Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Any method of catching fish has its own characteristics that affect the intensity of the bite. Such features should always be taken into account, otherwise you can forget about the bite, especially the active one. You can find out where the silver carp is located if you carefully study the water area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe reservoir. If the fish is closer to the surface, then this can be seen by the breakers that appear on the surface. If the silver carp is in the water column or closer to the bottom, then the surface of the reservoir will be calm and only occasionally small bursts may appear, indicating that the fish is active. As a rule, experienced fishing enthusiasts can easily cope with this task. This or that case requires the use of different gear: for fishing from the surface, you can use an ordinary float rod, and for fishing from the bottom, bottom gear or feeder. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is to make sure that only the silver carp is present in the catch, since other fish are also found in the reservoir. To understand how to organize this, this article was written.

What to catch silver carp from the bottom

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

To date, there are two effective ways to “hunt” for silver carp if it is closer to the bottom. To understand the whole principle of catching it, one should dwell on what the silver carp eats in nature. This fish feeds on tiny particles called plankton. The particles are so small that they resemble a cloud of turbidity. Based on this feature, one should focus on the formation of a cloud of nutrient medium in which hooks float freely. Both methods are similar to each other, since the first method involves the use of purchased phytoplankton, and the second method is designed for the use of special home-made cereals. It can be porridge with the addition of purchased Geyser-type bait.

Until the moment when technoplankton appeared, anglers tried to catch silver carp on various baits of plant origin, including corn or peas. There were cases of capture on non-traditional types of baits. But this is pure coincidence and not a regularity. Most likely, in such cases, an accidental hit of a hook with a nozzle occurred in the process of sucking the nutrient medium by the fish. Over time, this fish began to get used to the baits offered to it by anglers, and with the advent of technoplankton on sale, the fishing process has changed dramatically.

When fishing for silver carp, you should always remember that the constantly created cloud of turbidity in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe hooks is the basis for effective fishing. In this case, the hooks should be at a small distance from the bottom and should be well masked by this cloud. So that the hooks are not at the bottom, but in the water column, foam balls should be placed on them. The balls are mounted in such a way that the sting necessarily looks out of the foam, otherwise idle bites are possible.

Given the fact that the silver carp has a large mouth, it is better to choose large hooks. Hooks from Owner from No. 1 to No. 3 are perfect. They should be both sharp and strong, since the mouth of the silver carp is quite powerful. At the same time, you should constantly monitor their sharpness, otherwise idle bites and fish gatherings are possible.

Bighead fishing for phytoplankton

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

The use of technoplankton involves the use of special equipment, which can be purchased at angler stores. If this is not possible, then such equipment should be made by yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. Technoplankton is sold in the form of cylindrical pressed barrels, in the center of which there is a hole for fastening. Equipment for fixing technoplankton consists of a wire (rod), at one end of which there is a stopper that allows you to keep the barrel on the rod. On the sides of the rod there are arcs to which leashes with hooks are attached, from 5 to 12 cm long. The best option is to attach two leashes, although more is possible, but then the likelihood of overlapping leashes increases.

You should buy only high-quality technoplankton, the resorption time of which in water does not exceed one hour. If the barrel becomes more sour, then it is hardly possible to get a nutritious cloud of turbidity in the water that can interest the fish. And this means that fishing will not take place due to the fact that there will be no bites.

In order for the “hunt” for silver carp to be successful, one should not save on technoplankton. If no bites follow within an hour, you need to pull the tackle out of the water and install a new barrel. At the same time, you must always be prepared for the fact that the silver carp may refuse to eat for some reason and there will be no bites for 2 or 3 days. In this case, you should be patient and wait until the silver carp is seriously hungry. As a result, you can catch several trophy specimens. After such a hunger strike, bites can follow one after another.

Catching silver carp from the bottom on technoplankton

How to catch silver carp for porridge

The technique of fishing for porridge is no different from the technique of fishing for technoplankton. The difference lies only in the way the bait is fed to the fishing point. But here there are some features that must be taken into account: the consistency of the bait must be such that it does not break when it hits the water and, at the same time, is able to create a cloud of turbidity in the water column. If possible, it is better to add bait in the form of porridge to the fishing point using a boat or a radio-controlled boat. Nowadays, many lovers of such recreation prefer to use radio-controlled assistants.

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Cooking porridge with the required characteristics is a rather troublesome business and one cannot do without special ingredients. As a rule, in such cases, purchased “Geysers” are used, which have proven themselves well when catching silver carp. At the same time, purchased components are mixed with home-made cereals.

