Chipping of cattle is an important part of zootechnical accounting at livestock complexes. In the early stages of the development of this branch of agriculture, the only purpose of cattle tags was to recognize animals by belonging to a particular farm. Today, such labels must contain much more information.

Importance of accounting in cattle breeding

Today, tags on modern livestock complexes are a mandatory measure of zootechnical accounting. Immediately after the birth of the calf, he is assigned an individual number, as well as a nickname.

Identification of cattle allows:

  • to distinguish between cows in the herd during the inventory;
  • keep statistics when tracking the main indicators of animal health (body weight, height, milk yield);
  • register insemination;
  • take into account the dates of the examination;
  • plan the consumption of feed, vitamin supplements;
  • record important information during breeding work.

The identification of cattle is useful for the veterinary service. It takes into account:

  • infectious diseases of animals;
  • livestock vaccination data;
  • information about laboratory tests;
  • the formation of groups of individuals with positive tests for certain diseases.

In addition, the identification of cattle allows you to normalize and take into account the wages of farm workers.

Methods for identifying cattle

Identification is a method of accounting for cattle and other agricultural individuals, which consists in assigning an individual number by marking. Over the history of the development of animal husbandry, many effective marking methods have accumulated, from the most primitive to modern (chipping).

The most popular methods of cattle identification:

  • chipping;
  • tagging;
  • branding;
  • plucking.

Each method has both advantages and disadvantages.

Chipping of cattle

Chipping of cattle is an electronic identification of farm animals. It is the most modern identification method for today. Chipping appeared relatively recently, at the end of the XNUMXth century. When chipping began to spread, it immediately became popular in many households. 

Cattle identification: chipping, tagging

Chipping of cattle provides:

  • fast, painless procedure;
  • ease of execution (the advantage of the method for personnel);
  • fixing individual information for life;
  • no possibility of loss or substitution of identification data.

There is a huge economic benefit of identification by chipping cattle:

  • does not require a second procedure as a result of loss or damage;
  • during the pledge procedure, insurance, treatment, feeding, cattle cannot be confused;
  • simplifies the search for cattle in case of theft.

Chipping is the process of implanting a small electrical device (microchip) under the skin of an animal in the neck area. The chip consists of an inductor and a microcircuit. The process is carried out with a disposable syringe in which a capsule with a microchip is placed. Bioglass prevents the development of rejection or any other reaction of the body to a foreign body after chipping. The microchip implantation procedure is painless for cattle and quick in time, reminiscent of conventional vaccination. Disposable syringe, device, unique 15-digit identification number on 6 stickers, included in the chipping kit.

Subsequent identification of cattle is carried out using a scanning device. To determine the individual number, it is enough to bring the scanner closer to the place of implantation of the microchip and the information is displayed on the screen, the device emits a sound signal.

Attention! An important component of chipping is the database. It allows you to take into account, systematize all the necessary information about animals.

The disadvantage of chipping cattle is a somewhat expensive method for small farms.


Cattle identification: chipping, tagging

Labeling also refers to simple identification methods. This is a fairly popular method in modern farms. Ear tags for cattle with a special applicator are used in a special way. The upper edge of the cow’s ear is pierced with an applicator, while the tag is fixed automatically, the needle in the device is disposable.

The tag can be double or single, of different colors, shapes, sizes, depending on the requirements of zootechnical accounting.

The composition of the tag is thermoplastic polyurethane. It does not cause allergic reactions and does not irritate the skin of calves and adults.

There is a big drawback of this identification method – often cattle tear off tags when they move carelessly. Nose rings and collars can serve as an alternative.


Branding is an ancient traditional way of marking cattle. Until now, many people use red-hot iron for branding. It displays the identification number of the individual.

With regard to dairy cattle, farmers prefer to act with the help of cold branding.

Comment! The mark is formed by frostbite of a certain area on the skin of an individual. In it, under the influence of cold, hair pigments are destroyed. Because of this, the wool in this place is colorless.

The cold branding procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen, in which metal numbers are first immersed, followed by application to the skin of the cattle. The identification number of the animal appears after a few days.

There are certain rules for performing this procedure:

  • strong fixation is required;
  • you should decide in advance on the place of setting the brand;
  • wool in this area is cut out;
  • the place of branding is washed and disinfected;
  • exposure time should be fixed – 10 seconds for young animals, 60 seconds for adult cows.

If these standards are not observed, individual numbers may be illegible.

Of the advantages of this method, the owners note the quality, durability of the stigma, and the absence of damage to the skin. There are also disadvantages: competent fixation of the cow is required.


Plucking on the ears is a classic way of marking, it has been successfully used on farms for quite a long time. The popularity of the method is explained by good data viewing, reliability of labels, and their subsequent safety. In addition, punctures do not require special costs.

The pluck is made with special tools – forceps or a hole punch, which leave the required number of punctures on the skin, the same as its unique number. Labels can be placed in a variety of forms.

This marking has its own characteristics: the puncture site is selected, taking into account the passage of blood vessels. Before the procedure, the forceps must be disinfected and then proceed to perform punctures of a certain shape.

For modern, large complexes, special collars and anklets are effective.

Cattle identification: chipping, tagging

The responder is used to identify the cattle. Attach it to the cow with the help of collars. The device panel has a number that is transmitted to the operator. This device allows you to keep the herd under control.

Rescounter is a device with a much larger set of functions. It identifies a cow on the run, when passing through the frame to the milking or sorting parlour. The device allows you to see milk yield, monitor feed.

Veterinary Rules for the Identification and Accounting of Animals

The Ministry of Agriculture posted on its portal the text of the draft veterinary rules for the identification and registration of animals. The developers took into account not only farm animals, but also fur-bearing animals, fish, bees, domestic animals.

Each animal at birth or import into the country is immediately assigned its own identification number, these data will be entered into a special database.

When registering, it is recommended to enter a nickname, pedigree, breed, place of birth, place of detention, as well as information about the owner. Further, the data will be supplemented with information about vaccinations, diseases, and transportation. It is proposed to issue a paper version of the passport if desired.

For marking cattle, it is required to establish strict time limits – two weeks from the moment of birth or import into the territory of Our Country. Tags with a unique number should be located on the ears, and a tag with additional information only in the left ear.


Chipping cattle is an important part of a farmer’s job. With the correct establishment of the identification process, the event brings enormous economic benefits and greatly facilitates the work of livestock specialists and veterinary service specialists.

Identification and registration of animals. “Simple science” Agro TV

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