Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

The weight of this fish can reach more than 20 kg, with a length of more than 1 meter. Carp belongs to the carp family. His lifespan is over 30 years. The carp spends an active lifestyle in the first 7-8 years, after which the carp becomes less mobile. This is a powerful fish that has become an object for fantastic stories, in addition, the carp will certainly break any network. The methods of catching carp are similar to the way of catching carp, as it is its wild relative.

Seasonal Fishing GuideCatching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

Immediately, as soon as spring is on the threshold and the fish begins to wake up, the carp begins to peck. The bite increases as the water warms up, and turns into a pre-spawning zhor. Accumulating near the places of permanent spawning, it feeds on both animal and plant foods. During this period, fishing is always productive, and you can catch a fairly large specimen.

In the post-spawning period, the biting of carp is significantly reduced and it can be caught only after prolonged feeding.

As winter approaches, when the water temperature begins to drop, the carp begin to peck again to stock up on nutrients.

Fish features

Carp habitats

Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

His favorite places are large rivers and reservoirs with a weak current or places where there is no current. Usually, it keeps in the bays, where there is something to profit from, and also inhabits lakes and ponds. Before the appearance of the first ice, it climbs into deep holes, where it stays until spring. This is a bottom fish and it feeds at the bottom, but you can see it jumping out of the water great.


Upon reaching 4-6 years of life, the carp is ready for reproduction. As soon as the water warms up to +18-20°C, the females begin to spawn, while they are accompanied by males who jump out of the water with noise. For spawning, they choose not deep places (from 0,5 to 1 m), overgrown with soft aquatic vegetation. Large individuals lay eggs in 2-3 doses, for 10-15 days. Young carp lay eggs much faster.

What does carp eat

Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

In the spring, as well as at the beginning of summer, young shoots of plants such as sedge, reeds, water lilies, pondweed, etc. enter the diet of carp. At the same time, he does not refuse caviar of other types of fish and frogs. At the height of summer, elements of animal food such as insects, worms, leeches, barley, moulting crayfish, snails, etc. are added to the previous diet. Closer to autumn, this fish switches to animal food, eating various representatives of invertebrates and insects.

Finding a place to fish

Carp can be located not far from deep holes, as well as in places where there are significant periods of depth, and nearby (300-400m) areas overgrown with algae where fish feed. He hides in snags or logging sites, while the depths in these places should be at the level of 3 meters.

On the current, the carp prefers places where there are reverse currents or currents, but rather weak, but there should be areas with thickets of aquatic vegetation nearby.Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

Lures for carp

In early spring, when the carp emerges from its winter state, it can be offered baits from worms, creeps, leeches or boilies with a smell, various representatives of the underwater world. In summer, he prefers baits made from wheat and corn, dough, steamed peas, barley or maggot. In the autumn period, it is better to put a worm, cancer meat, maggot, barley shell on the hook.

Bait for carp

To catch a carp, you need to teach him to feed in a certain place. To do this, you need to feed the carp for 3-4 days after sunset. This must be done during fishing, constantly throwing food. As bait, you can use steamed grains, various cereals, boiled potatoes, cake, worms and shells in chopped form.

Fishing methods

Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

Feeder tackle

The use of such gear allows you to accurately bait a fishing point located at a certain distance from the coast.

Carp fishing methods

They allow you to catch fairly large specimens of fish, including carp.

Non-sport fishing tackle

They do not allow you to react sensitively to a bite, and the technology is designed for the self-hooking of fish. With this method of fishing, the fish itself, absolutely by chance, falls on the hook. Such tackles include: a nipple, a spring, a crown, a bottom fishing rod with a spinning rod.

Jig fishing with silicone

Catching carp: tackle for carp, how to catch carp, bait

It should be noted right away that baits can be made of ordinary silicone or edible. If you use edible silicone, then the effectiveness of fishing increases significantly. With silicone baits, you can catch not only predatory, but also peaceful fish, including carp, the main thing is to choose the right bait.

In conclusion, I would like to say that carp is a very strong fish and the choice of gear should be approached very prudently. If carp is found in the pond, then the tackle should obviously be selected powerful enough, otherwise, when biting a large specimen with a rod and everything that was tied, you will have to say goodbye. No wonder there are such legends about this fish.

When hunting carp, you should choose powerful feeder rods that can cast the bait over long distances. The rest of the tackle, such as fishing line and reel, should be just as powerful. It is better to choose a braided line, as it has a greater tensile strength, with the same thickness. This is a very important indicator, since thin line is easier to cast over long distances.

When choosing a reel, it is better to take a reel made of metal, and even better to opt for a multiplier reel, which is mounted specifically for playing large specimens of fish.

Fishing is one of the most interesting types of recreation, especially if this fishing is dynamic. This type of fishing is always a sport. First of all, it is health and a lot of positive emotions. It makes it possible to disconnect from everyday problems that weigh heavily on a person as a heavy psychological burden.

Catching carp – training video

Educational video “Catching carp in Astrakhan”

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