Causes of bags under the eyes

The main causes of bags under the eyes

Among the causes of bags under the eyes, two main groups can be distinguished: physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes

Causes of bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are formed due to swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, or as a result of age-related aging.

In healthy people, they appear in the following cases:

  • Chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. Usually the bags pass quickly after a good rest;

  • Eating salty foods at night: Salt causes thirst and retains water in the body. The kidneys do not have time to remove the fluid that has entered the body, which leads to the formation of edema on the face;

  • Alcohol abuse: alcohol also retains water in the body;

  • Prolonged and intense tanning: in this case, a protective reaction from ultraviolet radiation is formed, which is expressed in the accumulation of fluid by the skin;

  • Intense visual work for a long time (reading, computer);

  • Increased estrogen levels in women before menstruation;

  • Age-related changes in the skin, which are expressed in a significant decrease in its elasticity and firmness; as a result, sagging of the skin under the eyes occurs;

  • Genetic predisposition.

In the situations described above, the appearance of bags under the eyes is not accompanied by any other symptoms, they disappear on their own by the middle of the day or after the causes that caused them have been eliminated. Age bags under the eyes are always present and do not change during the day. In some cases, this pathology is a hernia of the eyelids (bulging of subcutaneous fat under the eyes). This problem is solved by surgery.

Pathological causes

Often, bags under the eyes are perceived solely as a cosmetic defect, especially by women. However, in addition to this, they can be a sign of serious illness. If, in addition to the appearance of bags under the eyes, there are other symptoms, poor health, the reason for their appearance may be the following pathologies:

  • Kidney diseases. With an attack of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, bags under the eyes form overnight or in a few hours. Concomitant symptoms: general malaise, back pain, fever, pale skin, urination disorders, change in color and composition of urine. With glomerulonephritis, there is also an increase in blood pressure, headaches, blood in the urine.

  • Inflammatory reaction in acute respiratory viral infections. Respiratory diseases of an inflammatory nature lead to the formation of red bags under the eyes for several days:

    1. Adenovirus infection: accompanied by fever, nasal congestion and discharge from it, sore throat, cough, eye irritation;

    2. Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses): sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis. With sinusitis, the sac usually forms under one eye because it is more often one-sided. With ethmoiditis, pain is noted when pressing on the bridge of the nose. Edema under the eyes is accompanied by a runny nose, fever, headache;

    3. Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes): the formation of bags under the eyes is combined with redness of the eyes, burning and pain in the eyes, tearing, gluing of the eyelashes and eyelids after sleep.

  • Allergy. Allergic reactions are often accompanied by tissue edema. If swelling occurs on the face, it usually manifests itself in the form of bags under the eyes. An allergic reaction can be caused by plant pollen, animal dander, insect bites, dust, eating foods that are strong allergens (citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.). With allergies, bags under the eyes can form within hours or even minutes. Depending on its cause, symptoms such as itching, sneezing, nasal discharge, redness of the eyes, and watery eyes are noted.

  • Pathology of the thyroid gland. Bags under the eyes often occur against the background of diseases of the thyroid gland. In severe hypothyroidism, mexedema can develop – a mucus-like subcutaneous edema of an elastic, dense consistency that does not leave a hole when pressed. Goiter enlargement, adenoma or carcinoma of the thyroid gland can compress the veins of the neck, in this case bags under the eyes appear due to a violation of the outflow of blood from the face. Symptoms of hypothyroidism: weight gain, decreased vitality, depression, weakness, drowsiness, memory and attention impairment, gastrointestinal disorders (constipation), hair loss, stratification of nails, menstrual disorders in women.

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Bags under the eyes of a dark, cyanotic hue may indicate chronic heart failure. They form gradually, over weeks or even months, become larger in the evening and decrease or completely disappear in the morning. In parallel, there are severe edema on the legs. Concomitant symptoms are: periodic pain in the heart, tachycardia, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased performance.

  • Syndrome of compression of the superior vena cava. If the appearance of bags under the eyes is combined with severe swelling of the face, frequent bleeding from the nose, headaches, coughing, hoarseness, then they may be the result of a violation of the outflow of venous blood through the superior vena cava (from the head to the heart). Possible causes of this pathology are cancerous tumors of the lungs or mammary glands. Compression of the vena cava indicates the presence of metastases.

  • Injuries. Edema under the eyes is a frequent consequence of bruises of the soft tissues of the face. In this case, the eyes swim, eye movements and eyelids cause pain. Bags under the eyes are also found in more serious injuries: fractures of the nose or upper jaw. If the bags under the eyes are combined with severe bruising, especially those located around the eyes in the form of glasses and which appeared some time after the injury, it is necessary to urgently contact a medical institution – this may be a sign of a fracture of the base of the skull.

[Video] Dr. Berg – EYE BAGS: how to remove them? What is the cause of swelling under the eyes?

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