We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site! Epileptoid psychopathy is a personality disorder that must be under the supervision of specialists.
And today we will consider the main reasons why it occurs, as well as the most characteristic signs by which it is easy to diagnose its presence.
What is psychopathy?
What distinguishes a psychopath from a mentally ill person is the fact that he is able to control his behavior and be accountable for his actions. At least if he commits a crime, he can quite consciously confess to it in the process of forensic examination.
While the madman falls into unconsciousness, undergo hallucinations and delusional states. Why can’t he sometimes remember what he did or said.
Psychopathy can be either congenital or acquired due to brain damage at an early age, which happens, for example, with injuries. In fact, this is a pathology of character, when some personality traits become pronounced, painful.
The most famous psychopaths to mankind are Stalin, Pushkin, Nero, Grozny and even Darwin. They left a powerful mark in history, having gained power.
It is observed in both men and women. But among the strong half of humanity, this disorder is more pronounced.
Until about the 1950s, such people were considered mentally ill, or simply individuals with a very complex character who needed a special approach.
The most complete description of the various variants of psychopathy was left by Pyotr Gannushkin, a Soviet psychiatrist, as well as Ernst Kretschmer, his German colleague. He is also the creator of the classification of body types that affect the development of mental illness.
Main characteristic
Pathological epileptoids are characterized by cruelty towards other people, including animals. They are unstoppable and aggressive.
Harm is caused mainly to those who are weaker than them, more defenseless. Rarely enter into fights with equals, except perhaps out of necessity. But at the same time, they strive to use forbidden methods and techniques, if only to emerge victorious from it.
They do not even suspect the presence of conscience in the structure of their personality, therefore they never feel regrets about their deeds.
They are straightforward, do not understand jokes and are sometimes overly accommodating to those who have more power. That is, they will try to serve, while not experiencing true respect. Only because they are trying to get a special attitude towards themselves in this way.
Incapable of adapting to change, immobile, and usually adheres strictly to instructions, despite the fact that they go against common sense.
To make it clearer what we are talking about, here are examples of the behavior of an epileptoid psychopath in emergency situations: a policeman, having arrived at the scene of an accident, will not let an ambulance brigade to the dying victims, eyewitnesses who can help stop the blood, and so on, until he examines the vehicles. funds, will not make certain measurements.
Or, let’s say, the watchman does not allow firefighters to enter the premises he is guarding during a fire, for the reason that outsiders cannot enter there.
Also, such individuals are usually firmly convinced that they are right, there is no other opinion for them. All around fools and do not understand how to live. And if you try to convince him of something, then it is quite possible to “run into” an outburst of rage.
Therefore, close people usually decide not to provoke him to anger and save their nerves and health, which is why they agree with everything he says.
This type flirts so much with the correctness of their own fantasies that they quite often ignore reality and rationality.
Let’s say if the chosen one is online on social networks, then this necessarily means that she is cheating on him with those who are also online at that moment. Therefore, it will keep track of who exactly her visits to the page coincide with. And as soon as he finds out, he will begin to harass her with reproaches and accusations, despite quite reasonable arguments that this is impossible.
His ideas sometimes seem ridiculous, fantastic and absurd. Just not for him. He firmly believes in everything that the brain “draws”.
Accumulates resentment, only «explodes» with anger in a safe space for himself. For example, if his boss scolded him, he will restrain himself so as not to be rude in response. But as soon as he leaves the office, everyone who gets in his way will suffer.
That is, he will show violence and aggression towards those who are completely innocent and defenseless. He will hit a dog on the street, severely punish his children at home, scare his wife with the fact that he will definitely kill her …
Strives for power and is usually interested in history, trying to find out who and how received it. So often a person with this mental disorder can be found reading books about various cruel rulers.
If he occupies a leadership position, then his employees have a hard time. They are obliged to blindly obey any commands and requirements. If they show disrespect and show obstinacy, he punishes them, and at the most unexpected moment. Still, vindictiveness and inclination to sadism makes itself felt.
Often manages to hide his true nature, playing the role of a handsome and helpful person. He likes to indulge in gluttony, and the dishes should be exquisite, he won’t eat anything. Why does he make scandals if the family serves something simple, banal, which does not arouse his appetite.
In addition to culinary features, it often also has a passion for sexual depravity. He strives to diversify his experience by trying everything that is possible. And everyone.
And if we remember that with this mental disorder a person takes pleasure in causing pain and suffering to another, then we can safely say that most epileptoid psychopaths are prone to child molestation and rape.
If he is ill, he accuses his relatives of wanting him dead. And they rejoice that he fell ill. He accuses doctors of not professionalism and a conscious desire to cause harm. He demands that he be served and do exactly as he says.
For example, for a chair to stand at a distance of 1 meter from the bed, and certain pills to lie on it. If he turns out to be on the wrong side, as such a fastidious patient wanted, he will make a serious scandal, with humiliation of the staff and assault.
Given the inability to adapt to changes in the external environment and the ability to strictly adhere to job descriptions, it will show itself perfectly in such professions as a doorman, courier, secretary, accountant, watchman, and so on.
There are two types — antisocial epileptoid psychopath and hypersocial. The first is aggressive, cruel and rude, and the second is a great actor who sucks up, but betrays like Judas.
The asocial is not able to restrain himself, if he did not like something, he immediately reacts accordingly. Despite the fact that he understands what retribution awaits him for what he has done.
The hypersocial will harbor revenge, he will smile in his face, preparing a conspiracy behind his back. It is with this type that you should always be on your guard. It is worth relaxing even for a minute, and he will definitely take the opportunity to strike back. In the back.
A striking example of an epileptoid psychopath is the hero from the movie «In Bed with the Enemy.» He mocked his wife, beat her, demanding perfect cleanliness in the house. At one point, she just had to plan her escape in order to survive. But after that she did not find peace, because the tyrant began to hunt her down.
Treatment can only be successful if the psychopath acknowledges the problem and seeks help. Will try to control their reactions and behavior.
He may be given sedatives to reduce the number and intensity of his tantrums.
Meditative techniques, as well as auto-training, will help to relax and gain a sense of inner harmony, which will eliminate the need to harm others.
And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, we want to recommend that you read the article about the epileptoid personality type, which is not a psychopathy.
Take care of yourself and be happy!
The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina