Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

Carp – the fish is special and deserves some attention, as well as interest from anglers. Carp is a wild carp that can eat 300-500g of bait and gain weight by at least 100g. As already mentioned, carp is from the carp family, like crucian carp, and tench, and bream, and ide. In general, the Cyprinidae family has more than 2000 species, and carp is the most difficult species to catch.

Anglers have noticed that this fish is attracted by sunflower, or rather, sunflower cake or, as it is also called, makuha. This article will discuss the techniques for catching carp on cake, as well as what gear is needed for this.

Required gear

Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

First you need to figure out what cake is and how it can be used for fishing. Makukha (cake) – these are the remains from the processing of sunflower, as a result of which, the output is sunflower oil and pressed cake, since the oil is squeezed out of the seeds under pressure.

The effectiveness of fishing depends on the quality of the fly. In fishing shops, you can buy ready-made briquettes intended for fishing and in which additional ingredients such as peas, vanilla, soybeans, honey, etc. can be added. Specially prepared briquettes can stay in water for a long time, which cannot be said about briquettes obtained from pressed cake, although you can always try.

The tackle is very simple, and is made independently, especially since you will not find it in fishing stores.

To make it, you need to stock up:

  1. A strong rod, preferably a feeder one, with a test of up to 150 g and a length of 3 to 4 meters.
  2. Inertialess reel size 3500-4000 with friction brake.
  3. Monofilament fishing line with a diameter of 0,45 mm and a length of about 100 m.
  4. A special-shaped sinker (dovetail, etc.), no less than 3×3 cm in size.
  5. Leads made of braided fishing line, no more than 7 cm long and 0,35 mm thick.
  6. Hooks for carp №6..№8.

Do-it-yourself tooling (crown)

Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

Two types of installations are possible:

  • With sliding weight.
  • I turn a deaf ear.

If it fits sliding weight rig, then the shape and its weight are of no fundamental importance. The sinker is mounted on the main line, and its course is regulated by the presence of two stoppers located behind and in front of the sinker. As a stopper, it is better to use purchased rubber products, but ordinary beads can also be used. The bait, in the form of a cube, can be fixed with a loop formed on the fishing line, and so that the fishing line does not slip, cuts are made in the center of the cube, about 5 mm deep. Leashes are attached to the same loop or in a different way. It all depends on the method of attaching the sinker and the cake briquette.

If the load is fastened deep, that is, motionless, then it must have a special shape (flat or dovetail). When attaching a briquette, it usually fits snugly against the sinker. To attach the cake, a hole is drilled in the center of the cube, through which the bait is fastened. Leads are attached to the end of the main line with a carabiner and a swivel.

Grandfather’s tackle makushatnik

The choice of promising places for fishing

Seasonality of fishing

You can use such tackle to catch carp at any time of the year, except for winter. They start hunting for him in early spring, when the water begins to warm up to + 10-15 ° С. It is under such conditions that the carp begins to search for food, leaving the wintering pits. From this moment, carp begins to be interested in makuha.

Active carp begins to peck at the beginning of June, continues its activity in August and September. During warm periods, he actively seeks food for himself, but on hot days he is active early in the morning and late in the evening. After the water temperature drops below +12°C, fishing for carp ends.

Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

Search for a promising place

In the summer, when the water is well warmed up, the carp walks along its paths in search of food. On the way of its route, there may be shallow water or thickets of aquatic vegetation, while the carp loves silence. In the daytime, carp can be at a depth or in snags. If the reservoir is not known, then you can use an echo sounder or a marker float to study the bottom topography. Promising places will be edges, as well as descents to the pits. The boundaries of clear water and aquatic vegetation may be effective places, but the carp feels more secure when it is at a depth.

Fishing technique

Catching carp on cake (makukha): tackle and fishing technique

Before you start fishing, it will not be superfluous adjust friction brake. Having thrown the tackle, it is better to loosen the friction brake, since the bites of the carp are quite powerful. After casting, the crown starts to work in half an hour, and the alluring smell of sunflower begins to attract carp. Having discovered his delicacy, the carp begins to taste it. The results of this action will serve as a slight twitching of the rod tip. In this case, do not rush to make a cut.

After some time, the carp can thoroughly take the bait and pull it. As soon as the brake works and the line starts to unwind, you can judge that the fish is almost on the hook. In this case, you need to press the brake and make a sweep. Although under the influence of the weight of the sinker and the crown, it can self-lock.

The fish is landed slowly, making full use of the flexibility of the rod and the work of the friction brake.

So that the carp does not spoil the mood, it needs to be washed out a little, and only when it gets tired, you can safely take it, using a special landing net for this. Given the fact that carp is a strong fish, it is better to use a strong fishing line and a reliable reel, and set the brake to maximum effort. In this case, it will be easier to deal with a trophy specimen.

Catchable tackle for SAZAN. Makushatnik.


To really catch a carp on a cake (cake), you should use the following recommendations:

  1. Gear must be prepared in advance, before fishing.
  2. In the absence of cake in a fishing store, you can make briquettes yourself.
  3. Care must be taken to ensure that the “crown” falls into the same place.
  4. For greater effectiveness, you need to try to find a suitable place.
  5. Do not rush to play this strong fish, but follow certain recommendations.

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