Causes and symptoms of foot pain

Complaints of pain in the feet, ankles are quite common among patients. The structure of the foot allows a person to walk on two legs and maintain balance, therefore, the foot experiences the heaviest load of the entire musculoskeletal system. And, as a result, it is subject to various kinds of diseases and injuries.

Causes of pain in the feet, ankles

Often the cause of pain is uncomfortable, narrow-toed shoes, too high heels, flat soles as a result of forced deformity of the foot. The pressure on the feet increases significantly with excess body weight, pain is often accompanied by flat feet. In bedridden patients, there is a connection of bones, muscles, tendons in the foot area, which is also manifested by pain.

Systemic or chronic diseases in history have a certain effect on the entire body of the patient, including the musculoskeletal system. For example, osteoporosis, chronic or developed as a result of an injury, is the cause of diffuse pain in the foot, local pain, as a rule, is the result of a number of diseases. Problems with the vascular system are often expressed by unpleasant painful sensations.

Symptoms of pain in the feet, ankles

Pain in the heel and in the arch of the foot is characteristic of plantar fasciitis, which, if left untreated, leads to displacement of the heel and the appearance of a heel spur. Diseases of rheumatoid or vascular origin, as well as pinching or inflammation of the nerve, orthopedic problems cause pain in the feet and ankles. Violation of normal functioning as a result of age-related or biochemical changes leads to the appearance of pain.

When wearing narrow shoes, as a rule, a neuroma develops, which is manifested by the growth of nerve tissue around the nerve itself. Most often, pain appears at the base of the 3rd and 4th toes. Injuries or dislocations deform the feet, lead to rupture of ligaments, tendons, fracture or flattening of bones, which is also accompanied by severe pain. A tumor, edema, hematomas appear at the site of the injury, which impairs motor function. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the extent and nature of the damage.

Another common cause of pain in the feet and ankles is flat feet, either acquired or traumatic. Patients complain of a burning sensation in the foot area, recurrent pain when walking and running. Particularly prone to this disease are people whose work is associated with a sufficiently large and prolonged load on their legs, that is, those who spend most of the day on the move. The situation is aggravated by the presence of excess weight in the patient.

Long walks, sharp turns, and bends contribute to ankle pain, and the presence of high heels, unstable arch supports, tight shoes with narrow toes increase the risk of various ankle diseases.

Men aged 30-45 years are more likely to develop erythromelelgia, which is the result of a number of vascular or neurological diseases, allergies to medications, blood diseases or foot overheating. Burning attacks in the foot and pain in the toes are most often a reaction to hyperthermia.

But most often, pain in the legs appears as a result of calluses on the foot, with an ingrown toenail. The cause of all these foot diseases is uncomfortable shoes. Plantar warts have a viral etiology and look like calluses with a black spot in the middle, painful when pressed.

Diagnosis of pain in the feet, ankles

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of an external examination, a thorough questioning of the patient, complaints made and the presence of other diseases in the anamnesis that provoke pain in the feet and ankles. The recommended and effective method of examination for this pathology is X-ray.

Treatment of pain in the feet, ankles

The presence of constant pain indicates that it is time to start changing your lifestyle. Prevention of vascular damage will be quitting smoking, reducing the consumption of fatty foods, which is the cause of atherosclerosis. Regular exercise and moderate exercise help improve blood circulation in the legs. Great importance is attached to the choice of shoes with good arch supports and shock-absorbing insoles.

Massage and foot baths perfectly relax the legs and restore normal blood circulation in the feet. Elastic bandages and stockings help relieve tension and reduce the manifestations of pain in case of circulatory disorders. It is recommended to lose weight. In any case, you need to consult a doctor, self-medication can be dangerous and leads to various complications.

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