Causes and symptoms of metabolic disorders in children

metabolism in childhood

Causes and symptoms of metabolic disorders in children

A complex set of chemical reactions is called metabolism or metabolism (translated from Greek as “transformation”). This process lasts through certain stages: the intake of nutrients into the body, their absorption from the digestive system, fermentation and splitting, penetration into the blood, assimilation and excretion of unassimilated substances through sweat, urine, feces. Disturbed metabolism is understood as violations at one of the levels of the biological system of the body.

Metabolic disorders in childhood differ from the same process in an adult. The development of the child’s body occurs in an intense rhythm, while a large amount of resources and elements are needed, which can only be produced with the help of food that enters the body. Children up to one year of age have a high metabolism. They are developing the basic systemic functions. Further, the baby needs resources for assimilation and synthesis of processes that are responsible for development and growth.

Due to the instability of the central nervous system, endocrine glands and neurohumoral mechanisms, it is extremely difficult for the child’s body to regulate the metabolic process. That is why metabolic disorders in childhood are common. This deviation is also facilitated by the lack of a culture of proper nutrition in a reasonable combination with physical activity.

Diseases in children with impaired metabolism

Lack of protein and iron contributes to the development of anemia. A growing child’s body requires a regimen of food intake, good nutrition and reacts to possible excesses in the form of vegetarianism with the appearance of anemia. Lack of phosphorus or calcium, which are the main builders of the skeletal system, a feature of the body that prevents the absorption of calcium, causes rickets. The sufficiency of these substances in the child’s body for the first months is especially important.

Failure of phosphorus-calcium metabolism with an excess of calcium, due to the diagnosis of rickets, contributes to the development of spasmophilia, the main symptoms of which are spasms and convulsive syndrome. Disturbed metabolism at the level of physiology develops a disease of a pathological type – amyloidosis. With this disease, the heart and kidney muscles are affected. Hypoglycemia is expressed as a low blood sugar level due to stress or the presence of the same disease in the mother. Hyperglycemia is a consequence of diabetes mellitus in a latent form.

Causes of metabolic disorders in children

The causes of metabolic disorders in childhood are mainly related to heredity and have not been fully studied. The leading role in the regulation of metabolism inside the cell is played by information transmitted with the genes of the parents.

If genes begin to mutate, especially those that code for the synthesis of enzymes, metabolic defects develop. Mutations have an impact on defects in genes responsible for the transport and structuring of proteins.

Diagnosis of metabolic disorders in children

Some diseases with impaired metabolism are diagnosed by conducting an examination immediately after birth. More rare diseases can be detected in newborns or older children who are at risk. For diagnosis, standard laboratory tests are used, which are available in any clinic. Complex tests are carried out in special laboratories. The presence of amino acids in the urine, their amount in plasma, the determination of organic acid in the urine – these parameters are necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic disorders.

In some cases, a biopsy is necessary. Its results accurately show the accumulation of metabolites of an abnormal type and help to correctly diagnose mucolipidosis (Leroy’s disease). In the diagnosis of hereditary metabolic disorders, an examination of a neurological and ophthalmological nature can play a clarifying role. In recent years, scientists have identified defects in the genetic level that are the cause of hereditary metabolic disorders. With the help of oligonucleotide probes, it is possible to accurately and quickly determine the defect.


Treatment of impaired metabolism consists of a complex of means. It involves the constant supervision of a doctor. Hormonal preparations are prescribed, which are based on biologically active substances that normalize metabolism, vitamins involved in all body processes. They are used regularly, in doses and combinations indicated by the doctor.

Enzymes are agents that can neutralize the viscosity of hyaluronic acid. Preparations for the regulation of hemostasis, amino acids and biostimulants are the means that complement complex treatment along with dietary nutrition.

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