Causes and signs of decreased immunity

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Fatigue, lethargy, ailments and colds from any draft – this is how the body signals us about the weakening of the immune system. Experts will tell you how to find and eliminate the causes of failures.

Signs of weakened immunity

  • Frequent colds
  • Fatigue, rapid fatigability
  • The appearance of herpes on the lips
  • Allergy
  • Insomnia
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Sudden mood swings, depression, irritation
  • Poorly healing wounds
  • Dysbiosis manifestations

If you notice several of these signs in yourself or in your child, it is possible that we are talking about a serious decrease in the body’s defenses.

There are many reasons for the decrease in immunity. This is an unhealthy diet, leading to vitamin deficiency, and stressful situations, and a lack of rest, and, of course, the bad influence of the environment. However, this is not a reason to come to terms with the problem. Weak immunity needs to be increased, otherwise health will continue to deteriorate.

There are many solutions to this problem. But self-medicate, not knowing the specific reasons for the decrease in immunity, extremely dangerous!

Immunologists of the Center for Allergology and Immunology have vast experience in treating immunity problems. They possess the most modern technologies for diagnosing diseases. This allows you to accurately identify the cause of the drop in the body’s immune forces. Qualified treatment – both specific immunotherapy and symptomatic therapy – is given to adults and small patients the opportunity to return to an active rhythm of life.

Sadchikova Tatiana Leontievna

allergist-immunologist, pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, director of the Center for Allergology and Immunology LLC

The general work experience of Tatyana Leontyevna is over 20 years. Tatyana Leontievna has the highest qualification category in the specialty “allergology-immunology”. In 2008, Tatyana Leontyevna was awarded a certificate of honor by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Skills in all methods of diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and immunopathological conditions, including allergen-specific immunotherapy and primary immunodeficiency states.

Antonova Lyudmila Dmitrievna

allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, honored doctor of Russia

The general work experience of Lyudmila Antonovna is 34 years, of which 23 years in the specialty “allergology-immunology”. On her initiative, in 1997, a scientific and practical society of doctors, allergists and immunologists was created at the Volgograd State Medical University, which is successfully working to this day. Has more than 30 scientific articles, actively participates in scientific congresses and conferences, including international ones. In 2000, Lyudmila Dmitrievna was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Antonova L.D. awarded the honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”.

A consultation with a competent doctor and the selection of the correct treatment will save you from the poisonous symptoms of reduced immunity and will return the joy of life, vigor, good health and good mood!

Center for Allergology and Immunology

Volgograd, Chistoozernaya street, 4

Phone / Fax: 8 (8442) 27-27-45

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