Causes and symptoms of dysplasia

Dysplasia – a relatively new term denoting any pathology in the development of tissues, organs or parts of the body. Improper development can begin during embryogenesis or the postnatal period. Usually it consists in changes in the size, shape, disruption of the structure of cells, tissues of the body or even entire organs. In most cases, dysplasia is a congenital pathology, but in some cases it appears in childhood or even in adults.

Depending on the affected tissue or organ, hip dysplasia, connective tissue, cervical dysplasia, fibrous and metaepiphyseal dysplasia, etc. are distinguished. Consider the types of dysplasia in more detail.

Fibromuscular dysplasia characterized by an overgrowth of cells in the walls of the arteries, causing them to narrow. Most often, the pathology affects the renal and carotid arteries.

ectodermal dysplasia unite more than a hundred different congenital diseases that affect hair, nails, teeth and sweat glands. Ectodermal dysplasia also affects vision (sensitivity to light), the shape of the fingers and toes, and more.

Skeletal dysplasia affect the structure of bones and cartilage. This disorder is considered congenital, its consequences are, for example, very small stature, metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, achondroplasia, disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and so on.

cervical dysplasia is the most common acquired form of dysplasia. It affects mainly women of reproductive age (25-30 years old), and in the vast majority of cases it causes human papillomavirus.

Causes of dysplasia

The causes of congenital dysplasia are usually genetic in nature. Pathology develops as a result of hormonal changes, oxygen deficiency of the walls of blood vessels and their internal mechanical stress, unfavorable environmental conditions or other external factors, gynecological or infectious diseases of the mother, and so on.

Acquired dysplasia can be caused by birth or postpartum trauma. The development of cervical dysplasia is provoked by the human papillomavirus and impaired human immunity.

Types of dysplasia

  • cervical dysplasia

  • Connective tissue dysplasia

  • Hip dysplasia in adults

  • Hip dysplasia in children

Dysplasia symptoms

The symptoms of dysplasia depend primarily on its type, that is, on the development of which tissue or organ was impaired.

For example, fibrous dysplasia causes vasoconstriction, which leads to impaired circulation.

Skeletal dysplasia leads to a violation of the structure of the skeleton.

Ectodermal dysplasia is manifested by the irregular shape of the nails, hair loss, skin diseases.

But common pathological changes are considered to be a mismatch of cells in size (anisocytosis), an irregular shape of cells (poikilocytosis), a violation of tissue pigmentation (hyperchromatosis), and abnormal mitotic activity of cells.


Treatment of dysplasia, as well as its manifestations, depends on the tissues affected by the pathology.

Fibromuscular dysplasia is treated with reconstructive surgery and angioplasty, and with the help of drugs, blood pressure is normalized.

Cervical dysplasia caused by the human papillomavirus is treated with freezing (cryosurgery). Laser therapy, electrosurgical excision with a loop are also used (more on the treatment of cervical dysplasia)

Therapy for skeletal dysplasia is aimed at reducing the risk of complications (neurological diseases, heart disorders).

Ectodermal dysplasia is not completely curable, but there are ways to eliminate some of the symptoms of the disease.

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