Causes and symptoms of migraine, how to treat?

What is migraine?

Causes and symptoms of migraine, how to treat?

Migraine is a hereditary neurological disease that manifests itself as an increasing throbbing headache that is not associated with trauma, tumors or stroke. According to WHO statistics, migraine is the main cause of spontaneous headache after tension headache and one of the 19 diseases that most severely disrupt a person’s social adaptation. The loss of performance in migraine can be so palpable that the patient is given a disability.

The monetary costs of treating and diagnosing migraine are comparable to the financial costs of treating cardiovascular diseases. The doctor’s task in this case is an accurate diagnosis, differentiation of pain during migraine attacks from tension headache, selection of the optimal drug regimen, including non-specific analgesics, triptans and beta-blockers. The constant supervision of a doctor helps to develop a plan for stopping an attack in each individual case. The severity of the disease is determined by the frequency of attacks and their intensity. With a mild form of migraine, attacks occur several times a year, with severe ones – daily, but the most common form of the disease in which migraine attacks occur from 2 to 8 times a month.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – MIGRAINE, severe headache, causes and treatment. How to remove an attack?

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