Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

This fish is omnivorous, rotan prefers animal food. It becomes especially greedy for food in the pre-spawning and spawning period. During this period, watery growths similar to berets grow on his head. Typically, this period is May-June, depending on conditions.

All about rotan

Rotan prefers thickets or blockages of snag rather than open spaces. He cannot be called an active hunter, since he does not particularly pursue his prey. If he gets off the hook, he will certainly return to the same place without suspecting anything. Unfortunately, this fish can eat its fellows with pleasure.

Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

Rotan does not grow more than 25 cm, which depends on the conditions of growth and feeding. Its optimal size is within 14cm, and life expectancy is about 7 years. As a rule, he does not live more than 4-5 years, although he can live longer.

Habitat of rotan

At first, it could be caught in the Amur River basin, in the Far East, in northern North Korea and northeast China.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, it got into the basin of Lake Baikal, which scientists called biological pollution.

It appeared in the reservoirs of St. Petersburg in 1916, after which it began to spread rapidly across northern Eurasia and European countries.

To date, it has been noticed in the basins of the Volga, Dnieper, Dniester, Irtysh, Danube, Ob, Stir, and Ural rivers. Prefers water bodies in which there are no predators capable of hunting rotan. It is settled by humans, and also spreads during floods between water bodies. Able to survive in the dirtiest waters, he is not afraid of freezing, because after thawing he can come to life.

How to catch a trophy rattan on a float rod

Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

You can catch it on a float tackle using a large and sharp hook. The mouth of this fish is powerful, and the lips are strong, so you need sharp and powerful hooks made of thin wire. It got its name from the fact that it has a strong, bony mouth. Rotan, as a rule, takes the bait greedily and swallows it completely, so a large hook with a long forearm will not hurt.

Universal and effective bait for rotan is a large worm, impaled on a hook with loops.

Not bad results are given by the bait of chicken skin, cut into pieces, especially in the early morning or late evening. The skin is perfectly kept on the hook and is clearly visible in the water.

The bait should be cast closer to the thickets where he likes to be. After a short pause, the line needs to be pulled a little. As soon as the bait comes to life, the rotan will immediately attack it. Rotan rarely misses, so you need to be ready for hooking.

You can catch rotan along the bottom or closer to the surface: it will always find its bait. Therefore, fishing for rotan can be carried out with the simplest gear, and the result will be sure.

Catching trophy rotan on spinning

Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

Catching rattan on a spinning rod is no less interesting than on a regular fishing rod. To do this, you can use baits such as ultralight or light, although it is possible to catch other types of spinners, such as spinners, but this is very rare. Wobblers and silicones are best. Despite this, even such baits have their own requirements.

Lures should be slowly sinking, not large and not have extra shoots. These requirements are best met by simple twisters and vibrotails. Some fishermen who have experience in catching rotan on spinning claim that it is more caught on dark colors during the day, and on light colors in the late afternoon. Effective posting is a slow posting, giving a chance to catch rotan.

This applies to wobblers and not large suspenders. They should be slowly sinking and slowly rising, and zero will do as well. It should be said right away that the fate of wobblers can be terrible, since rotan has, although small, but teeth and there are a lot of them. Therefore, after catching rotan, it is possible that the bait will have to be repaired or repainted.

Winter fishing for rotan

Catching rotan on spinning and float fishing rods

Winter fishing for rotan is interesting because it is always effective, and this is the main thing for a fisherman. This is the only fish that does not react to changes in temperature and pressure and greedily pecks at everything that is offered to it. Therefore, having gathered for a rotan, you can be sure that the catch will be good.

Many experts argue that rotan, leaving the reservoir, multiplies very quickly, limiting the growth and survival of other fish species. Considering the fact that it is very tenacious and can give odds to the crucian itself, there may come a period when one rotan will be found in the reservoirs. This is what concerns dirty water bodies, where, apart from crucian carp, other fish, except for rotan, can hardly survive. Clean water bodies, where predators are also found, are not threatened by rotan, since it is not a fast hunter, and such predators as pike, a large population of rotan are only at hand.

Video about catching large trophy rotans

Catching big rotans

Catching rotan in an old-fashioned way

Catching rattan IN THE ANCIENT WAY! Trophy rotan on a float!

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