Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

Roach is the most common fish of the carp family, which is found in almost all rivers, lakes and ponds. Most anglers use the feeder specifically for catching roach, since it is not difficult to catch it.

Fishing in different seasons

Spring fishing

Almost just before spawning, roach begins to peck and this period lasts no more than 3-4 days, so it is very difficult to go fishing during this period. The pre-spawning zhor of roach begins somewhere in the middle of May, after which the spawning period begins, which can last until early June. At this time, the roach practically does not bite. Like all types of fish, roach in the spring prefers baits of animal origin, such as worms, maggots, bloodworms, etc. The best baits are those that contain exactly these components. At this time, it is better to look for it at a depth, since the water has not warmed up yet, and it leads a benthic lifestyle.

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

Summer fishing

In the summer, when the water is actively warming up, roach can go to smaller places. During this period, preference should be given to nozzles of plant origin, such as green peas, corn, and dough. During this period, she can peck at both maggot and worm. This period of active biting lasts until the beginning of autumn, that is, until September.

Autumn fishing

Starting from September, the biting begins to gradually fade away and with the onset of real cold weather, it can stop completely. During this period, as well as in spring, roach will bite more on baits of animal origin, and bloodworms or chopped worms should be added to the bait.

Feeder selection for roach fishing

The ideal solution for catching this fish is to choose a rod up to 4 meters long. This rod will allow you to cast up to 100 meters, although this may not be necessary. Any spinning reel will do, size 2000-3000. It is possible to use a monofilament with a diameter of up to 0,2 mm with a fluorocarbon leash so that the roach is not afraid of a thick fishing line. As for the color of the fishing line, it does not matter.

The choice of equipment for a roach feeder

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

Roach does not grow to large sizes, and for bite signaling, you should choose a sensitive rig that could transfer the bite to the tip of the rod. You will need equipment in which, when biting, the feeder does not take any part, but fulfills its main purpose. The well-known paternoster is best suited for these purposes, capable of transmitting the slightest touch of fish to the tip of the rod, which, in fact, is required.

Search for roach parking spots

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

The roach prefers places with good currents. If you properly prepare the bait, then it will quickly collect a sufficient amount of fish in one place. Promising will be places, the depth of which ranges from 1,5 to 3 meters. Not bad if there is information about the bottom topography, and if there is no such information, then you should study the topography and only after that start fishing. Roach can approach different areas of the water area, but it is not scared away by deep places where the impact of the feeder on the water can scare away the fish.

Bait for roach

In order for the bite to be active, it is necessary to properly prepare the bait, which should include both dusty components and large ones. Dusty components attract small things more, but for larger roach, large components will be required. Moreover, one should adhere to a balance so as not to collect only small individuals, but also to attract large ones. As a rule, a trifle first comes to the place of fishing, and a little later, a “big fish”, which can be held for a long time by large fractions.

Nozzles and baits for roach

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

In the summer, roach bites with pleasure on worms, maggots, dough, green peas, corn, etc. At the same time, it must be remembered that in the summer she may prefer vegetable baits, but she will not refuse baits of animal origin. Nozzles of plant origin are best flavored, for example, with dill, garlic, etc.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that baits such as worm, maggot and bloodworm are universal and can be used to catch roach all year round. As for late autumn, when the water is very cold, the use of bloodworms will be a priority, from which the roach never refuses.

The tactics of catching roach on the feeder

Feeder fishing for roach involves the following steps:

  • Starting casts for feeding the fishing point. They can be from 10 to 20, depending on the size of the feeder.
  • Direct casting for the purpose of fishing. The frequency of such casts varies within one cast for 5 minutes. It is during this time that the food should wash out of the feeder.

Catching roach on a feeder, but in more detail

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

  • First you need to find an appropriate place, after which you need to study the bottom topography. It is necessary to fish on a flat area or at the very bottom of the recession. You can determine the bottom topography with the help of a rod and a sinker attached to the fishing line. The sinker is pulled along the bottom and by the reaction of the tip of the rod, as well as the tension of the fishing line, you can determine how flat the surface of the bottom is, and whether the bottom is hard or muddy. Having determined a suitable place, the fishing line is fixed to the clip and subsequent casts will be carried out precisely at this point, especially if a casting reference is defined. It can be marked visually on the opposite bank. Throwing bait at one point will allow you to collect fish at that point. Large casts will disperse roach over large areas, which will not allow active fishing.
  • Equipment for feeder fishing is attached to the main line, but without a leash with a hook, to make starting casts for spot bait fish. As a rule, from 10 to 20 starting casts are made. Casts are made strictly according to the landmark, so that all the bait gets to one point. For the first time it will be difficult, but with time experience will come, and everything will turn out properly. Do not forget to clip the line, otherwise the feeder will fly different distances each time.
  • After each cast, you need to wait until the feeder falls to the bottom. After that, a pause is maintained for 10-15 seconds and a sharp cut is made. This is necessary so that the feed falls out of the feeder. This operation should be performed at least 10-15 times. After that, we can assume that the place is fed and it remains only to wait for the fish to approach, in this case, roach. Although there is a high probability that other fish will also be suitable, which will certainly be interested in bait.
  • After completing the starting feed, you need to attach a leash with a hook, and put the bait on the hook. It can be a worm, a couple of maggots, several bloodworms, etc. Fishing begins with planting baits of animal origin. If the roach does not take them, then you can move on to vegetable nozzles. After that, the tackle is thrown into the same place. At the same time, do not forget to fill the feeder every time. The rod is set with a slight tension on the line so that the roach does not feel much resistance.
  • After holding the rig with bait for about 5 minutes and if no bites followed during this time, then the rig is pulled out of the water and it is re-casted with the feeder loaded with bait and changing the nozzle, if necessary.
  • Evidence of a bite may be a jerk of the tip of the rod towards the water. Only then can we assume that the fish has swallowed the bait. This should be followed by hooking and playing the caught fish. Weak and sluggish movements of the rod tip cannot indicate a bite. This is most likely a game of the current, which is not able to significantly, but move the feeder along the bottom of the reservoir, if it does not have the appropriate weight.

Actions when catching a large specimen

Catching roach on the feeder in spring, summer and autumn, on the course and in still water

Firstly, a good reel with an effective friction brake should be installed on the tackle. When they say that a non-serious reel can be installed on a feeder for catching roach, this is most likely true, but sometimes there are cases when a large fish approaches the place of biting. This is very important when fishing on a river or lake, where, in addition to roach, there is, for example, bream. In this case, it is better to play it safe and install a serious coil with all functional sets on the feeder.

A friction brake will come in handy if a serious specimen is biting and jerks of this fish can easily break the line if these jerks are not compensated by bleeding the line from the reel. The fish can break the leash during the bite itself, so the friction brake must always be set to a certain weight of the fish so that there are no breaks. The issue is very serious and many fishermen do not underestimate its capabilities and do not use it when playing fish. In this case, the effect of a psychological factor associated with the unexpectedness of such a bite is possible. An inexperienced amateur angler is lost at this moment and simply forgets about the presence of such a function. The consequence of this is the loss of large specimens of fish with broken leads.

Video lesson on fishing

Catching roach on the feeder video : Fishing diary

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