Causes and symptoms of bladder pain in men and women

The bladder is one of the main organs of the excretory system of the body, which is a kind of bag with liquid. Pain in it can arise due to many different factors. Such as, for example, kidney disease, malfunctions of the genital organs, inflammatory processes in the coccyx. Such pains signal the presence of serious diseases not only in the bladder itself, but also in nearby organs.

Description of the disease

Pain in the bladder – a pathological symptom characterized by the occurrence of pain sensations of a different nature in the lower abdomen and is always accompanied by qualitative and quantitative urination disorders. All this together allows us to call it a pain syndrome, since it has certain characteristics, the detailing of which allows us to determine the cause of its occurrence. After all, pain in itself is not a separate disease and can occur in many diseases, being an alarm signal. The adequacy of treatment will depend on how correctly these data are interpreted. An important point is the possibility of reflected pain in the projection area of ​​the bladder, which can simulate its diseases.

Characteristics of pain in the bladder include: nature, intensity, conditions for occurrence and what provokes, when they decrease, how long ago they appeared, exact localization and distribution, which accompany accompanying manifestations. It is also necessary to take into account the existing pathology and previous diseases, medical and other manipulations.

Bladder inflammation symptoms

Among women. According to statistics, such pains are more common in women, which is associated with a certain structure of the body. The location of the urethra in the body of women is such that various infections easily linger in them. Especially often diseases of this nature occur in pregnant women, since in this condition there are significant changes in the body’s defense system, and it becomes very difficult to fight the infection.

Usually cystitis is provoked by various staphylococci and bacteria, or the bladder becomes inflamed due to damage to the membrane. Painful sensations can be the result of medical manipulations, chemical or thermal burns. Pregnant women may have acute or chronic cystitis. If left untreated, the inflammation spreads further, affecting the ureters and kidneys.

In men. In men, such pains are the result of problems in the work of the reproductive and excretory system. In the presence of stones or inflammation in the kidneys, additional signs can be noted – a feeling of chills, fever and fever. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination. If the presence of kidney stones is not detected, then the cause of the pain is urinary retention. To solve the problem, it is necessary to identify the factor that caused such a delay.

Often in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, prostate adenoma manifests itself. Usually, men do not immediately notice the presence of this disease, since it occurs in a latent form. With problems with the vascular system, abnormalities in the circulatory system, stress, the disease begins to bother. Pain can appear both in the lower abdomen and in the groin, in the testicles, and urination is always accompanied by pain. In this case, urgent diagnosis and the appointment of the correct methods of treatment are required.

Why does the bladder hurt? Main reasons

It is not always possible to get a specific answer to this question at the first visit to the doctor. A huge number of diseases can be hidden under this symptom.

Among the causes of pain in the bladder are the following diseases:

  • Acute and chronic cystitis is an inflammatory lesion of the walls of the bladder.

  • Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra.

  • Stones of vesical localization.

  • Dishormonal circulatory disorders of climacteric origin in the wall of the bladder.

  • Tumors and polyps of the bladder wall.

  • Traumatic injuries of the bladder and urethra.

  • Urolithiasis, accompanied by renal colic when a stone migrates from the kidney through the ureter to the bladder.

  • Prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma).

  • Inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the uterus and appendages.

  • Reflected pain in the defeat of the pubic joint, intestines, spine.

The process of matching a patient’s symptoms to a specific disease is called differential diagnosis. It is very important to be able to correctly interpret the data obtained from a conventional survey. At the same time, it is necessary to be guided by the main rules of medicine regarding the occurrence of a particular pathology in persons of a certain gender and age group. These include:

  • Inflammatory diseases associated with damage to the walls of the bladder occur mainly in young women.

  • Diseases associated with the urethra are more common in young men with prostatitis and urethritis.

  • The appearance of prostate adenoma, as a cause of discomfort in the bladder, is typical for older men.

  • Bladder cancer is more common in males.

  • Regardless of gender, tumors occur more often in people older than 40-45 years.

Based on these patterns, one can approximately understand in which direction to continue the diagnostic search, detailing the existing manifestations.

1. The most common cause of bladder pain is inflammatory diseases of the urination organs (cystitis, urethritis). Its character in this case is presented in the form of pain and constant urge to urinate, accompanied by a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder. Urination itself is painful and is manifested by pains along the entire urethral canal. In men, it can give to the head of the penis. The occurrence of this kind of symptoms is almost always associated with hypothermia. The intensity of pain decreases after a warm sitz bath and exposure to warm temperatures on the bladder area.

2. Urolithiasis disease – the second most common cause of pain in the bladder. If it happens that first there is severe pain in the lower back, which then descends along the side of the abdomen to the bladder, causing frequent urination, then this is evidence of the migration of kidney stones. Almost always after this, after a few days, the calculus passes through the urethra when urinating. This process is also accompanied by cuts and pains along its course. If the stones formed primarily in the bladder, then such pains are of a periodic aching nature and intensify with sudden movements, or while sitting in a vehicle when traveling on an uneven road. They can disturb for a long time, periodically without letting you know about themselves.

3. Pain in the bladder with prostatitis or prostate adenoma are never strong. They are aching and spread to the lower abdomen and perineum, wearing a more reflected character. There are no conditions for their appearance or disappearance, since they are monotonous and constant. As a rule, patients are forced to wake up several times at night to urinate. The very act of urination is painless, but difficult, the jet is weak.

4. Tumor lesion of the bladder. The most common are adenocarcinomas, which are manifested by aching periodic pain in the bladder. More often, they are localized at one point and do not spread to other areas. They can appear spontaneously and just as spontaneously disappear. An additional symptom that may suggest this cause of pain may be the presence of blood in the urine or dirty urine “the color of meat slops.”

5. Bladder injury, as the cause of pain in the bladder, are also rare. Its acute intense nature at the time of a closed abdominal injury, especially with a filled bladder, indicates a possible rupture. If at the same time there is no urination for a long time, then this is a direct evidence of this disease. Pelvic fractures often result in rupture of the urethra. In that case, with all the desire of the patient to urinate, he is unable to do so. The discharge of blood from the urethra dispels all doubts about the cause of the pain in this case.

Other rare causes of pain in the bladder, such as gynecological diseases, dyshormonal circulatory disorders during menopause, spinal lesions are the main signs of these diseases. Such pains are exclusively secondary and should be treated by acting not on the bladder, but on the primary source of the lesion.

How to get rid of pain in the bladder?

The necessary treatment for pain in the bladder is determined by the disease that caused it. So, for example, with cystitis, a special diet and a strict drinking regimen are prescribed. In addition, it is advisable to use antibacterial agents that effectively fight pathogenic microbes. Pharmacological drugs are also prescribed that quickly eliminate spasms of the bladder. Based on the results of the tests, antibiotics are prescribed.

Note that during pregnancy, antibiotics are prescribed only in extreme cases. Before starting therapy, the patient is sent for a bacteriological analysis of urine. Based on its results, treatment is adjusted taking into account the reaction of pathogens to certain medications. Treatment of inflammation of a chronic nature begins with the elimination of the causes of the disease – for example, stones, bladder diverticula, adenoma. In addition, local therapy-installation is used, which involves the introduction of liquid preparations into the bladder.

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