Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnow

Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnow

Gudgeon – the fish is small, but tasty and is an excellent bait when catching predatory fish, such as pike, asp or pike perch. Therefore, it is quite popular among fishermen.

Where to catch gudgeon

This inhabitant of the underwater world prefers reservoirs with a sandy bottom and clean cool water. More leads a benthic lifestyle, appearing at the surface of a reservoir very rarely, sometimes as a result of a predator hunting for it. In addition, it leads a flock of life, in which you can find individuals of various ages.

In summer, it inhabits river rifts or shallows, as well as well-heated pits. More prefers sandy or pebbly bottom surfaces. Before the onset of a cold snap, it moves into pits to a great depth, where it stays there until the ice melts.

It can also be found in lakes with clear water and large algae beds. Their favorite place in such algae is windows of clear water among such thickets.

Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnow

When to Catch a Minnow

The minnow shows its main activity in the daytime, being in more illuminated places with a clean pebble and sandy bottom. The shape of their body allows them to move quickly in the water, but they do not differ in excessive activity and move slowly and measuredly near the bottom, if nothing threatens them.

They feed in places where there are silty or sand deposits. It is in such areas that their living creatures hide, regardless of the season and time of day.

The minnow settles in its territory and tries to stick to it without making large migrations, if, of course, there is enough food for it in this place.

The minnow is caught throughout the season, starting from the moment the ice leaves the reservoir and ending with the moment when the first ice appears on the reservoir. He bites most actively in early spring, when he comes out hungry from wintering. If during this period you get on a flock, then you can catch the whole flock.

In summer, he prefers to hunt for bait early in the morning or late in the evening, when the heat of the day subsides. At night, the minnow is at the very bottom and does not show any activity.

The minnow winters at great depths, where it can be caught, or in dense thickets of aquatic vegetation. Since the minnow loves clean water, the peak of its activity falls at the time of clarification of spring waters.

What to catch gudgeon

Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnowDepending on the fishing conditions, the type of bait is also selected, but the main bait for catching it is the worm. At the same time, he actively pecks, both on the whole worm and on its pieces. When fishing in the river, on the current, it is enough to plant a small piece of the worm and the bite will be provided. In areas where there is no current, it is better to catch a whole worm or half. At the same time, the minnow does not refuse bloodworms, which are put on a hook for 2-3 pieces, prying it below the head. He takes such a nozzle best closer to autumn. At this time, many fishermen prefer bait of animal origin. Closer to autumn, he more effectively takes on a small worm: at a depth you should catch a whole worm, and in the shallows – on its halves. At the same time, he bites better on a dung worm. Most likely this is due to the fact that the dung worm, unlike the earth worm, is smaller, but at the same time, it behaves more actively on the hook.

He is reluctant to take maggot and bait of plant origin, as well as ant eggs. As a rule, the gudgeon is caught on the worm all year round and this indicates that this is his favorite bait.

At the height of summer, when it is hot outside, the gudgeon is not averse to trying barley or wheat. Active biting minnow observed in the morning and evening.

Methods for catching minnow

There is no doubt that the gudgeon is caught on a lead and float rod. But the decisive factor is the bait, which allows you to achieve the best results. In winter, minnows are caught on a mormyshka or a float rod.

Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnow

Catching a minnow in a wad

If you slightly disturb the soil at the bottom of the reservoir, then the minnow will not have to wait long – it will be right there, in the place of the raised turbidity. Many fishermen take advantage of such curiosity of such a minnow and catch it in a waddle. The basis of this method is such a trick: the fisherman enters the water, in a place where the minnow is promising, and begins to raise the dregs with his feet. Since minnows do not like muddy water, and muddy still attracts him, he simply rises closer to the surface, where there is cleaner water.

Catching minnow in wiring

To do this, you can use the lightest fishing rod with the smallest hook and an elementary float. Also, it is possible to use a half-bastard fishing rod, with a small sinker, selected experimentally. Both fishing rods are caught in the wiring. Since the minnow stays at the very bottom, the depth is set in such a way that the bait passes at the very bottom or is slightly dragged along the bottom. If the bait reaches the bottom and raises turbidity from the bottom when moving, then fishing will be more effective. As soon as the float begins to sink slightly or stop, then you need to respond immediately with a soft hook. In order to attract the gudgeon to the place of fishing, you can slightly raise the silt from the bottom with some object.

Catching a minnow with a self-dipping float

This method of catching minnow is applicable at shallow depths and in the presence of a fast current. To do this, the worm is mounted on the hook, and the fishing rod sinks to the bottom. Since the depth is shallow and you can visually observe the position of the bait. The bait should drag along the bottom and raise a cloud of turbidity. At these moments, the minnow behaves very actively in relation to the bait. You can tie not one, but two hooks to the main fishing line. The distance between them should not exceed 5-10 cm.

During the bite, you need to make a soft cut so as not to tear the gudgeon’s lip.

Features of catching minnow

Catching a minnow with a float rod, how to catch a minnowAs mentioned above, the gudgeon is best taken in the morning and evening hours, but it can be more active after rains, when a large amount of muddy water begins to flow into rivers and lakes. At this time, the minnow behaves especially actively, since bugs, crustaceans, worms and other food get into the reservoirs with muddy water.

Minnow is a diurnal fish and is active during this period. The most successful fishing is observed from early morning until about 10 am, after which the bite noticeably weakens, and sometimes stops altogether.

The main conditions for active biting are the presence of turbidity raised from the bottom. To activate the bite, it is enough to create such a haze artificially.

As an option, you can offer a trap for minnow (or other small fish), given the fact that any predatory fish does not mind minnow and can be successfully used as live bait. For this, a 5-liter plastic bottle, for example, from sunflower oil, is suitable. A kind of top is made from this bottle, but only in small sizes. Making such a trap comes down to elementary steps. First you need to cut off the bottle in the place where it begins to narrow and go into the neck. Then the cut off part should be inserted into the bottle with the neck inside and securely fixed with wire. In order for the trap to easily sink to the bottom of the reservoir, many holes must be made in it, up to 10 mm in diameter. The device is ready, but you can add weight to the trap and provide it with a rope. To make it more attractive to fish, you can put cakes or bread crusts inside. Now it only remains to throw it into the pond.

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Fishing without show-offs. Gudgeon. Catching a gudgeon in the summer.Gudgeon

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