Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

Channel catfish is a common relative of the well-known river giant, which is catfish. The only difference is that the channel catfish does not grow to the same size as river catfish, although it is able to gain weight up to 26 kg with a length of 1,5 meters. Moreover, these are the maximum sizes of fish, and basically, you can catch catfish weighing up to 10 kg. In us, unlike America, channel catfish do not gain such weight, although they have acclimatized, but most likely not completely. Therefore, individuals come across weighing no more than 3 kg, but this suits many anglers. You can’t call him a small fish, and you can’t call him a large one either. The most important thing is that playing such individuals is not accompanied by any problems, and the requirements for tackle are not so critical.

Channel catfish, originally from Canada, and artificially this fish began to be bred in America, back in the middle of the past millennium. In ours, it is also found in our reservoirs, almost in all CIS countries. The fish has delicious meat, which attracts anglers. In addition, the process of catching it is quite interesting and exciting. Unfortunately, the channel catfish does not live everywhere and it is necessary to look for it, going hundreds of kilometers from the city. At present, this problem has begun to be solved on paid reservoirs, artificially breeding many interesting species of fish, such as carp, tench, sturgeon, including channel catfish. Similar reservoirs are available almost near any city, being in a suburban area. Therefore, traveling hundreds of kilometers to fish, for example, trout or channel catfish, simply does not make sense. In addition, fishing on a paid reservoir can be much cheaper if you accurately calculate all the costs.

Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

Channel catfish have very tasty meat that just melts in your mouth. Whoever has not tried it, be sure to try it by going to a paid pond.

What to catch channel catfish

Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

Before you go fishing, you need to decide what to fish for, such as channel catfish. As a rule, this type of fish is caught on the same bait as its relative, river catfish. The only difference is that the channel catfish is smaller.

The following baits can be used to catch channel catfish:

  • nerve;
  • pieces of fish;
  • pieces of meat;
  • worm;
  • grasshoppers;
  • locust;
  • large caterpillars;
  • frogs;
  • insect larvae.

Live bait is not a bad bait. And it can be caught on the same reservoir. In this case, a fishing line is used, 0,3 mm thick, no more, equipped with a single or double hook No. 8-10. It makes no sense to use a metal leash, since the catfish is not able to bite the line, and the live bait will not be able to play believable. Not bad results can be obtained if you use crawling. It is one of the favorite dishes of channel catfish, therefore, it is advisable to start fishing with this bait.

When catching channel catfish, it makes sense to experiment with baits. It can also peck at baits of plant origin, such as barley or corn. Unfortunately, this is an accident rather than a regularity, since the catfish is, first of all, a predator that will always prefer animal bait.

Channel catfish can be caught with various gear, such as a float rod, feeder or spinning rod. Equipment is selected depending on the size of this fish, which is found in this reservoir. As a rule, a hook of more than 10 numbers is not needed.

Where and when to catch channel catfish

Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

The channel catfish was brought to us from America, where it is considered the most numerous fish, from the catfish family. Starting in 1972, it began to be bred in the Kuban, after which it ended up in the river system of the Don and Kuban. It successfully took root in reservoirs that are connected with the warm water of the GRES and CHPP. Here its largest population is noted. Catfish are bred artificially in many ponds with warm water. Able to survive slight frosts if the reservoir has the appropriate depth. Prefers to be at depths of 1 to 1,5 meters. If the reservoir is covered with ice, then it needs depths of at least 3 meters. That’s the only way he can survive. After all, the deeper, especially in winter, the more stable the water temperature.

Channel catfish chooses backwaters overgrown with vegetation, namely reeds. Here is his feed table. Therefore, throwing baits into this area, you can hope for his bites. This fish can be caught at any time of the day. Despite this, the bite will have to wait a long time. It likes to rest in its burrows and only comes out to search for food. It is because of this that you have to wait a long time until the catfish goes for a walk. If this happens, then he is able to feel the bait at a great distance. Therefore, fishing for channel catfish is a complete expectation.

Channel catfish spawning

Catching channel catfish, tackle and bait, where and when to catch

The spawning process of this interesting fish cannot be ignored. The uniqueness lies in the fact that this is one of those rare species of fish that protect their offspring.

The beginning of spawning begins with the most real mating battles, in which males enter. Moreover, the fights are so active that they lead to bad outcomes and even death. The fact is that males can inflict serious wounds on their opponents, as a result of which an infection gets into them, which leads to the death of the individual. After the fights, the males choose their females and go to the place where the eggs will be laid. Spawning is carried out at a temperature of +25°С-+28°С.

The male prepares the nest on his own, making a deepening and freeing the place from silt and debris. If the female is not ready to spawn, then he can drive her out of her nest. The spawning process lasts from 4 to 12 hours. The female lays her eggs in layers, and the male fertilizes her layer by layer. After the female sweeps away the eggs, the male drives her away from the nest and does not let her in to the offspring anymore. He not only guards the laying of eggs, he constantly works with fins to attract fresh water to the eggs. Moreover, he regularly shakes it, as it were, so that fresh water can flow to all the eggs.

After the appearance of small catfish, the behavior of the male also changes. Now he does not work roughly and does not shake the masonry, but makes very subtle movements with his fins to provide the fry with fresh water again. After 2-3 days, the fry begin to leave their nest.

It seems to be nothing remarkable, but how interesting this fish is. In America, about 8 million anglers are engaged in fishing for channel catfish.

Video “Channel catfish on the feeder”

Channel catfish on the feeder near Kyiv

Video “Catching channel catfish on the dough”

Catching channel catfish on the dough

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