Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

You can catch carp on various nozzles, including boilies, which appeared recently and are widely used by anglers. What is a boilie? This is a kind of “dumpling” or “dumplings» for fish, having a hard outer crust and an inner, very tasty filling.

The advantages of boilies are that they allow you to catch exactly the fish that interests the angler and not a “trifle”, but rather large specimens. Small and not strong fish simply will not be able to bite through it, so such a fish simply ignores boilies. The hard outer shell allows the boilie to stay in the water for a long time without swelling prematurely.

After the boilies appeared and began to be used, the anglers immediately “bited through” their internal composition and learned how to make them on their own. Most likely, this is due to their high cost. Therefore, you can use both purchased and home-made ones, especially since they practically do not differ in quality from purchased ones. But in order to use boilies, you need some equipment.

Equipment for fishing on boilies

When using boilies for carp fishing, certain types of equipment are used:

  • Paternoster refers to the simplest feeder equipment. This type of rig is also used for carp fishing.

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

  • Tooling type “method”. The basis of such equipment is a sinker-feeder, called the “method”, which is equipped with a mold for fixing bait on the feeder. Once in the water, the food gradually soaks and is distributed around the feeder. Before this, boilies with a hook are hidden in the feed. After soaking, boilies with a hook are exposed, and become available to fish.

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

  • Popup has similarities with the “method”, but differs in the presence of a lead pellet, fixed not far from the hook, and a foam ball is put on the hook. The pellet can move along the leash, thereby adjusting the height of the hook ascent. Many types of fish cannot take the bait from the bottom, so it must be raised.

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

  • The use of PVA bags. Bait or boilies are placed in such bags, and when the PVA bag gets into the water, it dissolves, creating a fodder spot.

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

Hair mounting – a way to attach boilies to a hook

This method of attaching boilies is very effective. With this installation, the hook is always open, and the boilies are attached in the immediate vicinity of the hook, on the “hair”. The fish sucks in food, as well as boilies along with the hook.

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

Installation is carried out in this way:

  • A hook is attached to the leash and 4 cm is measured from it.
  • At this distance, a loop is formed for fastening.
  • A tube is put on the shank of the hook and a “hair” is passed through this tube. It should come out of the tube on the opposite side of the tip of the hook.
  • Boyle is put on the “hair” and fastened, using a retainer and a loop.
  • The tool is ready for use.

Recipes for cooking boilies for catching carp

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

Boilies are ready-made, which can be purchased in stores for anglers, and boilies are homemade.

  1. To understand the technology of making boilies for clarity, you can describe one simple recipe.
  2. An equal amount of bird food or corn or semolina is taken and ground in a coffee grinder.
  3. These components should make up about 45% of the total mass of all ingredients.
  4. To these 45% is added the same amount of soy flour.
  5. Bone or fishmeal makes up about 5% of the total mass of all components.
  6. At the rate of 10 ml per 1 kg of the mixture, unrefined sunflower oil is added to the main composition.
  7. As a flavoring agent, 5 teaspoons of garlic, cumin and cinnamon are introduced into the composition.
  8. All the ingredients are selected, it remains to count only the number of raw eggs.
  9. Based on the recipe, one raw egg will go to 100 g of the main mixture.
  10. After counting, the raw egg is beaten into the dry mixture, from which the dough is molded.
  11. After that, balls are formed from the dough and boiled in boiling water.

Boilies will be ready after they float to the surface. After that, they need to be sent to dry. They can dry out for several days.

It is possible to use other recipes

Recipe No.1

  • The fourth part of semolina is taken.
  • Soy flour makes up one fifth of the total mass.
  • Corn flour is about 15%.
  • One tenth is casein.
  • Ground hemp – 10%.
  • Ground peas – 10%.
  • 10% – dry milk.

Recipe No.2

  • The crushed bird food makes up 40% of the total mass.
  • Soy flour – about 30%.
  • 10% – ground peanuts.
  • Wheat flour – 10%.
  • 10% – starch.

Various flavors can be added to the main mixtures, with the smell of pear, banana, apple, etc. Such chemistry can be purchased in the confectionery departments of grocery stores. You can also buy food coloring in the same departments. The smell of fish can be obtained by grinding shrimp or crab shells.

A very interesting type of carp fishing is the use of PVA bags. This type of fishing has appeared quite recently and deserves attention.

Buying boilies in the store

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

Naturally, boilies sold in stores are more attractive than homemade ones. As an option, you can offer boilies of the following companies:

  • The Richworth brand offers excellent boilies, as well as a special needle that helps to pierce the boilies and attach them to the rig.
  • The Main Line company offers baits – boilies with various flavors. In addition, the company offers various types of boilies, such as sinking and floating, crumbling and creating an attractive cloud. All of these baits can be purchased online.

When purchasing boilies, you should ask experienced fishermen what kind of boilies are “running” in the area. To make boilies yourself, you need to buy them and only then you can decide on the technology of their self-production.

Using PVA bags when fishing with boilies

Catching carp on boilies: cooking recipes, fishing techniques

It can be considered some achievement in catching fish, including carp, the appearance of PVA bags. In this case, the hook with the bait is placed in such a bag, after which the bait is poured into it. This package, getting into the water, begins to gradually dissolve and, as a result, at the bottom, there is a fodder spot along with a hook and bait. They can be used in two versions: floating and submersible.

  • Floating PVA bag it is filled with all the necessary components, as well as air, which is why it is on the surface of the water. This is done with the aim that after dissolution, when the bait and the bait are left without a bag, the bait slowly sinks to the bottom, leaving behind a feed trail, which additionally lures the fish.
  • Submersible Package operates somewhat differently. The package contains bait with bait, as well as a sinker. The sinker helps to quickly get the package to the bottom. As a result of this, all the bait after dissolving the package will remain in one place, creating a fodder spot.

Catching carp on boilies. Super fishing, great catch!

Catching any fish without special training is not so easy, especially carp. But if you experiment with bait, if you try to use boilies, and also properly equip the fishing rod, then success will certainly come, although a long and thorny path leads to success, both successes and failures.

In order to have a result, you definitely need to give preference to boilies from companies such as Richworth, Main Line or PVA bags from well-known manufacturers. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the result will not be long in coming. It should always be remembered that carp is a strong fish, which means that tackle must be strong and reliable. It is impossible to allow the carp to break the rod or disable the reel, and even more so – to break the fishing line. When choosing a rod and reel, you should definitely give preference to branded products, despite the fact that they are more expensive. In this case, the savings can be costly.

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