Causes and treatment of seizure in children

Why does a child have seizures?

Almost every wound in the outer and inner surface of the lips, as well as the corner of the mouth, can be called a jam. The exception is traumatic injuries of the skin and mucous membranes, which are quite common in children. Such wounds, although they resemble seizures, have a completely different origin.

In short, seizures in a child can occur due to infection, allergic reactions, vitamin deficiency. In most cases, seizures in children are caused by streptococci.

Although, according to pediatricians, the most common cause of seizures in a child is a deficiency of riboflavin, which is necessary for healthy skin and normal hair and nail growth. Also, seizures often occur due to a decrease in immunity and certain diseases. Many children suffering from seizures also have a history of chronic tonsillitis, caries, frequent colds and viral diseases. Among the reasons for a seizure in a child, there may also be staphylococci, streptococci, fungal diseases, and helminthic invasions. Timely treatment of such skin lesions helps to get rid of such unpleasant consequences.

In the etiology of true seizures in children, several factors are important. The main ones are:

  • Microbes;

  • allergic reactions;

  • Various diseases and pathological abnormalities in the body;

Regardless of the root cause of seizures in children, anyway, its central link is the microbial factor. In this case, ordinary microorganisms that normally live on the surface of the skin become pathogens. But, when the child’s body is healthy, such microbes do not cause any manifestations. As soon as there is a decrease in protective forces, they immediately begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation of the skin with the formation of wounds on the lips or in the corners of the mouth (jamming).

With regard to specific types of pathogens that provoke the formation of seizures, the main role belongs to streptococcal and fungal infections. It is these two classes of microbes that live on the surface of the skin in children and are capable of causing an inflammatory lesion of the surface layers of the skin, which ends with the formation of a small ulcerative surface, which is called jamming.

The following factors can lead to this very decrease in immune surveillance:

  • Colds;

  • Increase in body temperature;

  • allergic reactions;

  • Food, toys and objects infected with pathogenic microbes that the child pulls into the mouth;

  • Anemia of various types and origin;

  • Hypovitaminosis;

  • Diseases of the immune system;

  • Diseases of the blood system;

  • History of chemotherapy.

The most important thing is that seizures in children are not a frequent occurrence. But, if they occur, then, as a rule, they are of a long duration. Most of all, children in transitional age periods (6-8 years and 13-17 years) are prone to their appearance.

Symptoms of seizure in a child

Among the first symptoms of seizure in a child, small bubbles appear in the corners of the mouth, which eventually burst, and erosion forms in their place. The skin of the corners of the lips becomes moist and bleeds, microcracks appear. Erosion heals, then inflames again. Children may experience pain that prevents them from eating and talking.

Treatment of seizure in a child

Treatment of zaed should be comprehensive. Before starting treatment, laboratory diagnostics is carried out to identify the pathogen and implement more effective treatment. They also do a general blood test, sowing feces for enterobiasis and dysbacteriosis, and examining the thyroid gland.

In addition to antibacterial ointments and antiseptic lotions, multivitamins, immunostimulants are prescribed, and dysbacteriosis is treated. Carry out a correction of the diet: increase the consumption of dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

[Video] Cracks in the corners of the mouth: TOP methods of treatment, causes of appearance:

If the child does not have seizures

Causes and treatment of seizure in children

Sometimes it happens that seizures for a long time do not respond to local treatment. This is possible, even despite the use of different combinations of means, the action of which is aimed at different causes and mechanisms for the development of this problem. This situation clearly indicates a serious weakening of the body’s immune and protective resources. Therefore, every mother must take this fact into account.

After all, children with such problems are subject to a thorough examination:

  • Pediatric examination;

  • Dermatologist consultation;

  • General analysis of blood and urine;

  • Biochemical blood tests;

  • Sowing from a jam on the microflora and its sensitivity to the action of specific drugs;

This will help to establish the true cause of the formation of seizures in the child and their resistance to local treatment.

Serious health problems are always hidden behind a long-term non-healing jam. The main thing is to identify them in time. This will not only relieve seizures, but also prevent the progression of the causative disease.

Author of the article: Sokolova Praskovya Fedorovna, pediatrician

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