending physician recommended a diet.

I introduced green vegetables in really large amounts to my daily menu, but can it be? the cause of green stool in an adult? Isn’t that too banal reason? Dad takes a lot of medications, but he hasn’t had any digestive complaints so far. What could be different causes of green stool at an elderly person?

She plans to sign up my dad for a doctor’s appointment, but I am wondering whether I should have him check-up, and more precisely stool examinationis it a good idea, and maybe wait for an appointment with a specialist. Dad has no other symptoms, no abdominal pain or problems with bowel movements, the only problem is a different color of the stools. Please, give me a hint what I should do.

The doctor points out possible causes of green stool in adults

Madam, one of the most common causes of a green stool is presence increased amount of bile in the stool and eating plenty of green vegetables. As undigested food remains pass through the digestive tract, bile secreted into the duodenum changes its color from greenish to brown.

In the case of accelerated intestinal transit, the change in the color of bile to brown occurs in a smaller percentage, so that in the final section of the gastrointestinal tract its color is still greenish, staining the stools green. Eating large amounts of green vegetables such as spinach and lettuce can also turn your stool green.

This condition is not dangerous to your health and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Occasionally, bacterial infections, especially Salmonella infection, can also manifest the green color of the stool. However, in this case, diarrhea is most often observed.

It is a pity that you did not write what exactly your daddy is ill with and what medications he takes. Such information is crucial during diagnostics. The use of so-called laxatives can also manifest itself your stool turns greenin the accelerated intestinal transit mechanism mentioned above.

I suggest you go with your dad to the GP. It is definitely worth performing a general faecal examination with a possible bacteriological examination. If necessary, your family doctor will refer your father to a gastroenterologist for more detailed diagnostics, for example tests for malabsorption or digestive disorders.

I would like to mention that when going to a doctor, take the current medical documentation with you along with a list of medications that the patient is taking. You may also consider changing your diet to one that contains less green vegetables. In this case, I suggest contacting a dietitian.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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