Caucasian fir (Nordman)

Among coniferous plants, sometimes there are species that, due to their properties, become known and popular among a large number of people who are far from botany and plant growing. Such is the Nordmann fir, which has several more related names. It is often referred to as the Christmas tree or the Danish Christmas fir. Among scientists, the name Caucasian fir is common, which speaks of its main habitat in nature.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

Description of Nordmann fir

Thanks to its perfect crown shape, fluffy needles and some other qualities, Nordmann fir has been considered the most beautiful tree for New Year’s celebrations for more than 100 years. But more on that later. After all, these trees are so noble and unique that they deserve closer attention as garden plants.

Caucasian fir (Nordmann) was first discovered in the Caucasus (Armenian Highlands) by a naturalist from Finland, Alexander von Nordmann, in the 1830s. In honor of its discoverer for Europeans, the tree received a specific name. Since 1840, the seeds of the Caucasian fir came from Our Country to Europe, where the active introduction of these trees into the culture began.

On average, the height of the Nordmann fir is 50-60 m, but individual specimens are known at the age of 700-800 years, which grow up to 80 m. It is not for nothing that it is one of the tallest trees not only in Our Country, but also in the entire post-Soviet space . Trees can reach such heights due to their rapid growth rates. If in the first 10 years of life the rate of growth and development of Caucasian fir is not very high, the tree builds up the root system and strengthens in the ground, then after 10 years it quickly rushes up, not forgetting to increase its mighty trunk in thickness. And it can reach a diameter of 2 m. True, already mature trees, several hundred years old, differ in such sizes.

Comment! Especially fast growth rates (up to 30-40 cm per year) Nordmann fir differs in growing conditions close to its natural habitats. In the conditions of the Moscow region, its annual growth does not exceed 12-15 cm per year.

Caucasian fir trees are not in vain famous for their beauty, their crown at a young age is distinguished by an ideal pyramidal shape, with branches lowered to the ground. And in adult trees, it retains an attractive cone-shaped shape, reaching a diameter of 9-10 m. Among the characteristics of Nordmann fir, the life expectancy of trees also deserves considerable respect. They are distinguished by longevity, their life span is from 600 to 900 years.

Young trees are distinguished, in addition, by their decorative appearance, light and smooth bark. With age, it begins to crack and becomes less attractive. Young shoots also look interesting. They are light yellowish brown in color.

The root system of fir trees is powerful and deep, mainly of the rod type. Wood is characterized by the absence of a core. It is quite light, soft and elastic, has a pinkish tint.

Brownish-colored buds do not differ in resinousness. They have the usual ovoid shape. The needles are very thin and at the same time flat with a blunt tip, reach a length of 2 to 4 cm, and a width of 2-2,5 mm. They are located very tightly, hanging down mostly down. The needles are very pleasant to the touch, soft and fluffy. On top of the needles of the Nordmann fir, they are glossy dark green, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

On the underside they have two bright white stripes in which the mouths are located. Trees breathe through them. Needles are able to stay on branches from 9 to 12 years. But if the tree is planted in a gassed or smoky area, then the stomata are gradually clogged and the fir may die. Therefore, fir trees of this species are not used for landscaping cities.

The needles, when rubbed, can emit a characteristic citrus aroma.

Cones grow straight up, reach a length of 12-20 cm, a thickness of about 5 cm. At the beginning of the growing season they are green, in a mature state they become dark brown. In Caucasian fir, flowering and seed formation begin rather late, only when the trees reach the age of 30-60 years. By the way, at the age of 30, it often reaches a height of 10 m.

Caucasian fir blooms in April-May, and if female flowers, cones, are easily visible, including in the photo, then male flowers, from which pollen scatters, look like small, inconspicuous spikelets of a reddish color.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

Brown seeds up to 12 mm in length with a long yellowish wing, scatter from the cones in the autumn (October-November). Each cone can contain up to 400 winged seeds.

