When the cooled reservoirs are finally covered with a layer of ice, for many avid fishermen, the time of winter luster comes. Catching a pike at this time is not so easy, so you should focus on high-quality and proven tackle, with which you will not be left without a decent catch. Catching pike in winter with a lure from the ice is especially interesting, since the resistance of the fish when playing is felt even with your fingertips. Winter fishing is always accompanied by bright emotions and leaves unforgettable impressions. A gluttonous pike in winter attacks exactly those baits, the game of which most of all resembles the behavior of a small fish that has strayed from the flock.
Winter flashing pike
This method of fishing is often most effective in the winter. It must be taken into account that the movement of the bait in the water directly depends on its shape. The main purpose of flashing is a believable and seductive imitation of an appetizing live bait fish. At the same time, the angler needs to have a set of various lures so that the most catchy of them show themselves at the right time.
How to catch pike in winter with a lure
Before you start fishing, you need to pre-select a few places, and then drill holes. The most common lure technique is to raise the bait to a height of half a meter from the bottom with short pauses of about 3-5 seconds. From time to time, the height of the stroke can be about a meter. This is necessary in order to check the upper layers of the reservoir for the presence of a hunting toothy predator. In addition, the duration of the stop can also be changed, guided by the level of activity of the fish.
During fishing, perch of large and medium sizes can often come across. But if the desired trophy for you is exclusively pike, then you should use slightly larger spinners.
Winter fishing rod for lure should be long and have a comfortable handle. It is best to use a stiff and sufficiently strong whip, reaching at least 40 centimeters in length. Catching pike in winter with a lure in many cases is done standing up, so such a rod will allow you to carry out high-quality and efficient hooking in order to minimize the likelihood of getting off. In addition, it is most convenient to find depth differences with a long fishing rod. Using the gatehouse will allow you to feel even the most delicate and careful pike bites. What spinners will be the most effective when fishing from ice?
Top 10 best winter lures for pike
We have compiled a national rating of the most catchy lures for pike fishing. The top 5 winners included the following:
Rapala Bergman Original
Spinner Rapala Bergman
- Producer — Rapala, Finland
- Colors – silver, gold, copper
- Weight — from 4 to 17 g.
A time-tested bait for sheer lure, which is one of the most effective lures for catching a toothy robber. Possessing an impressive game, the spinner Rapala Bergman leaves no chance for the voracious predator. And the presence of the sharpest tees ensures that the number of gatherings will be minimized.
Rapala Pirken
Photo spinner Rapala Pirken
The unusual game of this universal bait attracts a lot of predatory fish, but most often it is pike that comes across it. You can change the equipment yourself and choose which hook to put (triple or single).
Incredibly easy to use homemade lure with great play. Suitable for both cloudy and clear water. Does not require special skills from the angler.
Three branches
It belongs to the classic spinners, has a good game both in the current and in still water. In addition to pike, zander and perch are often tempted to this bait.
- Producer — Acme, Finland
- Colors – in assortment (20 color options)
Widespread and inexpensive spinner Kastmaster, bringing good results. Works stably at different depths, has a variety of colors and is sold in different sizes.
Lucky John S-5
The sheer lure has an elongated shape; when swung, it quickly returns to its original position. The animation continues until the tee suspended on the winding ring stops. The center of gravity of the bait is shifted downward, which gives it the correct position relative to the bottom.
The shape, narrowed towards the top, imitates narrow-bodied fry of bleak, roach or rudd. A sharp triple hook perfectly pinpoints fish, withstands strong pressure from a toothy predator.
Hesitating shone “Atom”
Many anglers believe that this lure is only suitable for spinning from the shore. Her form is also for ice fishing. A wide body after a wave fluctuates in the water column, attracting a predator from afar. This kind of baubles most of all resemble the brilliant play of the scales of a feeding fry.
On the body, as a rule, scales are carved, giving the product a natural look. The center of gravity is displaced, the shape is uneven, elongated. At the bottom of the product is a triple hook with a plastic tail. The colorful element serves as an attack point at which the pike aims. The technique of fishing with a lure is no different from the usual fishing with sheer lures. Short strokes alternate with pauses and wiggles.
AQUA beetle
An original lure for sheer fishing of a toothy predator. The shape of the bait imitates the swimming beetle that inhabits the fresh waters of the country. The length of the bait is 40 mm, weight – 9 g. These parameters are suitable for use at depths from 1 to 5 m. The wide body oscillates from side to side when falling, attracting a predator from afar. The animation continues until the tee stops swaying on the lure, so winter angling experts insist on long pauses.
The metal is painted with a waterproof coating that does not wear off over time. The product comes in different colors, has attractive eyes that make the imitation more believable.
Lucky John Shiner
Despite the well-established opinion that pike prefers broad-bodied prey, in reservoirs where bleak remains the main food base, oblong baits work perfectly. The product has an elongated body with edges, thanks to which the game of the bait becomes brighter. On the swings, the sheer lure gleams, luring the predator out of hiding.
At the bottom there is a hanging triple hook on a chain. As a rule, the fish hits exactly there, so the percentage of bites on this lure is high. The line is represented by products in provocative, natural and metallic tones.
Spread of Ellipse-Ice
A metal lure for sheer fishing was created specifically for catching a toothy predator. The body of the product has a length of 55 mm with a total weight of 9 g. The bait has a bend in the middle, due to which it flies away from the center of the hole on swings. The high quality hanging tee is equipped with a colored drop that serves as an accentuated point of attack for pike.
The bait has excellent balance, the body is made of brass with a special coating that protects against corrosion. Recommended for fishing in stagnant waters and on a weak current. Products have a classic metallic color.
In addition to purchased ones, do-it-yourself home-made winter spinners for pike made by hand (Crab, Ulyanka, etc.) also work successfully for pike. Drawings for them can be found on the Internet and you can make your own winter baubles for pike and perch, or buy handmade baubles directly from the master. In addition, the best winter spinners for pike can vary by region and pike preferences in a particular fishing spot. Here, as usual, practice and information come to the rescue of the angler directly from the place of “hunting” for the lure.
Video: Pike in the winter on a lure. Underwater photography
Winter baits for pike come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes, but every avid angler should have at least a few proven and most effective lures. Having such a set with you, you significantly increase the chances of a successful completion of fishing. But, on the other hand, the less you experiment with gear, the more likely it is that the most catchy baits will remain on the shelves of fishing stores.