Cats against trees: 25 cutest attempts to destroy the New Year – photo
Our favorites are not always ready to treat an elegant tree as a festive symbol. It seems to them that this is an excellent playground.
The best decoration for an apartment is, of course, a cat. We can give you no less than a dozen reasons why you simply have to get yourself a purr. But the closer the New Year is, the more cat breeders strain. After all, cats are terrible egocentrics, they believe that there is no place for any other decorations in the apartment at all. And if these very decorations do appear, then only in order to please the true owner of the house.
“Ol, will you put up the tree?” – cautiously asking a friend on the eve of the holiday.
“I will,” she replies. – Mine is indifferent to her. The main thing is not to hang tinsel and rain. “
Experienced cat breeders probably immediately understood what it was about. “Mine” is not about a man at all, but about a cat. After all, you can never guess how a pet will react to a Christmas tree in the house. Olga was lucky: her Barsik on the tree paid no more attention than the rain outside the window. It’s not a lordly thing to look at Christmas trees. But I was scared with my three tomboys. After all, the case may end like this, as in this video below.
From year to year, creative cat owners come up with new ways to save the tree from the animal. And cats are more and more new ways to get around obstacles on the way to happiness. Looking at the efforts of both parties, we realized that pets perceive the tree as an extra reason to have fun. This is really a great playground: here you have balls and beads, you can jump from branch to branch, everything rustles so merrily, rings, falls! And the owners are happy: they immediately become so animated, it is worth noticing the cat on the tree.
Therefore, if you already decided to bring a Christmas tree to a house where there are cats, try to observe the rules of the simplest safety. You should not hang tinsel and rain on the tree – animals eat them, and this can lead to serious health problems.
Many toys are hung only on the upper branches – so it is less likely that the cat will get to them. Another life hack: the trunk can be wrapped in foil, cats do not like to climb on foil. Well, or leave it as it is. Then you will surely have pictures on Instagram like those that we have collected in our photo gallery – scroll through!