Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the bladder


Inflammation of the bladder is a rather painful disease, since with it the patient experiences very unpleasant symptoms. But that’s not all that can happen to you. Do not forget that the internal part of the organ hurts, which means that the situation can become even worse: for example, the disease will go up. Therefore, those who suffer from this disease, as soon as they feel the first symptoms, should immediately go to the doctor.

According to statistics, women suffer from such diseases much more often. The fact is that we have a different structure of organisms. So, in the female body, the structure of the urethra contributes to the delay of various infections.

Causes of inflammation of the bladder

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the bladder

The cause of inflammation of the bladder is most often an infection – staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, etc. All this can get either from the outside, or, conversely, from the inside – for example, from the kidneys. It all depends on your lifestyle.

But why are you sick anyway? After all, initially the bladder of any person is resistant enough not to be exposed to various infections, it is covered for this with a special mucous membrane.

Here are some causes of inflammation of the bladder: due to the fact that you have been in the cold for a long time, you have been on a diet for a long time that exhausted you, as well as chronic stress and severe fatigue. The disease itself begins when you already have difficulty going to the toilet and experience discomfort.

Also, this disease can appear when there are various kinds of damage from the inside. Damage can be caused, for example, by stones that may be in the bladder, also by a chemical substance (medicines may also be included), with an incorrectly performed operation or burns of various kinds.

Signs and symptoms of bladder inflammation

Acute inflammation. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it begins suddenly, after you are cold. Symptoms of inflammation of the bladder is a frequent trip to the toilet, while urine does not come out completely, it hurts you a lot, and even with a strong urge, urine comes out in small droplets, you practically do not leave the toilet. There may just be pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation. If you take a urine test, then a very large number of leukocytes will serve as a sign that you are sick. The danger lies in the fact that these signs can end as suddenly as they began. This can happen in just a couple of days, even without treatment. If after a week your condition does not improve, it means that it was not only this disease – for example, there may be an adenoma of the prostate gland.

Chronic inflammation. This is very dangerous, as chronic inflammation can start because you don’t properly treat the inflammation, or because you treat it too late. This will become clear if a month or less passes and you start all over again. Also, chronic inflammation may not end at all, you can get sick of it without ceasing.

Complications of inflammation of the bladder

This was discussed a little earlier. Complications constitute a chronic disease. Also, the complication is that it is primarily an infection, which means that inflammation can go either higher or lower and affect other organs – for example, the kidneys and liver, since the bladder is directly connected with them. If this happens, then you will have, in addition to pain when urinating, also a temperature.

What to do with inflammation of the bladder?

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) is either the result of an infection caused by a bacterium that lives in the rectum, without harming the body, but becomes the cause of cystitis when it enters the urethra and bladder (infectious cystitis), or occurs due to irritation of the bladder mucosa with chemical substances (non-infectious cystitis). In the first case, for treatment, you need to contact a gynecologist, in the second – to a urologist.

If you have an attack at home, you can try to relieve the pain by:

  1. As soon as you feel the approach of an attack, drink half a liter of water to reduce the acidity of the urine, and the pain when urinating decreases. Then, for three hours every 20 minutes, drink a glass of liquid – weak tea, diluted juice. Take pain medication if necessary.

  2. To relieve pain when urinating, you will need to take warm baths, you can also soak your feet, drink certain drugs that relax the internal organs, thereby allowing urine to pass more freely.

  3. Lie in bed with two heating pads, one under your back and the other between your legs, so as to warm the urethra. For faster removal of inflammation, in parallel with warming up, it is recommended to use a number of drugs intended for the treatment of cystitis.

  4. There are many medicinal plants, for example, you can take an infusion of lingonberry leaves, bearberry, goldenrod, etc. An excellent remedy for cystitis is cranberry. You can also take a sitz bath with a decoction of chamomile.

As soon as possible, you should consult a doctor. If there is a suspicion of cystitis, a urine test should be done, and its morning portion, since the largest number of microorganisms accumulate during the night. If the diagnosis is confirmed, a course of antibiotics and other drugs is prescribed.

The treatment of cystitis must certainly be completed in order to prevent its transition into a chronic form, which is dangerous with such a serious complication as pyelonephritis. Usually cystitis is cured in 2-3 weeks. During the treatment period, it is recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages, fatty, spicy foods, to give up sexual activity and, of course, not to overcool.

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