Cauliflower in batter. Video

Cauliflower in batter. Video

Cauliflower, with its dense, waxy texture and mild, delicate flavor, can surprise you with its characteristic odor if cooked for longer. That is why the ability to cook cauliflower dishes quickly is so important for novice housewives. One of the safest ways is to cook cauliflower inflorescences in batter.

Cauliflower in batter: video recipe

How to choose and prepare cauliflower

For cooking, choose a cabbage with clean white heads and strong green leaves. The fresher the cabbage, the whiter its stem. Cut off the leaves of the cabbage, divide the head of cabbage into separate stems and cut the “flowers” from them, trying to disassemble them into inflorescences of the same size so that they are all cooked at the same time. Rinse and dry the “flowers”.

Fresh cauliflower leaves can also be cooked – put in soup, stew, chop and toast

Cauliflower in beer batter

To make beer batter cauliflower, you will need:

– 1 head of cauliflower, sorted into florets; – 1 1/3 cups of wheat flour; – 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese; – 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped parsley; – 1 teaspoon of finely ground salt; – 1 pinch of cayenne pepper; – 1 1/4 cups of light beer; – 2 eggs; – vegetable oil.

Sift wheat flour with salt, cayenne pepper and grated cheese. Divide the eggs into white and yolk. Add the egg yolks to the beer along with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, whisk and pour into the flour mixture, stir. In a dry metal or glass bowl, beat the egg whites until medium peaks. Gently combine, mixing with a silicone spatula, whites and egg-flour mass. Heat deep-frying oil in a deep skillet. Place the cauliflower in the deep-fat dough, stir well so that the dough envelops each bud. Spread the cabbage in heated oil in batches, fry for 3 to 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cabbage and place on paper towels. Serve the cabbage fried in batter, sprinkled with herbs and various sauces such as aioli.

If you are preparing a large batch of cabbage in batter, while waiting for each subsequent batch, store the previous ones in an oven preheated to 150 ° C.

Tempura cauliflower recipe

Japanese batter – tempura – turns out to be more airy, fluffy and light. For 1 small head of cabbage you will need:

– 100 grams of wheat flour; – 2 chicken eggs; – a pinch of salt; – vegetable oil.

Put the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences in boiling water and cook for 2 minutes, discard in a colander and immediately cool under running cold water to stop the cooking process. Set aside.

Divide the eggs into white and yolk. Beat the yolks with 175 ml of ice water, add to the flour with salt and vegetable oil, knead into a single smooth mass. Beat the egg whites separately, add them to the tempura. Place the tempura bowl in a bowl filled with ice water.

Heat vegetable oil in a deep fryer. Using Japanese chopsticks, take cabbage inflorescences, dip in batter, and then deep-fry. When the tempura turns golden and “puffed up”, take out the cabbage and put it on a dish covered with a paper towel.

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