Cauliflower Movir was bred in Our Country. The grade is known as high-yielding, with high palatability. Culture is valued among gardeners for its unpretentiousness in care.

Description of cauliflower Movir 74

Scientists of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture managed to breed this variety in 1965. In the registry, the plant was registered in 1969 as a crop for cultivation in open ground and under cover. A characteristic feature of the variety is its high adaptability to climatic conditions.

Outwardly, Movir 74 cauliflower looks like a compact plant, reaching a height of 50-70 cm. The culture does not exceed 60-75 cm in diameter. The leaves are rounded with a smooth surface and a waxy coating. The edges are slightly curved. The color of the leaves is bright green, but with a grayish matte tint.

As the plant grows and develops, neat, even heads are formed. The average weight of each varies between 300-400 g, but there are record specimens whose weight reaches 700-1000 g. The length of a ripe head of cabbage does not exceed 15-25 cm.

The shape of cauliflower does not differ from most varieties: round or flat-round, with a bumpy surface. To the touch, the pulp is medium density, fine-grained.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

Leaves only half cover Movir 74 cauliflower heads

Important! The variety is characterized by a snow-white color of the fork, but you can also find specimens whose shade gives off yellowness.

The taste of cauliflower Movir 74 is very high. The pulp is tender and pleasant, without sharpness and bitterness. This makes the variety ideal for children’s and diet food.

Cauliflower Movir 74 contains a large amount of vitamin C, potassium, manganese and magnesium. The pulp is rich in mineral salts. But the concentration of sugar varies between 3-5%.

Cauliflower Movir 74 is suitable for pickling and stewing, canning. Vegetables tolerate freezing well. It can be baked and fried. The pulp can also be used as a cosmetic. They make face masks out of it.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

Due to the fact that the heads are aligned and uniform, the Movir 74 cauliflower variety can be grown for mechanical harvesting and sale.


The variety is characterized by abundant fruiting. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, then from 1 m2 you can collect up to 6-8 heads of cabbage. On an industrial scale, plantation owners manage to get 103-145 centners of cauliflower per 1 ha.

Important! From germination to harvest, the gardener will need only 90-100 days. Dates may vary depending on the climatic features of the region.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

One of the indisputable advantages of the variety is a decent appearance. Heads are even, dense, round and aligned.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

Cauliflower Movir 74 has a high marketability and transportability, which makes it possible to grow it for sale

Advantages of the variety:

  • precocity;
  • friendly maturation;
  • high taste qualities;
  • heat resistance and cold resistance;
  • lack of predisposition to shooting.

Disadvantages of cabbage Movir 74:

  • poor resistance to pests.

How to plant cauliflower Movir 74

There are several ways to get a crop on your site. Some gardeners prefer seedlings, but there is also a seedless method.

Growing through seedlings

For most gardeners, this method is the most proven. All work should begin in February. Check seeds, discard damaged and empty ones, treat them with a solution of manganese. Containers need to be washed, ventilation holes must be made in them. It is not recommended to use common boxes: sprouts do not tolerate transplanting.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

Suitable peat cups for cauliflower seedlings Movir 74 should be 50-100 ml

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour a drainage layer 1-2 cm thick into the container. For this, you can use broken brick or sand.
  2. Fill the container with soil and moisten the soil.
  3. Make holes in the soil mixture. The depth of each should not be more than 0,5-0,7 cm.
  4. Place 1-2 seeds in the center of the hole and cover with soil.
  5. Cover the glasses with film or glass, transfer the planting to a warm place.

Seedling care consists of airing, watering and weeding. If both seeds hatch, then only one, the strongest specimen, should be left in the container.

seedless method

This method is the simplest. It is necessary to dig a bed for Movir 74 cauliflower, then apply fertilizer and sow the seeds. But to achieve success, planting material must be prepared.

It is recommended to take several seeds from various packages and wrap them in a damp cloth. You need to keep the blanks in a warm place. If within five days the sprouts did not appear, then the seeds should be thrown away: they are unsuitable for growing.

Those samples that have hatched are suitable for further work. They need to be soaked in moderately hot water for 10-15 minutes, and then poured over with cold water. This procedure will harden the planting material.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

An obligatory stage of working with Movir 74 cauliflower seeds is their irrigation with a stimulant solution

Before planting, wet planting material should be slightly dried at room temperature, and then proceed to the procedure. In the garden, it is necessary to make furrows up to 2 cm deep, place the seeds there and sprinkle them with soil on top.

Important! The optimal time for the seedless method is the beginning of May, the soil should begin to warm up. And although the plant is not afraid of temperature changes, but a sharp change in climate will adversely affect the culture.

Further Care

Cauliflower Movir 74 belongs to undemanding varieties. Plant care principles:

  1. Water in the morning or evening, but control soil moisture. The optimal interval is once every 3-5 days. Excess moisture can lead to root rot.
  2. After each watering, loosen the soil and remove weeds. The depth of working out the soil does not exceed 5 cm, so as not to damage the roots.
  3. Top dressing should combine mineral and organic fertilizers. The first time to introduce substances into the soil is required 25 days after transplanting the crop into the beds. You can use bird droppings or humus. The second top dressing is necessary during the fruiting period. It is recommended to use superphosphate or potassium nitrate.

Diseases and pests

A good immune system protects Movir 74 cauliflower from most diseases. She is not afraid of powdery mildew, brown spot or bacteriosis. But pests love to eat delicious pulp. Aphids regularly try to destroy the crop. Without treatment, it is able to damage entire plantations and move to nearby planted plants.

Cauliflower Movir 74: variety description, how to plant, growing from seeds

An effective remedy for aphids and fleas is colloidal salt or copper-containing preparations

Harvesting and storage of crops

Start cutting heads in mid-July or early August. To keep Movir 74 cauliflower longer, you need to cut the forks along with the leaves.

For longer storage, the crop must be transferred to a cool place where the temperature will be within +5 ° C. In the refrigerator, the vegetable is stored for seven days.


Movir cauliflower is a wonderful unpretentious variety, perfect for cultivation in Our Country. The plant is undemanding to agricultural technology, but gives high yields. You can grow a variety both for personal purposes and for sale.

Reviews of gardeners about cauliflower Movir 74

Grigorieva Irina, Ryazan
It is always difficult to grow cabbage: either the seeds will not sprout, or there is not enough care. There are no such problems with this variety: all the material has sprouted. Young cauliflower tolerated transplanting, morning frosts, and lack of moisture perfectly. The heads turned out strong, albeit not large. But here it’s more my fault, not varieties: I should have watered more often.
Ignatieva Marina, Orsk
The climate in my region is unpredictable: sometimes hot, sometimes cold. I have been planting cabbage Movir 74 for three years. And the colder the summer, the richer the harvest. The main thing is to water and destroy pests in time. Heads of cabbage are very juicy, dense, perfect for boiling and frying.
Shemyakova Svetlana, Togliatti
Surprisingly, if you just plant the seeds in the ground, they also sprout beautifully. The cauliflower variety Movir 74 did not bring me any problems: I made a bed, transferred the seeds there, covered it with a film until shoots appeared, and then take care only of the plant. Agricultural technology is simple: water, weed, process from pests. If you do not destroy insects, then cabbage is eaten along with the leaves.
Movir 74 cauliflower. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy Movir 74 seeds

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