Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

Many spinners specialize in perch fishing, as this is an interesting and exciting activity. In order for fishing to give its results, you need to know some of the subtleties of hunting for a striped robber.

Spinning choice

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

It is very rare to catch a perch weighing more than 0,5 kg, then the choice of spinning stops at a light and elegant rod.

For catching shallow places, a blank with a test up to 5 g is sufficient, and in some cases, when an increase in the bait load is required, up to 7 g. For such fishing, a rod is enough, no more than 2,1 m long.

Large perch, as a rule, take at great depths, so for such conditions you should choose a rod with a test of up to 10g. Moreover, the rod must be durable and reliable so that you can use various types of postings.

When jig fishing at great depths, it is better to get a spinning rod that has a test of up to 40g.

Bait for perch

Such a predator as perch can be caught on any bait, not large, but among the wide variety there are the most catchy specimens.

The main artificial lures for perch are spinners and spinners. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight models of yellow and white colors, as well as models with a halographic or fluorescent sticker.


Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

A characteristic feature of these spinners is the presence of a rotating petal. In addition, they differ in petal size, loading method and shape. At shallower depths, baubles of size 00-2 should be used, according to the Mepps classification. At great depths (over 2 meters), using stepped wiring, it is better to use specimens of 2-4 sizes. A high-quality spinner will always work flawlessly at the lowest speed of wiring.


Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

Wobblers are considered one of the best baits when hunting a striped predator. Wobblers are selected according to their working depth of immersion. In the spring, when underwater vegetation has not started to grow rapidly, deep-sea models can be used. At the same time, a Christmas tree type wiring is used, when the wobbler dives and rests on the bottom, after which a pause is made so that the wobbler emerges. Bites, as a rule, occur during the lure of the wobbler.

In the summer, surface lures such as poppers and walkers show good results. The wiring of such baits is carried out in jerks. The predator attacks such a bait during a pause.

Silicone lures

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

Such lures are very popular among spinningists, including those who catch perch. They are very effective at any time of the year, especially when using jig wiring. Vibrotails and twisters can be attributed to effective baits. Recently, silicone baits have been produced that imitate a wide variety of insects and small animals, such as grasshoppers, dragonflies, mice, toads, etc. This increases the efficiency of fishing, especially since it is possible to purchase baits of various colors, and very bright ones, which annoys the predator and he will certainly attack them.

Edible silicone baits are very popular among anglers. Such baits are made of silicone, in which flavoring is introduced. Moreover, the flavoring can be different from the aroma of shrimp to the aroma of garlic, etc.

Search for a promising fishing spot

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

Perch is a schooling fish. Smaller individuals form large flocks, and larger ones form flocks of 3-4 large individuals, which, in such a composition, hunt for “little things”.

If you look closely at the surface of the water, you can see how sometimes small fish jump out of the water, escaping from the striped robbers. Their favorite places in the presence of a current are rifts and whirlpools, where they gather in large flocks. Having found such a place, you can count on productive fishing, playing one fish after another.

Large specimens spend more time at depth, and come out to shallower areas early in the morning and evening to hunt. Closer to autumn, the perch begins to move closer to the pits, but further from the shore.

Perch fishing technique

To catch this predator, spinningists use various types of postings. The main types of wiring include uniform, stepped wiring and twitching.

uniform wiring it is used when using various types of baits, such as wobblers, oscillators, turntables and silicones. This type of wiring is used in the spring and summer, when fishing is carried out at shallow depths.

Step wiring it is used when fishing at great depths, starting from a depth of 2-2,5 meters. The wiring consists in stopping the winding after a few turns of the coil handle. At moments of pauses, the bait begins to sink evenly to the bottom. It is very important, experimentally, to choose the right ratio between the pause and the movement of the lure. As for perch fishing, pauses can last from 1 to 8 seconds. As soon as the bait falls to the bottom, you should immediately start winding the line.

Twitching is jerk wiring with the presence of minimal pauses in warm water and pauses lasting up to 10 seconds – in cold water. The twitching technique is directly related to the temperature of the water.

Spring Catching

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

As soon as the wild rose begins to bloom, you can count on a steady biting perch. You should use a comfortable, but fairly stiff rod of the middle or light class. It is possible to use baits with a length of about 3 to 5 cm. During this period, when the water begins to warm up, the perch comes closer to the shore, where it can be caught without using boats. The bait is carried out as close to the bottom as possible, at a depth of about 1 meter. Since the water level in the reservoirs is high in spring, it is possible to flood various kinds of shrubs, where the striped predator is in ambush. Near such places, it is worth throwing baits and guiding them along the flooded plants. It may also be found in densely vegetated bays where it preys on fry. At this time, it can be found near the cliffs, where there is a collapse in depth. The bait should be thrown after the stall, after which it is carried out at the very bottom, sometimes touching the bottom, in order to further interest the predator.

Summer fishing

Catching perch on spinning: spring, summer, autumn. Lures and fishing techniques.

With the onset of summer, when the water warms up well, the perch gathers in flocks of 5-10 individuals and disperses throughout the entire reservoir. Near the shore, as a rule, small specimens are ambushed, but a large perch during this period can only be found with a boat. For catching small perches, you need to use medium-sized turntables and wobblers. Larger lures should be used to catch large specimens. During this period, the wiring of the turntable should be slow, on the verge of stalling the rotation of the lobe. Very often the fish is passive, so you can use a drop-shot rig, as well as soft passive lures. This rig allows the bait to hang in the water column and play under the influence of the current. In addition, this equipment allows you to play the bait for a long time in one place.

Autumn fishing

Somewhere in late August, early September, the period of autumn perch fishing for spinning begins. During this period, the perch begins to peck more actively, which is explained by the onset of cold weather. A large perch moves to a depth, and a smaller one does not mind warming up under the sun. In autumn, it is best to catch perch on a warm sunny day with a slight southerly breeze. At this time, preference should be given to silicone baits in the form of fish or twisters, from 2,5 to 5 cm long. The quality of these lures will be decisive in perch fishing. The tails of fish and twisters should play plausibly at any winding speed, including the minimum ones. In most cases, they use stepped wiring, since they have to fish at a depth, in search of a larger perch. In areas where there is a smaller perch, small wobblers, turntables, oscillators or silicones are used.

Video review – Catching perch on spinning

Catching Perch Spinning in Autumn. Breakdown of silicone.


Any fishing, especially spinning, is an interesting and enjoyable activity, as well as an active form of recreation. Very often, spinningists walk kilometers in search of promising places. Therefore, spinning fishing can be safely attributed to a certain sport, and such fishing cannot be called unsportsmanlike. As a rule, most spinningists specialize in catching certain types of fish: some hunt for pike, others for perch, and still others catch what bites. As for the narrow specialization, here the methods and techniques of fishing, for example, perch, are more accurately practiced. In the arsenal of such a spinning player there is nothing superfluous, and you do not have to carry a suitcase full of lures for all occasions. Moreover, if you hunt for many types of fish, then one spinning rod will not be enough: you need at least two of them.

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