Attention! If you want to get your own seeds from Caucasian fir for propagation at home, you must collect unopened cones directly from the tree no later than September.

Where does the Nordmann fir grow?

The Caucasian fir got its second name precisely because of the area of ​​​​natural growth. The western slopes of the Caucasian ridge are a place where fir still forms huge arrays. It occurs mainly at an altitude of 900 to 2100 m in the republics of the Caucasus, as well as in the countries of Transcaucasia: Georgia, Abkhazia, Armenia, Turkey.

Mixed plantings are formed mainly with beech and oriental spruce. The climate in these areas is characterized by high rainfall, relatively mild winters and not too hot summers.

It is these conditions in Europe that are typical for the maritime climate of Denmark, where for more than 100 years cultivars of Caucasian fir have been successfully grown and sold before Christmas and New Year to all European countries.

But in the conditions of central Our Country, Caucasian fir may not feel the best. Therefore, in the Moscow region, the cultivation of Nordmann fir can be associated with some difficulties, which, however, with a strong desire, are quite surmountable.

Nordmann fir (Danish tree) in landscape design

Coniferous trees have taken a strong place in landscape design over the past decades. After all, they delight the eye with green color all year round, and the coniferous aroma is able to purify the air and bring harmony to the nervous system.

The natural variety of Caucasian fir, due to its massive size, is more suitable for large areas as a tapeworm or for decorating garden and park areas. For medium plots, it is more reasonable to use the dwarf varieties of this fir bred by breeders. They will serve as a decoration for both the rocky garden (alpine hill) and the courtyard.

Varieties of Nordmann fir

Breeders have bred several artificial forms of Caucasian fir, which are more compact in size and have a variety of needle colors.

Golden Spreader

One of the most popular varieties of Nordmann fir, which is distinguished by its tiny size and slow growth rate. In 10 years, it grows only 1 m in height. And it continues to grow just as slowly. The diameter of the crown also does not exceed 1 m. In the center, the crown has a small but pronounced notch.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

The needles are also quite small, up to 2 cm in length. They are golden yellow above and yellowish white below. This variety of fir is good for decorating alpine hills in the southern regions of the country.


A popular variety of Caucasian fir, characterized by particularly fast growth rates and crown density. The tree is large when mature. The needles are very long, two-colored: green above, white below.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)


Quite whimsical to growing conditions, a variety with a weeping crown shape. The growth rate is very slow, but the tree is capable of reaching large sizes when mature.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)


A variety that practically does not differ in appearance and growth rate from the natural species. But depending on the growing conditions, the cones of these trees can become purple-violet.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

Planting and caring for Nordmann fir in the open field

Caucasian fir does not require particularly careful care. It should only be understood that in a climate unlike its natural growth conditions, a more careful attitude to the trees will be required, especially in the very first years after planting. For example, in the Moscow region, planting and caring for Nordmann fir can take a certain amount of effort and time, but there will be something to brag about to neighbors.

Seedling and planting preparation

Caucasian fir is rather indifferent to light. Unlike many other conifers, it can grow well in bright sun, and even in partial shade.

Since the trees are characterized by a powerful root system, the planting site must be chosen at least 3 m from any buildings and other trees.

Nordmann fir favorably treats almost any soil, it does not tolerate only particularly acidic ones. Loams with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction are best suited for successful growth.

Important! You should not try to grow Caucasian fir in areas near large cities or industrial centers. Most likely, she will not tolerate the pollution of the local air and will die.

Plants do not like frequent transplants, so the place on the site must be chosen very carefully so as not to disturb the tree once again.

It is best to use seedlings with a whole root ball. Even small trees with open roots subsequently take root very poorly. A fir seedling suitable for planting should either grow in a container, or a voluminous earthen ball on its roots should be additionally wrapped in polyethylene and tied tightly to preserve its integrity. Ideal for planting seedlings of Caucasian fir at the age of 4-5 years.

