Causes and symptoms of human papillomavirus

What is papilloma?

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes changes in the pattern of tissue growth. It causes various skin diseases and mucosal lesions. Modern medicine identifies more than a hundred types of the virus.

Papilloma is a tumor, considered benign, grows on the surface of the skin and looks like a small nipple. The size of papillomas can be from one to two cm. Places of appearance: shell of the oral cavity, nose, pharynx, vocal cords; can form on the bladder and elsewhere.

Depending on the type of virus, diseases also differ: warts are caused by the human papillomavirus of the 2nd and 4th types, flat warts – by the virus of the 3rd and 10th types, genital warts – by the 6th and 11th types. Some types of the virus (16, 18, 31, 33, 35) cause cervical dysplasia or a favorable background for the development of cervical cancer. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact and household routes, remaining in the skin and mucous membranes.

The human papillomavirus is divided into two groups – high and low risk. The low-risk group combines the types of virus (primarily 6 and 11) that cause genital warts. The high-risk group includes the 16th, 18th, 31st, 33rd, 35th types of the virus, which cause cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Every year, millions of people with genital warts turn to doctors for help. But even more often, such a viral infection goes unnoticed, as it is asymptomatic.

Symptoms of the human papillomavirus

Symptoms of the human papillomavirus depend on the type of virus. Most often, in infected people, the virus does not manifest itself, as it is controlled by the immune system.

Condylomas. Viruses of the low-risk group appear with the appearance of genital warts. This symptom is characteristic of only 2% of infected people. Condylomas are an indicator of weakened immunity of the carrier of the papillomavirus. Condylomas are localized mainly on the genitals, near the anus and in places of contact during sexual intercourse. From the moment of infection with the virus to the appearance of genital warts, it can take both weeks and years.

Condylomas are warty growths that are pinkish or flesh-colored. Their size ranges from a millimeter to several centimeters. Condylomas can grow, turning over time into multilayered formations (condyloma condyloma).

In men, the glans penis, the crown of the head, the frenulum of the foreskin become the place of formation of genital warts; rashes may also appear around the anus. In women, warts appear on the labia, clitoris, external opening of the urethra, in the vagina or on the cervix.

Depending on the state of the immune system, warts can grow, remain unchanged for a long time, or disappear on their own. Condylomas are an extremely dangerous and unpleasant symptom, as they not only interfere with a full sexual life and cause discomfort, but can bleed and interfere with normal childbirth. Flat condyloma of the cervix is ​​a sign of an acute or chronic infection.

Warts (papillomas). Benign skin tumors (papillomas) differ from viral ones in that the latter constantly appear and disappear. This process depends on the state of the human immune system. The color of viral papillomas matches the color of the skin at the site of formation.

Cervical cancer. Against the background of the human papillomavirus, dysplasia or cervical cancer can develop, therefore, if a virus is detected, a biopsy is indicated for sick women. Neglect of regular gynecological examinations increases the risk of developing the disease and its transition to advanced stages, the treatment of which becomes difficult.

General symptoms. In general terms, the symptoms of the human papillomavirus are pain and burning in the genital area, pain can occur when the penis enters the vagina, as well as from simple touches. Also, a possible symptom that will indicate the papilloma virus may be unusual discharge. The most obvious symptom is, of course, the appearance of the wart itself. But, as already mentioned, there may not be any symptoms at all. Many men and women are not even aware that they are carriers of the papillomavirus.

Causes of papillomas

The causes of infection with the human papillomavirus are mainly sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. Contact can be both through the vagina and rectum, and oral. Infection can also occur in the household way (through a handshake) or during childbirth. The cause of papillomas can also be a weakened immune system, as well as smoking, alcohol abuse, severe shocks, flu, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract can serve as an impetus for the development of this viral infection.

This infection is extremely common, and all segments of the population living sexually are at risk. It is noteworthy that the use of a condom does not guarantee protection against infection, since the virus is transmitted through any contact with the skin or mucous membrane of the carrier.

The human papillomavirus does not penetrate into the blood or other tissues and organs. The deep layers of the skin become the place of reproduction of the virus, and it is localized inside the cells. When the virus matures, it moves to the infected epithelium, coming to the surface. It is at this point that the virus becomes contagious. Being in the deep layers of the skin, the papillomavirus is dormant and does not pose a danger to other people.

Another reason for infection with the papillomavirus can be visiting places with high humidity: baths, saunas, swimming pools, beaches, i.e. those places where a person has a minimum of clothing and when the skin is not protected. The infection is also transmitted through household items; if the mother has this virus, it will automatically be transmitted to the child during childbirth.


Never try to pluck, scratch, rip or cut out warts yourself, as this can make the condition worse and the infection can get to other areas of the skin and spread. If papillomas and warts appear on the skin, be sure to immediately contact a dermatologist and do not wait for them to increase in size and spread throughout the body. If the wart is not removed in time, then the person exposes himself to the danger of infectious diseases that will seriously harm health.

Such formations on the skin as polyps and papillomas indicate serious problems in the body. Most often they occur as a result of metabolic disorders, with advanced gastritis, colitis, liver and kidney diseases, or gynecological diseases. To get rid of papilloma, you need to determine and eradicate the cause of its appearance. It is important to remember that removing genital warts and warts does not prevent their recurrence. The only way to prevent their reappearance is the overall strengthening of the body’s immune system.

It is noteworthy that the mere presence of the papilloma virus in the body is not a sufficient reason for prescribing treatment. Treatment is prescribed only when certain symptoms appear. It includes antiviral therapy and strengthening the body’s immune forces. The elimination of papillomas and condylomas occurs with the help of a laser, nitrogen (cryodestruction) and radio waves (radio scalpel). These methods are sterile and give a high-quality result without leaving scars and scars.

An effective way to remove papillomas is electrocoagulation, since no traces remain on the skin after such removal. There is another method of removal, for example, chemical coagulation. The method of introducing interferon agents directly into the focus is also used, which helps to increase the functioning of the immune system. Sometimes interferon and ozone therapy are used to treat the virus (ozone freezes the activity of the virus for a period of 5 to 10 years).

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to get rid of warts and papillomas in 1 day:

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