As an option, purchased baits can be replaced with Jubilee cookies, which work well in water. Cookies are mixed with ingredients such as porridge, bread, cake, halva, etc. The main condition for a perfectly working bait is the ratio of dusty components, which should be at least 50%. These components are:

  • Purchased bait like “Geyser”.
  • Anniversary cookies.
  • Semolina.
  • Bread, both white and black.
  • Powdered milk.
  • Breadcrumbs, etc.

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Flavoring ingredients in the form of honey, dill, peas, cumin, garlic, etc. can be added to dry ingredients. At the same time, you need to monitor the dosage so that a too saturated smell cannot scare away the silver carp. This is true when using artificial flavors. Too much dose will only hurt, but will not increase the number of bites. Particular attention should be paid to the control of the preparation of porridge so that the smell of burnt components does not appear. Therefore, during the cooking process, you should constantly stir the porridge.

Where to catch silver carp

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Since the silver carp can be located anywhere in the reservoir and tries not to approach the shore, they catch it in the middle of the reservoir, if it is not large or at a considerable distance from the shore, if the reservoir is of considerable size. And this requires the use of various gear.

When a silver carp is feeding or just walking, its location is calculated by loud splashes of water. If he finds the bait, then he behaves aggressively towards other types of fish. And this is not surprising, since this fish has an impressive size and is not afraid of other inhabitants of the underwater world. In addition, she does not like it when other fish are on her territory during feeding. The silver carp goes out in search of food along its routes and to its favorite places. If you correctly decide on a promising place, then fishing will be very successful with the capture of a trophy specimen.

The silver carp prefers places with a depth of about 3 meters with the presence of aquatic vegetation at the bottom. At the same time, it does not linger for a long time in one place and constantly moves around the reservoir.

Considering such features of the behavior of this fish, special attention should be paid to bait in order to keep the restless silver carp in one place, which will ensure a regular bite. At the same time, it is not necessary to throw dusty bait into the place of biting.

You should also know that the silver carp is a heat-loving fish and it does not take root in the northern regions. Unless in reservoirs that are heated by warm water from thermal power plants or hydroelectric power plants. It can naturally breed only in the Amur River. In all other reservoirs it is bred artificially. Its advantage is that it feeds not only on phytoplankton, but also on algae, which ensures constant cleaning of the reservoir.

When to catch silver carp

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

Since this fish is thermophilic, the peak of its activity falls on warm days. The silver carp starts pecking in the month of May, and ends somewhere in the month of October. In the month of October, he can peck only on warm days, but since the water has already cooled down, the bite can be short-lived. During this period, the fish is already beginning to prepare for wintering and its appetite practically disappears. In the month of October, you need to try very hard to interest the silver carp.

The silver carp actively pecks during periods when there are weak waves on the surface of the reservoir. This is due to the fact that in calm weather, the silver carp is able to pick up suspicious noises and can behave wary. The bite of this fish can continue both day and night. And at night, he behaves actively in calm weather. But this does not mean that absolute silence should not be observed. The silver carp, like other fish, especially at night, easily catches the smallest rustles, especially in calm weather. Everyone knows that at night, sounds travel far enough along the surface of the water.

In spring and summer, silver carp are caught from the bottom. In the spring, when there is still no vegetation on the bottom of the reservoir, it migrates in search of plankton, being in close proximity to the bottom. Therefore, during this period it is preferable to catch it with a feeder. In summer it can be caught in any layers of water. At the same time, the bite is absolutely unpredictable. Sometimes he pecks for a couple of hours and stops biting for a couple of days, and sometimes he is actively caught throughout the day and night. Catching a silver carp is a pleasure, because only one bite can bring a lot of adrenaline.

Bait for fathead minnows

Catching silver carp from the bottom: what to catch and where to catch

If you do not feed the place of biting, then it makes no sense to count on successful fishing. The place is fed with any bait, not necessarily dusty. Dusty bait should be fed with hooks. The following ingredients can be included in the usual bait:

  • honey;
  • anise;
  • hemp oil;
  • purchased flavoring additives;
  • boiled cereals from barley, millet, barley, etc.;
  • peas;
  • semolina;
  • bread;
  • halvu;
  • biscuits;
  • bran;
  • wheat or corn flour, etc.

Each experienced angler has his own recipe for making universal bait. Each of them believes that his recipe is the most catchy. As for novice fishermen, over time they will have an exclusive way of preparing bait for silver carp, especially since there is a huge field for experimentation.

Video “Catching silver carp from the bottom”

Fishing in Luhansk catching silver carp

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