When choosing a seedling, it is necessary to carefully examine it to check if it is damaged by any pests or diseases.

How to plant a Nordmann fir

If there is a correctly selected seedling with a closed root system, planting it in open ground is carried out as follows:

  1. Dig a hole about 25% larger than the size of the seedling’s root ball.
  2. The depth of the landing pit is made even greater in order to lay a drainage layer of crushed stone, gravel or broken bricks, about 10 cm high, on the bottom.
  3. Prepare a planting mixture consisting of peat, sand, clay and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. Add complex mineral fertilizer.
  4. Half of the amount of the planting mixture is placed in the pit. An earthen clod of a fir seedling is carefully placed on top.
  5. Top and sides are covered with the remaining earthen mixture and lightly tamped.
  6. Then they spill it with water, making sure that the root neck is exactly at ground level.

After planting, the seedlings are shaded with non-woven material for better survival. It is especially important to do this in the southern regions, where the sun can be too bright in the spring.

Watering and top dressing

Caucasian fir is a fairly moisture-loving species, so at a young age it needs regular and plentiful watering. Especially if the weather is hot and dry. In such weather, it is recommended to arrange soul trees by spraying the entire aerial part.

Mature trees usually do not need watering, unless there is a drought.

Young seedlings in the year of planting do not require top dressing. And next spring, special fertilizer for conifers in granules or Kemiru-Universal (about 100 g) is applied under each tree.

Mulching and loosening

For trees at a young age, constantly maintained soil and air moisture in the root zone is especially important. Therefore, immediately after planting the seedling, the entire near-stem space must be mulched with a layer of at least 5-6 cm. For this, any organic matter is used: rotted sawdust, straw, peat, bark of coniferous trees.

In addition to retaining moisture, the mulch will protect young seedlings from the growth of weeds that can kill young fir sprouts.

Every year in the spring, the mulch layer must be renewed.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)


Caucasian fir itself is able to form a dense and beautiful crown, so it does not need formative pruning.

In early spring, before the buds wake up, sanitary pruning is carried out – dry and damaged shoots are removed.

And frozen branches are recommended to be cut only at the end of May, when the probability of the last spring frosts is gone.

Preparation for winter

Despite the fact that the winter hardiness of the Nordmann fir root system is quite high (it can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C), its young shoots can also suffer at temperatures below – 15-20 ° C. Therefore, she needs to cover the branches with spruce branches or a special non-woven protective material for the winter period and the moment of possible spring frosts. Also, in the conditions of the middle lane, it is recommended to cover the near-stem circles of Nordmann fir with an additional layer of mulch, up to 10 cm high.

How to care for a Nordmann fir in a pot

Most often, Caucasian fir can be bought not in the form of a seedling for planting in the open field, but in the form of a small decorative tree in a pot for decoration for the New Year. Many people use this not to buy a Christmas tree every year, but to grow it at home.

Caring for Nordmann fir in an apartment means, first of all, keeping it in the coolest and most humid conditions. In no case should a tree be placed near heating units. Watering should be regular, so that the earth is moist all year round. It is advisable to spray the needles daily or place a humidifier nearby.

If the house has a balcony or a glazed loggia, then it is better if the tree winters there. Only the container must be additionally insulated with foam or other heat-insulating material.

How much does Nordmann fir grow

But it is necessary to understand that Nordmann’s fir is still an outdoor plant and it will not be able to live and develop normally in an apartment indefinitely. Under the most ideal conditions of care, she will be able to survive at home for no more than 3-4 years. At the same time, she will need an annual transplant, since during this period the root system develops much more intensively than the aerial part. But then its size will still force it to be transplanted to the street, otherwise the tree will simply dry out and die.

Attention! It is best to transplant Caucasian fir into open ground in the spring before bud break. It is better to accustom a tree to street conditions gradually.

Fir Normandy for the New Year

Even more often, Nordmann fir is sold before the New Year or Christmas in the form of a cut tree in specialty stores or Christmas tree markets. Due to its luxurious appearance, it has become very popular. And many, in their reviews calling it Norman fir, do not even suspect that under natural conditions this tree grows in Our Country.

How to save Nordmann fir for the New Year

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

These trees are much better suited as home decorations for the New Year than spruces or pines. There are several reasons for this:

  • have an almost ideal cone shape with dense foliage;
  • the needles have a rich green color, are soft and do not prick at all;
  • can delight with green and fresh needles in the room for up to several months.

In order for Nordmann’s fir to stand longer and please the eye with its green and fluffy appearance, it is advisable to observe the following rules:

  1. They buy trees in street markets, where the air temperature allows them to persist for a longer time.
  2. Place the tree trunk in a bucket of water or wet sand, adding a few tablespoons of glycerin to the water, which can be bought at any pharmacy.
  3. Paper toys are not used to decorate fir, since for longer preservation it is advisable to spray it every day with a spray bottle.

How long the Nordmann fir does not crumble

After cutting, the needles of the Nordmann fir can remain green for up to 10 weeks. But since no one knows exactly when it was cut down, in any case, it remains in stock from a month to two. This is a considerable period. Almost no coniferous tree retains its needles for such a long time.

Does Nordmann’s fir smell?

The needles of the natural type of Caucasian fir are very fragrant and can fill the house with the smell of a coniferous forest for a long time. But specimens of cultivars of this fir grown abroad do not smell at all, although they look magical. But they are usually sold everywhere before the New Year in most shopping centers.

So, if you want to get Nordmann fir with the smell of a real coniferous forest, you will have to go to a specialized nursery for it.

Caucasian fir (Nordman)

Reproduction of Nordmann fir

Almost the only way to propagate Caucasian fir is by seed, since its cuttings take root with great difficulty and only when special conditions are created.

Before sowing seeds, stratification is necessary in a cold place for 1-2 months. Stratified seeds germinate in the light at moderate humidity and temperature within + 18-23 ° C for 3-4 weeks.

Diseases and pests of Caucasian fir

Nordmann fir has a very good natural immunity, so pests and diseases mostly bypass it. Sometimes there is a defeat of fir aphids or moths. In this case, urgent treatment with any insecticide is necessary.

With excessive waterlogging, fir can be affected by fungal diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out prevention – periodically water with phytosporin biofungicide.


Nordmann fir is a stunningly beautiful conifer that many people know and love as a “Christmas tree”. But it is worth trying to land this beauty on the site. If you make more or less effort depending on the region, then the tree will serve as a decoration for the site for many years and will be inherited by children and grandchildren.

Reviews about Nordmann’s fir

Evgeny, 37 years old, Moscow
For a long time already, in the Christmas markets, they were asking the price for luxurious-looking Christmas trees, which the seller called Danish fir. Very much the price of them biting, although they looked the most beautiful. No reviews were found on the Internet about the use of Nordmann fir for the New Year. This year they decided and bought a 1,5 meter beauty for 2000 rubles. All sellers assured in one voice that it would stand for 3 months, but so far 2 weeks have passed and indeed the needles almost do not crumble. At home, she made a splash. A real magic tree from a fairy tale. And dressed up – just like from the picture.
Larisa, 35 years old, Taganrog
Our family has always liked to put only live Christmas trees for the New Year. But this time I decided and bought such a beauty, but in a pot. It was a Nordmann fir. She was, of course, expensive, but I decided to plant her in the ground in the spring, so it was not a pity. She was about a meter tall, but so fluffy and beautiful, just like in the movies. The New Year holidays are over, and we took her to the balcony until spring. Let’s see how she survives the transplant. While pleases us with fresh herbs. Although the aroma is almost absent.
Nordmann Fir & Danish Tree – Description and Characteristics of Live Christmas Fir

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